#include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: 654wak654 * Shows the aircraft loadout dialog for given aircraft. * * Arguments: * 0: Aircraft <OBJECT> * 1: Is curator. Disables time and resource requirements. <BOOL> (default: false) * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [vehicle ace_player] call ace_pylons_fnc_showDialog * * Public: Yes */ params ["_aircraft", ["_isCurator", false]]; if (_isCurator && {!(["ace_zeus"] call EFUNC(common,isModLoaded))}) exitWith { WARNING("ace_zeus not loaded"); }; if !(typeOf _aircraft in GVAR(aircraftWithPylons)) exitWith { if (_isCurator) then { [LSTRING(AircraftDoesntHavePylons)] call EFUNC(zeus,showMessage); }; }; if (_isCurator && {!GVAR(enabledForZeus)}) exitWith { [LSTRING(ConfigurePylonsDisabledForZeus)] call EFUNC(zeus,showMessage); }; private _currentUser = _aircraft getVariable [QGVAR(currentUser), objNull]; if (!isNull _currentUser) exitWith { [format [localize LSTRING(InUse), name _currentUser], false, 5] call EFUNC(common,displayText); }; _aircraft setVariable [QGVAR(currentUser), ace_player, true]; GVAR(currentAircraftNamespace) setVariable [getPlayerUID ace_player, _aircraft, true]; GVAR(isCurator) = _isCurator; GVAR(currentAircraft) = _aircraft; createDialog QGVAR(DialogLoadout); private _display = DISPLAY(ID_DIALOG); _display displayAddEventHandler ["Unload", LINKFUNC(onButtonClose)]; if (GVAR(rearmNewPylons) || {_isCurator}) then { ctrlShow [ID_TEXT_BANNER, false]; }; private _config = configOf _aircraft; private _pylonComponent = _config >> "Components" >> "TransportPylonsComponent"; ctrlSetText [ID_PICTURE_AIRCRAFT, getText (_pylonComponent >> "uiPicture")]; private _hasFRIES = getNumber (_config >> QEGVAR(fastroping,enabled)); if (["ace_fastroping"] call EFUNC(common,isModLoaded) && {_hasFRIES > 1}) then { private _checkbox = _display displayCtrl ID_CHECKBOX_FRIES; private _fries = _aircraft getVariable [QEGVAR(fastroping,FRIES), objNull]; _checkbox cbSetChecked (!isNull _fries); _checkbox setVariable [QGVAR(originalState), !isNull _fries]; } else { ctrlShow [ID_CHECKBOX_FRIES, false]; ctrlShow [ID_TEXT_FRIES, false]; }; GVAR(comboBoxes) = []; { private _combo = _display ctrlCreate [QGVAR(CtrlCombo), -1]; private _picturePos = ctrlPosition (_display displayCtrl ID_PICTURE_AIRCRAFT); private _uiPos = getArray (_x >> "UIposition"); MAP(_uiPos,if (_x isEqualType 0) then {_x} else {call compile _x}); // Handle string positions _combo ctrlSetPosition [ (_picturePos select 0) + (_uiPos select 0), (_picturePos select 1) + (_uiPos select 1), 0.1 * safezoneW, 0.028 * safezoneH ]; _combo ctrlCommit 0; _combo lbAdd localize LSTRING(Empty); _combo lbSetData [0, ""]; private _mag = (getPylonMagazines _aircraft) select _forEachIndex; private _mags = _aircraft getCompatiblePylonMagazines (_forEachIndex + 1); private _userWhitelist = _aircraft getVariable [QGVAR(magazineWhitelist), _mags]; private _userBlacklist = _aircraft getVariable [QGVAR(magazineBlacklist), []]; _mags = _mags arrayIntersect _userWhitelist; _mags = _mags - _userBlacklist; private _index = 0; { _combo lbAdd getText (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _x >> "displayName"); _combo lbSetData [_forEachIndex + 1, _x]; private _description = getText (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _x >> "descriptionShort"); _combo lbSetTooltip [_forEachIndex + 1, _description]; if (_x == _mag) then { _index = _forEachIndex + 1; }; } forEach _mags; _combo lbSetCurSel _index; _combo ctrlAddEventHandler ["LBSelChanged", LINKFUNC(onComboSelChange)]; // TODO: Allow pylon priority selection? private _mirroredIndex = getNumber (_x >> "mirroredMissilePos"); private _button = controlNull; if (count allTurrets [_aircraft, false] > 0) then { _button = _display ctrlCreate ["ctrlButtonPictureKeepAspect", -1]; private _turret = [_aircraft, _forEachIndex] call EFUNC(common,getPylonTurret); [_button, false, _turret] call FUNC(onButtonTurret); _button ctrlAddEventHandler ["ButtonClick", {[_this select 0, true, []] call FUNC(onButtonTurret)}]; _button ctrlSetPosition [ (_picturePos select 0) + (_uiPos select 0) - (0.0165 * safezoneW), (_picturePos select 1) + (_uiPos select 1), 0.0165 * safezoneW, 0.028 * safezoneH ]; _button ctrlCommit 0; }; GVAR(comboBoxes) pushBack [_combo, _mirroredIndex - 1, _button, _index]; } forEach ("true" configClasses (_pylonComponent >> "Pylons")); GVAR(defaultLoadoutNames) = []; { lbAdd [ID_LIST_LOADOUTS, getText (_x >> "displayName")]; lbSetPicture [ID_LIST_LOADOUTS, _forEachIndex, "a3\data_f_jets\logos\jets_logo_small_ca.paa"]; GVAR(defaultLoadoutNames) pushBack getText (_x >> "displayName"); } forEach ("true" configClasses (_pylonComponent >> "Presets")); { if ((_x select 3) == typeOf _aircraft) then { lbAdd [ID_LIST_LOADOUTS, _x select 0]; }; } forEach (profileNamespace getVariable [QGVAR(aircraftLoadouts), []]); private _displayName = getText (_config >> "displayName"); ctrlSetText [ID_TEXT_LISTTITLE, format [localize LSTRING(LoadoutsFor), _displayName]]; private _list = _display displayCtrl ID_LIST_LOADOUTS; _list ctrlAddEventHandler ["LBSelChanged", { params ["_ctrl"]; ctrlSetText [ID_EDIT_LOADOUTNAME, _ctrl lbText (lbCurSel _ctrl)]; call FUNC(onNameChange); }]; private _edit = _display displayCtrl ID_EDIT_LOADOUTNAME; _edit ctrlAddEventHandler ["KeyUp", LINKFUNC(onNameChange)]; _edit ctrlAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", LINKFUNC(onNameChange)]; private _checkbox = _display displayCtrl ID_CHECKBOX_MIRROR; _checkbox ctrlAddEventHandler ["CheckedChanged", {[(_this select 1) == 1] call FUNC(onPylonMirror)}]; if (!GVAR(isCurator)) then { [{ isNull (GVAR(currentAircraft) getVariable [QGVAR(currentUser), objNull]) || {(ace_player distanceSqr GVAR(currentAircraft)) > GVAR(searchDistanceSqr)} }, { TRACE_3("disconnect/far",GVAR(currentAircraft),ace_player distance GVAR(currentAircraft),GVAR(currentAircraft) getVariable QGVAR(currentUser)); if ((ace_player distanceSqr GVAR(currentAircraft)) > GVAR(searchDistanceSqr)) then { [localize LSTRING(TooFar), false, 5] call EFUNC(common,displayText); }; call FUNC(onButtonClose); }] call CBA_fnc_waitUntilAndExecute; };