#include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: NouberNou and esteldunedain * Compile the action menu from config for an object's class * * Arguments: * 0: Object or class name <OBJECT> or <STRING> * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [bob] call ACE_interact_menu_fnc_compileMenu * * Public: No */ params ["_target"]; private _objectType = _target; if (_target isEqualType objNull) then { _objectType = typeOf _target; }; private _namespace = GVAR(ActNamespace); // Exit if the action menu is already compiled for this class if (!isNil {_namespace getVariable _objectType}) exitWith {}; if (_objectType isKindOf "VirtualMan_F") exitWith { // these have config: isPlayableLogic = 1 TRACE_1("skipping playable logic",_objectType); _namespace setVariable [_objectType, []]; }; if ((_objectType isKindOf "CAManBase") && {!isNil QGVAR(cacheManActions)}) exitWith { _namespace setVariable [_objectType, +GVAR(cacheManActions)]; // copy }; private _recurseFnc = { params ["_actionsCfg", "_parentDistance"]; private _actions = []; { private _entryCfg = _x; if (isClass _entryCfg) then { private _displayName = getText (_entryCfg >> "displayName"); private _distance = _parentDistance; if (isNumber (_entryCfg >> "distance")) then {_distance = getNumber (_entryCfg >> "distance");}; // if (_distance < _parentDistance) then {WARNING_3("[%1] distance %2 less than parent %3", configName _entryCfg, _distance, _parentDistance);}; private _icon = if (isArray (_entryCfg >> "icon")) then { getArray (_entryCfg >> "icon"); } else { [getText (_entryCfg >> "icon"), "#FFFFFF"]; }; private _statement = compile (getText (_entryCfg >> "statement")); // If the position entry is present, compile it private _position = getText (_entryCfg >> "position"); if (_position != "") then { _position = compile _position; } else { // If the not, but the selection entry is present use that _position = getText (_entryCfg >> "selection"); if (_position != "") then { _position = compile format ["_target selectionPosition '%1'", _position]; } else { // Otherwise, just use the origin _position = {[0,0,0]}; }; }; private _condition = getText (_entryCfg >> "condition"); if (configName _entryCfg == "ACE_MainActions") then { if (_condition isEqualTo "") then {_condition = "true"}; } else { // Add canInteract (including exceptions) and canInteractWith to condition private _canInteractCondition = format [QUOTE([ARR_3(ACE_player,_target,%1)] call EFUNC(common,canInteractWith)), getArray (_entryCfg >> "exceptions")]; private _conditionFormatPattern = ["%1 && {%2}", "%2"] select (_condition isEqualTo "" || {_condition == "true"}); _condition = format [_conditionFormatPattern, _condition, _canInteractCondition]; }; private _insertChildren = compile (getText (_entryCfg >> "insertChildren")); private _modifierFunction = compile (getText (_entryCfg >> "modifierFunction")); private _showDisabled = (getNumber (_entryCfg >> "showDisabled")) > 0; private _enableInside = (getNumber (_entryCfg >> "enableInside")) > 0; private _canCollapse = (getNumber (_entryCfg >> "canCollapse")) > 0; private _runOnHover = false; if (isText (_entryCfg >> "runOnHover")) then { _runOnHover = compile getText (_entryCfg >> "runOnHover"); } else { _runOnHover = (getNumber (_entryCfg >> "runOnHover")) > 0; }; private _doNotCheckLOS = getNumber (_entryCfg >> "doNotCheckLOS") > 0; _condition = compile _condition; private _children = [_entryCfg, _distance] call _recurseFnc; private _entry = [ [ configName _entryCfg, _displayName, _icon, _statement, _condition, _insertChildren, [], _position, _distance, [_showDisabled, _enableInside, _canCollapse, _runOnHover, _doNotCheckLOS], _modifierFunction ], _children ]; _actions pushBack _entry; }; nil } count (configProperties [_actionsCfg, "isClass _x", true]); _actions }; private _actionsCfg = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _objectType >> "ACE_Actions"; TRACE_1("Building ACE_Actions",_objectType); private _actions = [_actionsCfg, 0] call _recurseFnc; // ace_interaction_fnc_addPassengerAction expects ACE_MainActions to be first // Other mods can change the order that configs are added, so we should verify this now and resort if needed if (_objectType isKindOf "CAManBase") then { if ((((_actions select 0) select 0) select 0) != "ACE_MainActions") then { INFO_1("ACE_MainActions not first for man [%1]",_objectType); private _mainActions = []; { if (((_x select 0) select 0) == "ACE_MainActions") then { _mainActions = _actions deleteAt _forEachIndex; }; } forEach _actions; if (_mainActions isEqualTo []) exitWith {ERROR_1("ACE_MainActions not found on man [%1]",_objectType);}; _actions = [_mainActions] + _actions; // resort array with ACE_MainActions first }; }; _namespace setVariable [_objectType, _actions]; /* [ [ [ "MyAction", "My Action", "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\eject_ca.paa", { (_this select 0) setVelocity [0,0,10]; }, { true }, {}, [], {[0,0,0]}, 1, [false,false,false,false,false] ], [children actions] ] ] */