/* Name: AGM_Drag_fnc_makeUndraggable Author(s): L-H Description: Makes an object undraggable. Also reverses the effects of a AGM_Drag_fnc_makeDraggable call. Parameters: 0: OBJECT - Object (static weapon, crate, etc.) Returns: Nothing Example: // Remove drag functionality from an object [StaticWeapon2] call AGM_Drag_fnc_makeUndraggable; */ private ["_object", "_id"]; _object = (_this select 0); if (_object getVariable ["AGM_inUse", false]) then { private "_parentObject"; _parentObject = attachedTo _object; if (!isNull _parentObject AND {_parentObject call AGM_Drag_fnc_isDraggingObject}) then { _parentObject call AGM_Drag_fnc_releaseObject; } else { _object setVariable ["AGM_isUsedBy", objNull, true]; }; }; _object setVariable ["AGM_disableDrag", true, true]; _id = _object getVariable "AGM_dragActionID"; if (!(isNil "_id") OR {_id != -1}) then { _object setVariable ["AGM_dragActionID", -1, true]; [_object, _id] call AGM_Interaction_fnc_removeInteraction; };