/* * Author: Garth 'L-H' de Wet * Initialises the player object for the explosive system. * * Arguments: * None * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * None * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" if !(hasInterface) exitWith {}; GVAR(PlacedCount) = 0; GVAR(Setup) = objNull; GVAR(pfeh_running) = false; [{(_this select 0) call FUNC(handleScrollWheel);}] call EFUNC(Common,addScrollWheelEventHandler); player addEventHandler ["Killed", { private "_deadman"; call FUNC(place_Cancel); _deadman = [(_this select 0), "DeadManSwitch"] call FUNC(getPlacedExplosives); { [(_this select 0), -1, _x, true] call FUNC(detonateExplosive); } count _deadman; }]; player addEventHandler ["Take", { private ["_item", "_getter", "_giver", "_config"]; _item = _this select 2; _getter = _this select 0; _giver = _this select 1; _config = ConfigFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _item; if (isClass _config && {getNumber(_config >> "ACE_Detonator") == 1}) then { private ["_clackerItems"]; _clackerItems = _giver getVariable [QGVAR(Clackers), []]; _getter SetVariable [QGVAR(Clackers), (_getter getVariable [QGVAR(Clackers), []]) + _clackerItems, true]; _detonators = [_giver] call FUNC(getDetonators); if (count _detonators == 0) then { _giver setVariable [QGVAR(Clackers), nil, true]; }; }; }]; player addEventHandler ["Put", { private ["_item", "_getter", "_giver", "_config"]; _item = _this select 2; _getter = _this select 1; _giver = _this select 0; _config = ConfigFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _item; if (isClass _config && {getNumber(_config >> "ACE_Detonator") == 1}) then { private ["_clackerItems"]; _clackerItems = _giver getVariable [QGVAR(Clackers), []]; _getter SetVariable [QGVAR(Clackers), (_getter getVariable [QGVAR(Clackers), []]) + _clackerItems, true]; _detonators = [_giver] call FUNC(getDetonators); if (count _detonators == 0) then { _giver setVariable [QGVAR(Clackers), nil, true]; }; }; }];