/* * Author: SilentSpike * Check if a unit is suitable to spectate * * Arguments: * 0: Unit to check <Object> * * Return Value: * Unit is suitable <BOOL> * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" _unit = _this select 0; (simulationEnabled _unit) && // Simulation enabled //{!isObjectHidden _unit} && // Not hidden (currently dev branch only) {!(_unit getVariable [QGVAR(isSpectator), false])} && // Who watches the watchmen? {(GVAR(AI) || (isPlayer _unit))} && // Only allow AI when setting is enabled {!GVAR(limitSide) || (([_unit] call FUNC(unitSide)) == GVAR(cachedSide))} // Only allow units of same side when setting is enabled