#include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: alganthe * Used to un-garrison units. * * Arguments: * 0: Units to un-garrison <ARRAY> * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [unit1, unit2, unit3] call ace_ai_fnc_unGarrison * * Public: Yes * */ params [["_units", [], [[]]]]; _units = _units select {local _x}; { private _unit = _x; if (!isPlayer _unit && {local _unit}) then { _unit enableAI "PATH"; _unit enableAI "FSM"; private _leader = leader _unit; TRACE_3("fnc_ungarrison: unit and leader",_unit,_leader,(_leader == _unit)); _unit setVariable [QGVAR(garrisonned), false, true]; private _unitMoveList = missionNameSpace getVariable [QGVAR(garrison_unitMoveList), []]; _unitMoveList deleteAt (_unitMoveList findIf {_x select 0 == _unit}); if (_leader != _unit) then { doStop _unit; _unit doFollow _leader; } else { _unit doMove ((nearestBuilding (getPos _unit)) buildingExit 0); }; if ((units _unit) findif {(_x getVariable [QGVAR(garrisonned), false]) && !isPlayer _x} == -1) then { LOG("fnc_ungarrison: enableAttack true"); (group _unit) enableAttack true; }; }; } foreach _units;