// by Falke, commy2 #include "script_component.hpp" GVAR(windHead) = 0; GVAR(wheelState) = 1; [{ // exit loop if (!GVAR(isKestrel) || {!("ACE_Kestrel" in items ACE_player)}) exitWith { call FUNC(closeKestrel); [_this select 1] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler; }; // get controls private ["_dlgKestrel", "_ctrlKestrel1", "_ctrlKestrelWheel", "_ctrlKestrel2", "_ctrlHUD1", "_ctrlHUD2", "_ctrlHUD3", "_ctrlHUD4"]; disableSerialization; _dlgKestrel = _this select 0; _ctrlKestrel1 = _dlgKestrel displayCtrl 1; _ctrlKestrel2 = _dlgKestrel displayCtrl 2; _ctrlKestrelWheel = _dlgKestrel displayCtrl 3; _ctrlHUD1 = _dlgKestrel displayCtrl 11; _ctrlHUD2 = _dlgKestrel displayCtrl 12; _ctrlHUD3 = _dlgKestrel displayCtrl 13; _ctrlHUD4 = _dlgKestrel displayCtrl 14; // don't show the kestrel in gunner view private "_show"; _show = cameraView != "GUNNER"; _ctrlKestrel1 ctrlShow _show; _ctrlKestrel2 ctrlShow _show; _ctrlKestrelWheel ctrlShow _show; _ctrlHUD1 ctrlShow _show; _ctrlHUD2 ctrlShow _show; _ctrlHUD3 ctrlShow _show; _ctrlHUD4 ctrlShow _show; if !(_show) exitWith {}; // handle shown values private ["_position", "_directon", "_windC", "_windD", "_windR", "_windB", "_windA"]; _position = eyePos ACE_player; _directon = direction ACE_player; _windC = sqrt ((wind select 0) ^ 2 + (wind select 1) ^ 2); _windD = (wind select 0) atan2 (wind select 1); _windR = _directon - _windD; if (_windR < 0) then { _windR = _windR + 360; }; _windB = _windC * sin _windR; _windA = sqrt (_windC ^ 2 - _windB ^ 2); if (_windR < 90) then { _windA = _windA - 2 * _windA; }; if (_windR > 270) then { _windA = _windA - 2 * _windA; }; // in building _intersects = 0; if (lineIntersects [_position, _position vectorAdd [0, 0, 15]]) then {_intersects = _intersects + 1}; if (lineIntersects [_position, _position vectorAdd [- 15 * sin windDir, - 15 * cos windDir, 0]]) then {_intersects = _intersects + 1}; if (lineIntersects [_position, _position vectorAdd [- 15 * sin (windDir - 90), - 15 * cos (windDir - 90), 0]]) then {_intersects = _intersects + 1}; if (lineIntersects [_position, _position vectorAdd [- 15 * sin (windDir + 90), - 15 * cos (windDir + 90), 0]]) then {_intersects = _intersects + 1}; if (lineIntersects [_position, _position vectorAdd [- 15 * sin (windDir + 180), - 15 * cos (windDir + 180), 0]]) then {_intersects = _intersects + 1}; if (_intersects > 3) then { _windA = 99.99; _windB = 99.99; }; // in wind direction _intersects = 0; if (lineIntersects [_position, _position vectorAdd [- 5 * sin windDir, - 5 * cos windDir, 0]]) then {_intersects = _intersects + 1}; if (lineIntersects [_position, _position vectorAdd [- 5 * sin (windDir - 15), - 5 * cos (windDir - 15), 0]]) then {_intersects = _intersects + 1}; if (lineIntersects [_position, _position vectorAdd [- 5 * sin (windDir + 15), - 5 * cos (windDir + 15), 0]]) then {_intersects = _intersects + 1}; if (_intersects > 2) then { _windA = 99.99; _windB = 99.99; }; if (ACE_player != vehicle ACE_player) then { _windA = 99.99; _windB = 99.99; }; if (_windA == 99.99) then { GVAR(windHead) = 0; _windA = "0.00"; _windB = "0.00"; } else { GVAR(windHead) = _windA; if (_windA < 0) then { _windA = format ["-%1", [-1 * _windA, 1, 2] call CBA_fnc_formatNumber]; } else { _windA = format [ "%1", [ _windA, 1, 2] call CBA_fnc_formatNumber]; }; if (_windB < 0) then { _windB = format ["-%1", [-1 * _windB, 1, 2] call CBA_fnc_formatNumber]; } else { _windB = format [ "%1", [ _windB, 1, 2] call CBA_fnc_formatNumber]; }; }; _ctrlHUD1 ctrlSetText _windA; _ctrlHUD2 ctrlSetText _windB; _ctrlHUD3 ctrlSetText str round _directon; _ctrlHUD4 ctrlSetText str ((round (0 * 10)) / 10); // adjust kestrel picture in the dark private "_brightness"; _brightness = call EFUNC(common,ambientBrightness); _ctrlKestrel2 ctrlSetTextColor [0, 0, 0, 1 - _brightness]; // handle wheel private ["_wheelState", "_wheelStateAdd"]; _wheelState = GVAR(wheelState); _wheelStateAdd = ((round GVAR(windHead) * 2) min 5) max -5; _wheelState = _wheelState + _wheelStateAdd; if (_wheelState < 0) then {_wheelState = _wheelState + 9}; if (_wheelState > 9) then {_wheelState = _wheelState - 9}; GVAR(wheelState) = _wheelState; if (preloadTitleRsc ["ACE_Kestrel_Preload", "PLAIN"]) then { _ctrlKestrelWheel ctrlSetText format [QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\kestrel_%1.paa)), _wheelState]; _ctrlKestrelWheel ctrlSetTextColor [_brightness, _brightness, _brightness, 1]; }; }, 0.01, _this select 0] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;