/* Name: AGM_Logistics_fnc_loadMagazine Author: commy2 Garth de Wet (LH) Description: Loads the passed magazine into the vehicle from the passed unit Parameters: 0: OBJECT - unit to perform loading 1: OBJECT - vehicle to load 2: STRING - name of magazine to load Returns: Nothing Example: [player,AGM_Interaction_Target, "Titan_AA"] call AGM_Logistics_fnc_loadMagazine; */ private ["_unit", "_vehicle", "_magazine"]; _unit = _this select 0; _vehicle = _this select 1; _magazine = _this select 2; _weapon = ([_vehicle, _magazine] call AGM_Logistics_fnc_getWeaponsOfMagazine) select 0; if (_unit == player) then { [10, [_unit, _vehicle, _magazine, _weapon], "AGM_Logistics_fnc_loadMagazineCallback", "Loading Magazine ..."] call AGM_Core_fnc_progressBar; } else { sleep 10; [_unit, _vehicle, _magazine, _weapon] call AGM_Logistics_fnc_loadMagazineCallback; };