#include "script_component.hpp" /* * Author: 10Dozen * Handles indication of the fractures, applied tourniquets and splints over Stance indicator. * Draws an icon if there is at least 1 fracture/splint/tourniquet applied. * * Arguments: * 0: Flag to drop all indicators (optional) * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [false] call ace_medical_feedback_fnc_handleHUDIndicators * * Public: No */ params [["_dropAllIndicators", false]]; private _indicatorSlots = [ uiNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(stateIndicator1), controlNull], uiNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(stateIndicator2), controlNull], uiNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(stateIndicator3), controlNull] ]; // --- Removes any indication and exit if (_dropAllIndicators) exitWith { { _x ctrlSetText ""; } forEach _indicatorSlots; }; // --- Tourniquets private _hasTourniquets = GET_TOURNIQUETS(ACE_player) findIf {_x > 0} > -1; private _tourniquetIcon = ["", ICON_TOURNIQUET_PATH] select _hasTourniquets; // --- Fractures and Splints private _fractureSettings = EGVAR(medical,fractures); private _fractureIcon = ""; private _splintIcon = ""; if (_fractureSettings > 0) then { // --- Fractures enabled: check for fracture indication private _hasFractures = GET_FRACTURES(ACE_player) findIf {_x > 0} > -1; _fractureIcon = ["", ICON_FRACTURE_PATH] select _hasFractures; if (_fractureSettings > 1) then { // --- Fractures can not be fully healed: check for splint indication private _hasSplints = GET_FRACTURES(ACE_player) findIf {_x == -1} > -1; _splintIcon = ["", ICON_SPLINT_PATH] select _hasSplints; }; }; // --- Get prioritized list of icons to apply private _icons = [ _fractureIcon, _tourniquetIcon, _splintIcon ] select {_x isNotEqualTo ""}; // --- Apply icons to indicator slots, if no icon for slot - remove slot's text { _x ctrlSetText (_icons param [_forEachIndex, ""]); } forEach _indicatorSlots;