#!/usr/bin/env python3 # vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 : # make.py # An Arma 3 addon build system ############################################################################### # The MIT License (MIT) # Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Ryan Schultz # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. ############################################################################### __version__ = "0.7" import sys if sys.version_info[0] == 2: print("Python 3 is required.") sys.exit(1) import os import os.path import shutil import platform import glob import subprocess import hashlib import configparser import json import traceback import time import timeit import re from tempfile import mkstemp if sys.platform == "win32": import winreg ######## GLOBALS ######### project = "@ace" project_version = "3.0.0" arma3tools_path = "" work_drive = "" module_root = "" make_root = "" release_dir = "" module_root_parent = "" optionals_root = "" key_name = "ace" key = "" dssignfile = "" prefix = "ace" pbo_name_prefix = "ace_" signature_blacklist = ["ace_server.pbo"] importantFiles = ["mod.cpp", "README.md", "docs\\README_DE.md", "docs\\README_PL.md", "AUTHORS.txt", "LICENSE", "logo_ace3_ca.paa", "meta.cpp"] versionFiles = ["README.md", "docs\\README_DE.md", "docs\\README_PL.md", "mod.cpp"] ciBuild = False # Used for CI builds ############################################################################### # http://akiscode.com/articles/sha-1directoryhash.shtml # Copyright (c) 2009 Stephen Akiki # MIT License (Means you can do whatever you want with this) # See http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php # Error Codes: # -1 -> Directory does not exist # -2 -> General error (see stack traceback) def get_directory_hash(directory): directory_hash = hashlib.sha1() if not os.path.exists (directory): return -1 try: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory): for names in files: path = os.path.join(root, names) try: f = open(path, 'rb') except: # You can't open the file for some reason f.close() continue while 1: # Read file in as little chunks buf = f.read(4096) if not buf: break new = hashlib.sha1(buf) directory_hash.update(new.digest()) f.close() except: # Print the stack traceback traceback.print_exc() return -2 retVal = directory_hash.hexdigest() #print_yellow("Hash Value for {} is {}".format(directory,retVal)) return directory_hash.hexdigest() def Fract_Sec(s): temp = float() temp = float(s) / (60*60*24) d = int(temp) temp = (temp - d) * 24 h = int(temp) temp = (temp - h) * 60 m = int(temp) temp = (temp - m) * 60 sec = temp return d,h,m,sec #endef Fract_Sec # Copyright (c) André Burgaud # http://www.burgaud.com/bring-colors-to-the-windows-console-with-python/ if sys.platform == "win32": from ctypes import windll, Structure, c_short, c_ushort, byref SHORT = c_short WORD = c_ushort class COORD(Structure): """struct in wincon.h.""" _fields_ = [ ("X", SHORT), ("Y", SHORT)] class SMALL_RECT(Structure): """struct in wincon.h.""" _fields_ = [ ("Left", SHORT), ("Top", SHORT), ("Right", SHORT), ("Bottom", SHORT)] class CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO(Structure): """struct in wincon.h.""" _fields_ = [ ("dwSize", COORD), ("dwCursorPosition", COORD), ("wAttributes", WORD), ("srWindow", SMALL_RECT), ("dwMaximumWindowSize", COORD)] # winbase.h STD_INPUT_HANDLE = -10 STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE = -11 STD_ERROR_HANDLE = -12 # wincon.h FOREGROUND_BLACK = 0x0000 FOREGROUND_BLUE = 0x0001 FOREGROUND_GREEN = 0x0002 FOREGROUND_CYAN = 0x0003 FOREGROUND_RED = 0x0004 FOREGROUND_MAGENTA = 0x0005 FOREGROUND_YELLOW = 0x0006 FOREGROUND_GREY = 0x0007 FOREGROUND_INTENSITY = 0x0008 # foreground color is intensified. BACKGROUND_BLACK = 0x0000 BACKGROUND_BLUE = 0x0010 BACKGROUND_GREEN = 0x0020 BACKGROUND_CYAN = 0x0030 BACKGROUND_RED = 0x0040 BACKGROUND_MAGENTA = 0x0050 BACKGROUND_YELLOW = 0x0060 BACKGROUND_GREY = 0x0070 BACKGROUND_INTENSITY = 0x0080 # background color is intensified. stdout_handle = windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) SetConsoleTextAttribute = windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTextAttribute GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo = windll.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo def get_text_attr(): """Returns the character attributes (colors) of the console screen buffer.""" csbi = CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO() GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(stdout_handle, byref(csbi)) return csbi.wAttributes def set_text_attr(color): """Sets the character attributes (colors) of the console screen buffer. Color is a combination of foreground and background color, foreground and background intensity.""" SetConsoleTextAttribute(stdout_handle, color) ############################################################################### def find_bi_tools(work_drive): """Find BI tools.""" reg = winreg.ConnectRegistry(None, winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER) try: k = winreg.OpenKey(reg, r"Software\bohemia interactive\arma 3 tools") arma3tools_path = winreg.QueryValueEx(k, "path")[0] winreg.CloseKey(k) except: raise Exception("BadTools","Arma 3 Tools are not installed correctly or the P: drive needs to be created.") addonbuilder_path = os.path.join(arma3tools_path, "AddonBuilder", "AddonBuilder.exe") dssignfile_path = os.path.join(arma3tools_path, "DSSignFile", "DSSignFile.exe") dscreatekey_path = os.path.join(arma3tools_path, "DSSignFile", "DSCreateKey.exe") cfgconvert_path = os.path.join(arma3tools_path, "CfgConvert", "CfgConvert.exe") if os.path.isfile(addonbuilder_path) and os.path.isfile(dssignfile_path) and os.path.isfile(dscreatekey_path) and os.path.isfile(cfgconvert_path): return [addonbuilder_path, dssignfile_path, dscreatekey_path, cfgconvert_path] else: raise Exception("BadTools","Arma 3 Tools are not installed correctly or the P: drive needs to be created.") def find_depbo_tools(regKey): """Use registry entries to find DePBO-based tools.""" stop = False if regKey == "HKCU": reg = winreg.ConnectRegistry(None, winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER) stop = True else: reg = winreg.ConnectRegistry(None, winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) try: try: k = winreg.OpenKey(reg, r"Software\Wow6432Node\Mikero\pboProject") except FileNotFoundError: k = winreg.OpenKey(reg, r"Software\Mikero\pboProject") try: pboproject_path = winreg.QueryValueEx(k, "exe")[0] winreg.CloseKey(k) print("Found pboproject.") except: print_error("ERROR: Could not find pboProject.") try: k = winreg.OpenKey(reg, r"Software\Wow6432Node\Mikero\rapify") except FileNotFoundError: k = winreg.OpenKey(reg, r"Software\Mikero\rapify") try: rapify_path = winreg.QueryValueEx(k, "exe")[0] winreg.CloseKey(k) print("Found rapify.") except: print_error("Could not find rapify.") try: k = winreg.OpenKey(reg, r"Software\Wow6432Node\Mikero\MakePbo") except FileNotFoundError: k = winreg.OpenKey(reg, r"Software\Mikero\MakePbo") try: makepbo_path = winreg.QueryValueEx(k, "exe")[0] winreg.CloseKey(k) print("Found makepbo.") except: print_error("Could not find makepbo.") except: if stop == True: raise Exception("BadDePBO", "DePBO tools not installed correctly") return -1 #Strip any quotations from the path due to a MikeRo tool bug which leaves a trailing space in some of its registry paths. return [pboproject_path.strip('"'),rapify_path.strip('"'),makepbo_path.strip('"')] def color(color): """Set the color. Works on Win32 and normal terminals.""" if sys.platform == "win32": if color == "green": set_text_attr(FOREGROUND_GREEN | get_text_attr() & 0x0070 | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY) elif color == "yellow": set_text_attr(FOREGROUND_YELLOW | get_text_attr() & 0x0070 | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY) elif color == "red": set_text_attr(FOREGROUND_RED | get_text_attr() & 0x0070 | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY) elif color == "blue": set_text_attr(FOREGROUND_BLUE | get_text_attr() & 0x0070 | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY) elif color == "reset": set_text_attr(FOREGROUND_GREY | get_text_attr() & 0x0070) elif color == "grey": set_text_attr(FOREGROUND_GREY | get_text_attr() & 0x0070) else : if color == "green": sys.stdout.write('\033[92m') elif color == "red": sys.stdout.write('\033[91m') elif color == "blue": sys.stdout.write('\033[94m') elif color == "reset": sys.stdout.write('\033[0m') def print_error(msg): color("red") print ("ERROR: {}".format(msg)) color("reset") def print_green(msg): color("green") print(msg) color("reset") def print_blue(msg): color("blue") print(msg) color("reset") def print_yellow(msg): color("yellow") print(msg) color("reset") def copy_important_files(source_dir,destination_dir): originalDir = os.getcwd() # Copy importantFiles try: print_blue("\nSearching for important files in {}".format(source_dir)) print("Source_dir: {}".format(source_dir)) print("Destination_dir: {}".format(destination_dir)) for file in importantFiles: filePath = os.path.join(module_root_parent, file) # Take only file name for destination path (to put it into root of release dir) if "\\" in file: count = file.count("\\") file = file.split("\\", count)[-1] print_green("Copying file => {}".format(os.path.join(source_dir,file))) shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(source_dir,filePath),os.path.join(destination_dir,file)) except: print_error("COPYING IMPORTANT FILES.") raise #copy all extension dlls try: os.chdir(os.path.join(source_dir)) print_blue("\nSearching for DLLs in {}".format(os.getcwd())) filenames = glob.glob("*.dll") if not filenames: print ("Empty SET") for dll in filenames: print_green("Copying dll => {}".format(os.path.join(source_dir,dll))) if os.path.isfile(dll): shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(source_dir,dll),os.path.join(destination_dir,dll)) except: print_error("COPYING DLL FILES.") raise finally: os.chdir(originalDir) def copy_optionals_for_building(mod,pbos): src_directories = os.listdir(optionals_root) current_dir = os.getcwd() print_blue("\nChecking Optionals folder...") try: #special server.pbo processing files = glob.glob(os.path.join(release_dir, project, "optionals", "*.pbo")) for file in files: file_name = os.path.basename(file) #print ("Adding the following file: {}".format(file_name)) pbos.append(file_name) pbo_path = os.path.join(release_dir, project, "optionals", file_name) sigFile_name = file_name +"."+ key_name + ".bisign" sig_path = os.path.join(release_dir, project, "optionals", sigFile_name) if (os.path.isfile(pbo_path)): print("Moving {} for processing.".format(pbo_path)) shutil.move(pbo_path, os.path.join(release_dir, project, "addons", file_name)) if (os.path.isfile(sig_path)): #print("Moving {} for processing.".format(sig_path)) shutil.move(sig_path, os.path.join(release_dir, project, "addons", sigFile_name)) except: print_error("Error in moving") raise finally: os.chdir(current_dir) print("") try: for dir_name in src_directories: mod.append(dir_name) #userconfig requires special handling since it is not a PBO source folder. #CfgConvert fails to build server.pbo if userconfig is not found in P:\ if (dir_name == "userconfig"): if (os.path.exists(os.path.join(release_dir, project, "optionals", dir_name))): shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(release_dir, project, "optionals", dir_name), True) shutil.copytree(os.path.join(optionals_root,dir_name), os.path.join(release_dir, project, "optionals", dir_name)) destination = os.path.join(work_drive,dir_name) else: destination = os.path.join(module_root,dir_name) print("Temporarily copying {} => {} for building.".format(os.path.join(optionals_root,dir_name),destination)) if (os.path.exists(destination)): shutil.rmtree(destination, True) shutil.copytree(os.path.join(optionals_root,dir_name), destination) except: print_error("Copy Optionals Failed") raise finally: os.chdir(current_dir) def cleanup_optionals(mod): print("") try: for dir_name in mod: #userconfig requires special handling since it is not a PBO source folder. if (dir_name == "userconfig"): destination = os.path.join(work_drive,dir_name) else: destination = os.path.join(module_root,dir_name) print("Cleaning {}".format(destination)) try: file_name = "{}{}.pbo".format(pbo_name_prefix,dir_name) src_file_path = os.path.join(release_dir, project, "addons", file_name) dst_file_path = os.path.join(release_dir, project, "optionals", file_name) sigFile_name = "{}.{}.bisign".format(file_name,key_name) src_sig_path = os.path.join(release_dir, project, "addons", sigFile_name) dst_sig_path = os.path.join(release_dir, project, "optionals", sigFile_name) if (os.path.isfile(src_file_path)): #print("Preserving {}".format(file_name)) os.renames(src_file_path,dst_file_path) if (os.path.isfile(src_sig_path)): #print("Preserving {}".format(sigFile_name)) os.renames(src_sig_path,dst_sig_path) except FileExistsError: print_error("{} already exists".format(file_name)) continue shutil.rmtree(destination) except FileNotFoundError: print_yellow("{} file not found".format(file_name)) except: print_error("Cleaning Optionals Failed") raise def purge(dir, pattern, friendlyPattern="files"): print_green("Deleting {} files from directory: {}".format(friendlyPattern,dir)) for f in os.listdir(dir): if re.search(pattern, f): os.remove(os.path.join(dir, f)) def build_signature_file(file_name): global key global dssignfile global signature_blacklist ret = 0 baseFile = os.path.basename(file_name) #print_yellow("Sig_fileName: {}".format(baseFile)) if not (baseFile in signature_blacklist): print("Signing with {}.".format(key)) ret = subprocess.call([dssignfile, key, file_name]) if ret == 0: return True else: return False def check_for_obsolete_pbos(addonspath, file): module = file[len(pbo_name_prefix):-4] if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(addonspath, module)): return True return False def backup_config(module): #backup original $PBOPREFIX$ global work_drive global prefix try: configpath = os.path.join(work_drive, prefix, module, "$PBOPREFIX$") if os.path.isfile(configpath): shutil.copyfile(configpath, os.path.join(work_drive, prefix, module, "$PBOPREFIX$.backup")) else: print_error("$PBOPREFIX$ Does not exist for module: {}.".format(module)) except: print_error("Error creating backup of $PBOPREFIX$ for module {}.".format(module)) return True def addon_restore(modulePath): #restore original $PBOPREFIX$ try: if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(modulePath, "$PBOPREFIX$.backup")): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(modulePath, "$PBOPREFIX$")): os.remove(os.path.join(modulePath, "$PBOPREFIX$")) os.rename(os.path.join(modulePath, "$PBOPREFIX$.backup"), os.path.join(modulePath, "$PBOPREFIX$")) except: print_yellow("Some error occurred. Check your addon folder {} for integrity".format(modulePath)) return True def get_project_version(): global project_version versionStamp = project_version #do the magic based on https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/issues/806#issuecomment-95639048 try: scriptModPath = os.path.join(work_drive, prefix, "main\script_mod.hpp") if os.path.isfile(scriptModPath): f = open(scriptModPath, "r") hpptext = f.read() f.close() if hpptext: majorText = re.search(r"#define MAJOR (.*\b)", hpptext).group(1) minorText = re.search(r"#define MINOR (.*\b)", hpptext).group(1) patchlvlText = re.search(r"#define PATCHLVL (.*\b)", hpptext).group(1) buildText = re.search(r"#define BUILD (.*\b)", hpptext).group(1) if majorText: versionStamp = "{major}.{minor}.{patchlvl}.{build}".format(major=majorText,minor=minorText,patchlvl=patchlvlText,build=buildText) else: print_error("A Critical file seems to be missing or inaccessible: {}".format(scriptModPath)) raise FileNotFoundError("File Not Found: {}".format(scriptModPath)) except Exception as e: print_error("Get_project_version error: {}".format(e)) print_error("Check the integrity of the file: {}".format(scriptModPath)) versionStamp = project_version print_error("Resetting to the default version stamp: {}".format(versionStamp)) input("Press Enter to continue...") print("Resuming build...") print_yellow("{} VERSION set to {}".format(project.lstrip("@").upper(),versionStamp)) project_version = versionStamp return project_version def replace_file(filePath, oldSubstring, newSubstring): #Create temp file fh, absPath = mkstemp() with open(absPath,'w') as newFile: with open(filePath) as oldFile: for line in oldFile: newFile.write(line.replace(oldSubstring, newSubstring)) newFile.close() #Remove original file os.remove(filePath) #Move new file shutil.move(absPath, filePath) def set_version_in_files(): newVersion = project_version # MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.BUILD newVersionShort = newVersion[:-2] # MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH # Regex patterns pattern = re.compile(r"(\b[0\.-9]+\b\.[0\.-9]+\b\.[0\.-9]+\b\.[0\.-9]+)") # MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.BUILD patternShort = re.compile(r"(\b[0\.-9]+\b\.[0\.-9]+\b\.[0\.-9]+)") # MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH # Change versions in files containing version for i in versionFiles: filePath = os.path.join(module_root_parent, i) try: # Save the file contents to a variable if the file exists if os.path.isfile(filePath): f = open(filePath, "r+") fileText = f.read() f.close() if fileText: # Search and save version stamp, search short if long not found versionFound = re.findall(pattern, fileText) if not versionFound: versionFound = re.findall(patternShort, fileText) # Replace version stamp if any of the new version parts is higher than the one found if versionFound: # First item in the list findall returns versionFound = versionFound[0] # Use the same version length as the one found if len(versionFound) == len(newVersion): newVersionUsed = newVersion if len(versionFound) == len(newVersionShort): newVersionUsed = newVersionShort # Print change and modify the file if changed if versionFound != newVersionUsed: print_green("Changing version {} => {} in {}".format(versionFound, newVersionUsed, filePath)) replace_file(filePath, versionFound, newVersionUsed) except WindowsError as e: # Temporary file is still "in use" by Python, pass this exception pass except Exception as e: print_error("set_version_in_files error: {}".format(e)) raise return True def stash_version_files_for_building(): try: for file in versionFiles: filePath = os.path.join(module_root_parent, file) # Take only file name for stash location if in subfolder (otherwise it gets removed when removing folders from release dir) if "\\" in file: count = file.count("\\") file = file.split("\\", count)[-1] stashPath = os.path.join(release_dir, file) print("Temporarily stashing {} => {}.bak for version update".format(filePath, stashPath)) shutil.copy(filePath, "{}.bak".format(stashPath)) except: print_error("Stashing version files failed") raise # Set version set_version_in_files() return True def restore_version_files(): try: for file in versionFiles: filePath = os.path.join(module_root_parent, file) # Take only file name for stash path if in subfolder (otherwise it gets removed when removing folders from release dir) if "\\" in file: count = file.count("\\") file = file.split("\\", count)[-1] stashPath = os.path.join(release_dir, file) print("Restoring {}".format(filePath)) shutil.move("{}.bak".format(stashPath), filePath) except: print_error("Restoring version files failed") raise return True def get_private_keyname(commitID,module="main"): global pbo_name_prefix aceVersion = get_project_version() keyName = str("{prefix}{version}-{commit_id}".format(prefix=pbo_name_prefix,version=aceVersion,commit_id=commitID)) return keyName def get_commit_ID(): # Get latest commit ID global make_root curDir = os.getcwd() commit_id = "" try: # Verify if Git repository gitpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(make_root), ".git") assert os.path.exists(gitpath) # Try to get commit ID through Git client os.chdir(make_root) commit_id = subprocess.check_output(["git", "rev-parse", "HEAD"]) commit_id = str(commit_id, "utf-8")[:8] except FileNotFoundError: # Try to get commit ID from git files (subprocess failed - eg. no Git client) head_path = os.path.join(gitpath, "HEAD") if os.path.exists(head_path): with open(head_path, "r") as head_file: branch_path = head_file.readline().split(": ") # Commit ID is written in HEAD file directly when in detached state if len(branch_path) == 1: commit_id = branch_path[0] else: branch_path = branch_path[-1].strip() ref_path = os.path.join(gitpath, branch_path) if os.path.exists(ref_path): with open(ref_path, "r") as ref_file: commit_id = ref_file.readline() if commit_id != "": commit_id = commit_id.strip()[:8] else: raise except: # All other exceptions (eg. AssertionException) if commit_id == "": raise finally: pass if commit_id == "": print_error("Failed to determine commit ID - folder is not a Git repository.") commit_id = "NOGIT" os.chdir(curDir) print_yellow("COMMIT ID set to {}".format(commit_id)) return commit_id def version_stamp_pboprefix(module,commitID): ### Update pboPrefix with the correct version stamp. Use commit_id as the build number. #This function will not handle any $PBOPREFIX$ backup or cleanup. global work_drive global prefix configpath = os.path.join(work_drive, prefix, module, "$PBOPREFIX$") try: f = open(configpath, "r") configtext = f.read() f.close() if configtext: if re.search(r"version=(.*?)$", configtext, re.DOTALL): if configtext: configtext = re.sub(r"version=(.*?)$", "version={}\n".format(commitID), configtext, flags=re.DOTALL) f = open(configpath, "w") f.write(configtext) f.close() else: os.remove(os.path.join(work_drive, prefix, module, "$PBOPREFIX$")) os.rename(os.path.join(work_drive, prefix, module, "$PBOPREFIX$.backup"), os.path.join(work_drive, prefix, module, "$PBOPREFIX$")) else: if configtext: #append version info f = open(configpath, "a") f.write("\nversion = {}".format(commitID)) f.close() else: os.remove(os.path.join(work_drive, prefix, module, "$PBOPREFIX$")) os.rename(os.path.join(work_drive, prefix, module, "$PBOPREFIX$.backup"), os.path.join(work_drive, prefix, module, "$PBOPREFIX$")) except Exception as e: print_error("Failed to include build number: {}".format(e)) return False return True ############################################################################### def main(argv): """Build an Arma addon suite in a directory from rules in a make.cfg file.""" print_blue("\nmake.py for Arma, modified for Advanced Combat Environment v{}".format(__version__)) global project_version global arma3tools_path global work_drive global module_root global make_root global release_dir global module_root_parent global optionals_root global key_name global key global dssignfile global prefix global pbo_name_prefix global ciBuild if sys.platform != "win32": print_error("Non-Windows platform (Cygwin?). Please re-run from cmd.") sys.exit(1) reg = winreg.ConnectRegistry(None, winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER) try: k = winreg.OpenKey(reg, r"Software\bohemia interactive\arma 3 tools") arma3tools_path = winreg.QueryValueEx(k, "path")[0] winreg.CloseKey(k) except: raise Exception("BadTools","Arma 3 Tools are not installed correctly or the P: drive needs to be created.") # Default behaviors test = False # Copy to Arma 3 directory? arg_modules = False # Only build modules on command line? use_pboproject = True # Default to pboProject build tool make_target = "DEFAULT" # Which section in make.cfg to use for the build new_key = True # Make a new key and use it to sign? quiet = False # Suppress output from build tool? # Parse arguments if "help" in argv or "-h" in argv or "--help" in argv: print (""" make.py [help] [test] [force] [key <name>] [target <name>] [release <version>] [module name] [module name] [...] test -- Copy result to Arma 3. release <version> -- Make archive with <version>. force -- Ignore cache and build all. checkexternal -- Check External Files target <name> -- Use rules in make.cfg under heading [<name>] rather than default [Make] key <name> -- Use key in working directory with <name> to sign. If it does not exist, create key. quiet -- Suppress command line output from build tool. If module names are specified, only those modules will be built. Examples: make.py force test Build all modules (ignoring cache) and copy the mod folder to the Arma 3 directory. make.py mymodule_gun Only build the module named 'mymodule_gun'. make.py force key MyNewKey release 1.0 Build all modules (ignoring cache), sign them with NewKey, and pack them into a zip file for release with version 1.0. If a file called $NOBIN$ is found in the module directory, that module will not be binarized. See the make.cfg file for additional build options. """) sys.exit(0) if "force" in argv: argv.remove("force") force_build = True else: force_build = False if "test" in argv: test = True argv.remove("test") if "release" in argv: make_release_zip = True release_version = argv[argv.index("release") + 1] argv.remove(release_version) argv.remove("release") else: make_release_zip = False release_version = project_version if "target" in argv: make_target = argv[argv.index("target") + 1] argv.remove("target") argv.remove(make_target) force_build = True if "key" in argv: new_key = True key_name = argv[argv.index("key") + 1] argv.remove("key") argv.remove(key_name) if "quiet" in argv: quiet = True argv.remove("quiet") if "checkexternal" in argv: argv.remove("checkexternal") check_external = True else: check_external = False if "version" in argv: argv.remove("version") version_update = True else: version_update = False if "--ci" in argv: argv.remove("--ci") ciBuild = True print_yellow("\nCheck external references is set to {}".format(str(check_external))) # Get the directory the make script is in. make_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) make_root_parent = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.pardir)) os.chdir(make_root) cfg = configparser.ConfigParser(); try: cfg.read(os.path.join(make_root, "make.cfg")) # Project name (with @ symbol) project = cfg.get(make_target, "project", fallback="@"+os.path.basename(os.getcwd())) # BI Tools work drive on Windows work_drive = cfg.get(make_target, "work_drive", fallback="P:\\") # Private key path key = cfg.get(make_target, "key", fallback=None) # Private key creation directory private_key_path = cfg.get(make_target, "private_key_path", fallback=os.path.join(work_drive, "private_keys")) # Project prefix (folder path) prefix = cfg.get(make_target, "prefix", fallback="") # Release archive prefix zipPrefix = cfg.get(make_target, "zipPrefix", fallback=project.lstrip("@").lower()) # Should we autodetect modules on a complete build? module_autodetect = cfg.getboolean(make_target, "module_autodetect", fallback=True) # Manual list of modules to build for a complete build modules = cfg.get(make_target, "modules", fallback=None) # Parse it out if modules: modules = [x.strip() for x in modules.split(',')] else: modules = [] # List of directories to ignore when detecting ignore = [x.strip() for x in cfg.get(make_target, "ignore", fallback="release").split(',')] # Which build tool should we use? build_tool = cfg.get(make_target, "build_tool", fallback="addonbuilder").lower() # Release/build directory, relative to script dir release_dir = cfg.get(make_target, "release_dir", fallback="release") #Directory to copy the final built PBO's for a test run. test_dir = cfg.get(make_target, "test_dir", fallback=os.path.join(os.environ["USERPROFILE"],r"documents\Arma 3")) # Project PBO file prefix (files are renamed to prefix_name.pbo) pbo_name_prefix = cfg.get(make_target, "pbo_name_prefix", fallback=None) # Project module Root module_root_parent = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.join(work_drive, prefix), os.pardir)) module_root = cfg.get(make_target, "module_root", fallback=os.path.join(make_root_parent, "addons")) optionals_root = os.path.join(module_root_parent, "optionals") extensions_root = os.path.join(module_root_parent, "extensions") commit_id = get_commit_ID() key_name = versionStamp = get_private_keyname(commit_id) print_green ("module_root: {}".format(module_root)) if (os.path.isdir(module_root)): os.chdir(module_root) else: print_error ("Directory {} does not exist.".format(module_root)) sys.exit() if (os.path.isdir(optionals_root)): print_green ("optionals_root: {}".format(optionals_root)) else: print_error ("Directory {} does not exist.".format(optionals_root)) sys.exit() print_green ("release_dir: {}".format(release_dir)) except: raise print_error("Could not parse make.cfg.") sys.exit(1) # See if we have been given specific modules to build from command line. if len(argv) > 1 and not make_release_zip: arg_modules = True modules = [a for a in argv[1:] if a[0] != "-"] # Find the tools we need. try: tools = find_bi_tools(work_drive) addonbuilder = tools[0] dssignfile = tools[1] dscreatekey = tools[2] cfgconvert = tools[3] except: print_error("Arma 3 Tools are not installed correctly or the P: drive has not been created.") sys.exit(1) if build_tool == "pboproject": try: depbo_tools = find_depbo_tools("HKLM") if depbo_tools == -1: depbo_tools = find_depbo_tools("HKCU") pboproject = depbo_tools[0] rapifyTool = depbo_tools[1] makepboTool = depbo_tools[2] except: raise print_error("Could not find dePBO tools. Download the needed tools from: https://dev.withsix.com/projects/mikero-pbodll/files") sys.exit(1) # Try to open and deserialize build cache file. try: cache = {} with open(os.path.join(make_root, "make.cache"), 'r') as f: cache_raw = f.read() cache = json.loads(cache_raw) except: print ("No cache found.") cache = {} # Check the build version (from main) with cached version - forces a full rebuild when version changes project_version = get_project_version() cacheVersion = "None"; if 'cacheVersion' in cache: cacheVersion = cache['cacheVersion'] if (project_version != cacheVersion): cache = {} print("Reseting Cache {0} to New Version {1}".format(cacheVersion, project_version)) cache['cacheVersion'] = project_version if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(release_dir, project, "addons")): try: os.makedirs(os.path.join(release_dir, project, "addons")) except: print_error("Cannot create release directory") raise if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(release_dir, project, "keys")): try: os.makedirs(os.path.join(release_dir, project, "keys")) except: print_error("Cannot create release directory") raise # Update version stamp in all files that contain it # Update version only for release if full update not requested (backup and restore files) print_blue("\nChecking for obsolete version numbers...") if not version_update: stash_version_files_for_building() else: # Set version set_version_in_files(); print("Version in files has been changed, make sure you commit and push the updates!") amountOfBuildsFailed = 0 namesOfBuildsFailed = [] try: # Temporarily copy optionals_root for building. They will be removed later. optionals_modules = [] optional_files = [] copy_optionals_for_building(optionals_modules,optional_files) # Get list of subdirs in make root. dirs = next(os.walk(module_root))[1] # Autodetect what directories to build. if module_autodetect and not arg_modules: modules = [] for path in dirs: # Any dir that has a config.cpp in its root is an addon to build. config_path = os.path.join(path, 'config.cpp') if os.path.isfile(config_path) and not path in ignore: modules.append(path) # Make the key specified from command line if necessary. if new_key: if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(private_key_path, key_name + ".biprivatekey")): print_yellow("\nRequested key does not exist.") try: os.makedirs(private_key_path) except: pass curDir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(private_key_path) ret = subprocess.call([dscreatekey, key_name]) # Created in make_root os.chdir(curDir) if ret == 0: print_green("Created: {}".format(os.path.join(private_key_path, key_name + ".biprivatekey"))) print("Removing any old signature keys...") purge(os.path.join(module_root, release_dir, project, "addons"), "^.*\.bisign$","*.bisign") purge(os.path.join(module_root, release_dir, project, "optionals"), "^.*\.bisign$","*.bisign") purge(os.path.join(module_root, release_dir, project, "keys"), "^.*\.bikey$","*.bikey") else: print_error("Failed to create key!") else: print_green("\nNOTE: Using key {}".format(os.path.join(private_key_path, key_name + ".biprivatekey"))) try: print("Copying public key to release directory.") try: os.makedirs(os.path.join(module_root, release_dir, project, "keys")) except: pass # Use biKeyNameAbrev to attempt to minimize problems from this BI Bug REFERENCE: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=22133 biKeyNameAbrev = key_name.split("-")[0] shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(private_key_path, key_name + ".bikey"), os.path.join(module_root, release_dir, project, "keys", "{}.bikey".format(biKeyNameAbrev))) except: print_error("Could not copy key to release directory.") raise key = os.path.join(private_key_path, "{}.biprivatekey".format(key_name)) # Remove any obsolete files. print_blue("\nChecking for obsolete files...") obsolete_check_path = os.path.join(module_root, release_dir, project,"addons") for file in os.listdir(obsolete_check_path): if (file.endswith(".pbo") and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(obsolete_check_path,file))): if check_for_obsolete_pbos(module_root, file): fileName = os.path.splitext(file)[0] print_yellow("Removing obsolete file => {}".format(file)) purge(obsolete_check_path, "{}\..".format(fileName), "{}.*".format(fileName)) obsolete_check_path = os.path.join(module_root, release_dir, project) for file in os.listdir(obsolete_check_path): if (file.endswith(".dll") and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(obsolete_check_path,file))): if check_for_obsolete_pbos(extensions_root, file): fileName = os.path.splitext(file)[0] print_yellow("Removing obsolete file => {}".format(file)) try: os.remove(os.path.join(obsolete_check_path,file)) except: print_error("\nFailed to delete {}".format(os.path.join(obsolete_check_path,file))) pass # For each module, prep files and then build. print_blue("\nBuilding...") for module in modules: print_green("\nMaking {}".format(module + "-"*max(1, (60-len(module))))) missing = False sigMissing = False # Cache check if module in cache: old_sha = cache[module] else: old_sha = "" # Hash the module new_sha = get_directory_hash(os.path.join(module_root, module)) # Is the pbo or sig file missing? missing = not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(release_dir, project, "addons", "{}{}.pbo".format(pbo_name_prefix,module))) sigFile = "{}{}.pbo.{}.bisign".format(pbo_name_prefix,module,key_name) sigMissing = not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(release_dir, project, "addons", sigFile)) if missing: print_yellow("Missing PBO file {}{}.pbo. Building...".format(pbo_name_prefix,module)) # Check if it needs rebuilt # print ("Hash:", new_sha) if old_sha == new_sha and not missing: if not force_build: print("Module has not changed.") if sigMissing: if key: print("Missing Signature key {}".format(sigFile)) build_signature_file(os.path.join(module_root, release_dir, project, "addons", "{}{}.pbo".format(pbo_name_prefix,module))) # Skip everything else continue # Only do this if the project isn't stored directly on the work drive. # Split the path at the drive name and see if they are on the same drive (usually P:) if os.path.splitdrive(module_root)[0] != os.path.splitdrive(work_drive)[0]: try: # Remove old work drive version (ignore errors) shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(work_drive, prefix, module), True) # Copy module to the work drive shutil.copytree(module, os.path.join(work_drive, prefix, module)) except: raise print_error("ERROR: Could not copy module to work drive. Does the module exist?") input("Press Enter to continue...") print("Resuming build...") continue #else: #print("WARNING: Module is stored on work drive ({}).".format(work_drive)) try: # Remove the old pbo, key, and log old = os.path.join(module_root, release_dir, project, "addons", "{}{}".format(pbo_name_prefix,module)) + "*" files = glob.glob(old) for f in files: os.remove(f) if pbo_name_prefix: old = os.path.join(module_root, release_dir, project, "addons", "{}{}".format(pbo_name_prefix,module)) + "*" files = glob.glob(old) for f in files: os.remove(f) except: raise print_error("ERROR: Could not copy module to work drive. Does the module exist?") input("Press Enter to continue...") print("Resuming build...") continue # Build the module into a pbo print_blue("Building: {}".format(os.path.join(work_drive, prefix, module))) print_blue("Destination: {}".format(os.path.join(module_root, release_dir, project, "addons"))) # Make destination folder (if needed) try: os.makedirs(os.path.join(module_root, release_dir, project, "addons")) except: pass # Run build tool build_successful = False if build_tool == "pboproject": try: nobinFilePath = os.path.join(work_drive, prefix, module, "$NOBIN$") backup_config(module) version_stamp_pboprefix(module,commit_id) if os.path.isfile(nobinFilePath): print_green("$NOBIN$ Found. Proceeding with non-binarizing!") cmd = [makepboTool, "-P","-A","-L","-G","-X=*.backup", os.path.join(work_drive, prefix, module),os.path.join(module_root, release_dir, project,"addons")] else: if check_external: cmd = [pboproject, "-P", os.path.join(work_drive, prefix, module), "+Engine=Arma3", "-S","+Noisy", "+X", "+Clean", "+Mod="+os.path.join(module_root, release_dir, project), "-Key"] else: cmd = [pboproject, "-P", os.path.join(work_drive, prefix, module), "+Engine=Arma3", "-S","+Noisy", "-X", "+Clean", "+Mod="+os.path.join(module_root, release_dir, project), "-Key"] color("grey") if quiet: devnull = open(os.devnull, 'w') ret = subprocess.call(cmd, stdout=devnull) devnull.close() else: ret = subprocess.call(cmd) color("reset") if ret == 0: print_green("pboProject return code == {}".format(str(ret))) # Prettyprefix rename the PBO if requested. if pbo_name_prefix: try: os.rename(os.path.join(module_root, release_dir, project, "addons", "{}.pbo".format(module)), os.path.join(module_root, release_dir, project, "addons", "{}{}.pbo".format(pbo_name_prefix,module))) except: raise print_error("Could not rename built PBO with prefix.") # Sign result if (key and not "{}{}.pbo".format(pbo_name_prefix,module) in signature_blacklist): print("Signing with {}.".format(key)) if pbo_name_prefix: ret = subprocess.call([dssignfile, key, os.path.join(module_root, release_dir, project, "addons", "{}{}.pbo".format(pbo_name_prefix,module))]) else: ret = subprocess.call([dssignfile, key, os.path.join(module_root, release_dir, project, "addons", "{}.pbo".format(module))]) if ret == 0: build_successful = True else: build_successful = True if not build_successful: print_error("pboProject return code == {}".format(str(ret))) print_error("Module not successfully built/signed. Check your {}temp\{}_packing.log for more info.".format(work_drive,module)) print ("Resuming build...") amountOfBuildsFailed += 1 namesOfBuildsFailed.append("{}".format(module)) continue # Back to the root os.chdir(module_root) except: raise print_error("Could not run Addon Builder.") input("Press Enter to continue...") print ("Resuming build...") continue finally: addon_restore(os.path.join(work_drive, prefix, module)) elif build_tool== "addonbuilder": # Detect $NOBIN$ and do not binarize if found. if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(work_drive, prefix, module, "$NOBIN$")): do_binarize = False print("$NOBIN$ file found in module, packing only.") else: do_binarize = True try: # Call AddonBuilder os.chdir("P:\\") cmd = [addonbuilder, os.path.join(work_drive, prefix, module), os.path.join(make_root, release_dir, project, "addons"), "-clear", "-project="+work_drive] if not do_binarize: cmd.append("-packonly") if quiet: previousDirectory = os.getcwd() os.chdir(arma3tools_path) devnull = open(os.devnull, 'w') ret = subprocess.call(cmd, stdout=devnull) devnull.close() os.chdir(previousDirectory) else: previousDirectory = os.getcwd() os.chdir(arma3tools_path) print_error("Current directory - {}".format(os.getcwd())) ret = subprocess.call(cmd) os.chdir(previousDirectory) print_error("Current directory - {}".format(os.getcwd())) color("reset") print_green("completed") # Prettyprefix rename the PBO if requested. if pbo_name_prefix: try: os.rename(os.path.join(make_root, release_dir, project, "addons", "{}.pbo".format(module)), os.path.join(make_root, release_dir, project, "addons", "{}{}.pbo".format(pbo_name_prefix,module))) except: raise print_error("Could not rename built PBO with prefix.") if ret == 0: # Sign result #print_yellow("Sig_fileName: ace_{}.pbo".format(module)) if (key and not "{}{}.pbo".format(pbo_name_prefix,module) in signature_blacklist) : print("Signing with {}.".format(key)) if pbo_name_prefix: ret = subprocess.call([dssignfile, key, os.path.join(make_root, release_dir, project, "addons","{}{}.pbo".format(pbo_name_prefix,module))]) else: ret = subprocess.call([dssignfile, key, os.path.join(make_root, release_dir, project, "addons", "{}.pbo".format(module))]) if ret == 0: build_successful = True else: build_successful = True if not build_successful: print_error("Module not successfully built. Check your {}temp\{}_packing.log for more info.".format(work_drive,module)) # Back to the root os.chdir(make_root) except: raise print_error("Could not run Addon Builder.") input("Press Enter to continue...") print ("Resuming build...") continue else: print_error("Unknown build_tool {}!".format(build_tool)) # Update the hash for a successfully built module if build_successful: cache[module] = new_sha except Exception as e: print_yellow("Cancel or some error detected: {}".format(e)) finally: copy_important_files(module_root_parent,os.path.join(release_dir, project)) cleanup_optionals(optionals_modules) if not version_update: restore_version_files() # Done building all modules! # Write out the cache state cache_out = json.dumps(cache) with open(os.path.join(make_root, "make.cache"), 'w') as f: f.write(cache_out) # Delete the pboproject temp files if building a release. if make_release_zip and build_tool == "pboproject": try: shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(release_dir, project, "temp"), True) except: print_error("ERROR: Could not delete pboProject temp files.") # Make release if make_release_zip: release_name = "{}_{}".format(zipPrefix, release_version) print_blue("\nMaking release: {}.zip".format(release_name)) try: # Delete all log files for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(release_dir, project, "addons")): for currentFile in files: if currentFile.lower().endswith("log"): os.remove(os.path.join(root, currentFile)) # Remove all zip files from release folder to prevent zipping the zip for file in os.listdir(release_dir): if file.endswith(".zip"): os.remove(os.path.join(release_dir, file)) # Create a zip with the contents of release folder in it release_zip = shutil.make_archive("{}".format(release_name), "zip", release_dir) # Move release zip to release folder shutil.copy(release_zip, release_dir) os.remove(release_zip) except: raise print_error("Could not make release.") # Copy to Arma 3 folder for testing if test: print_blue("\nCopying to Arma 3.") if sys.platform == "win32": reg = winreg.ConnectRegistry(None, winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) try: k = winreg.OpenKey(reg, r"SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Bohemia Interactive\Arma 3") a3_path = winreg.EnumValue(k, 1)[1] winreg.CloseKey(k) except: print_error("Could not find Arma 3's directory in the registry.") else: a3_path = cygwin_a3path print_yellow("Path from the registry => {}".format(a3_path)) a3_path = test_dir print_yellow("Copying build files to {}".format(a3_path)) if os.path.exists(a3_path): try: shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(a3_path, project), True) shutil.copytree(os.path.join(module_root, release_dir, project), os.path.join(a3_path, project)) except: print_error("Could not copy files. Is Arma 3 running?") if amountOfBuildsFailed > 0: print_error("Build failed. {} pbos failed.".format(amountOfBuildsFailed)) for failedModuleName in namesOfBuildsFailed: print("- {} failed.".format(failedModuleName)) sys.exit(1) else: print_green("\Completed with 0 errors.") if __name__ == "__main__": start_time = timeit.default_timer() main(sys.argv) d,h,m,s = Fract_Sec(timeit.default_timer() - start_time) print("\nTotal Program time elapsed: {0:2}h {1:2}m {2:4.5f}s".format(h,m,s)) if ciBuild: sys.exit(0) input("Press Enter to continue...")