/* * Author: commy2 * Returns the wheel hitpoints and their selections. * * Arguments: * 0: Vehicle * * Return Value: * 0: Wheel hitpoints * 1: Wheel hitpoint selections in model coordinates * * Example: * [unit, vehicle, "hitpoint"] call ace_repair_fnc_getWheelHitPointsWithSelections * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" params ["_vehicle"]; TRACE_1("params",_vehicle); // get the vehicles wheel config private "_wheels"; _wheels = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _vehicle >> "Wheels"; // exit with nothing if the vehicle has no wheels class if !(isClass _wheels) exitWith {[[],[]]}; // get all wheels and read selections from config private ["_selections", "_bones"]; _wheels = "true" configClasses _wheels; _selections = []; _bones = []; { _selections pushBack getText (_x >> "center"); private "_bone"; _bone = getText (_x >> "boneName"); _bone = toArray _bone; _bone resize count "wheel_X_Y"; // this is a requirement for physx. Should work for all addon vehicles. _bone = toString _bone; _bones pushBack _bone; } forEach _wheels; // get hitpoints with their fire geometry selections private ["_hitPointsWithSelections", "_hitPoints", "_hitPointSelections"]; _hitPointsWithSelections = [_vehicle] call EFUNC(common,getHitPointsWithSelections); _hitPoints = _hitPointsWithSelections select 0; _hitPointSelections = _hitPointsWithSelections select 1; // assign hitpoints to correct wheel selection by comparing bone name and fire geometry selection private ["_wheelHitPoints", "_wheelHitPointSelections"]; _wheelHitPoints = []; _wheelHitPointSelections = []; { private "_bone"; _bone = _x; private "_index"; _index = -1; { if (_bone != "" && {_x find _bone == 0}) exitWith { // same as above. Requirement for physx. _index = _forEachIndex; }; } forEach _hitPointSelections; if (_index != -1) then { _wheelHitPoints pushBack (_hitPoints select _index); _wheelHitPointSelections pushBack (_selections select _forEachIndex); }; } forEach _bones; [_wheelHitPoints, _wheelHitPointSelections]