#include "..\script_component.hpp"
 * Author: Lambda.Tiger
 * This function initialize projectile tracking of a round so that it's path
 * can be drawn in debug mode. It may optionally include hit / explode /
 * deflected event handlers that spawn color coded spheres on each event,
 * green / red / blue, respectively.
 * Arguments:
 * 0: Projectile to be tracked <OBJECT>
 * 1: Add projectile hit/explode/defelceted event handlers <BOOL> (default: true)
 * 2: Should the round track be blue. True results in blue traces, false in red <BOOL> (default: true)
 * Return Value:
 * Nothing Useful
 * Example:
 * [_projectile, false, false] call ace_frag_dev_addRound
 * Public: No

params [
    ["_addProjectileEventHandlers", true],
    ["_isTraceBlue", true]

if (_isTraceBlue) then {
    GVAR(dev_trackLines) set [getObjectID _projectile, [[getPosATL _projectile], [0, 0, 1, 1]]];
} else {
    GVAR(dev_trackLines) set [getObjectID _projectile, [[getPosATL _projectile], [1, 0, 0, 1]]];

// event handler to track round and cleanup when round is "dead"
        if (isGamePaused || accTime == 0) exitWith {};
        params ["_projectile", "_handle"];

        if (!alive _projectile) exitWith {
            _handle call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;

        private _projectileArray = GVAR(dev_trackLines) get (getObjectID _projectile);

        if (isNil "_projectileArray") exitWith {
            _handle call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler;

        (_projectileArray#0) pushBack getPosATL _projectile;
] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;

if (!_addProjectileEventHandlers) exitWith {};

_projectile addEventHandler [
        params ["_projectile", "", "", "_posASL"];
        private _posArr = (GVAR(dev_trackLines) get (getObjectID _projectile))#0;
        _posArr pushBack ASLtoATL _posASL;
        if (GVAR(dbgSphere)) then {
            [_posASL, "green"] call FUNC(dev_sphereDraw);

_projectile addEventHandler [
        params ["_projectile", "_posASL"];
        private _posArr = (GVAR(dev_trackLines) get (getObjectID _projectile))#0;
        _posArr pushBack ASLtoATL _posASL;
        if (GVAR(dbgSphere)) then {
            [_posASL, "red"] call FUNC(dev_sphereDraw);

_projectile addEventHandler [
        params ["_projectile", "_posASL"];
        private _posArr = (GVAR(dev_trackLines) get (getObjectID _projectile))#0;
        _posArr pushBack ASLtoATL _posASL;
        if (GVAR(dbgSphere)) then {
            [_posASL, "blue"] call FUNC(dev_sphereDraw);