#include "script_component.hpp" /* * Author: Brandon (TCVM) (Code inspired by NouberNou's Dragon Guidance) * Attack profile: Dragon Guidance * * Arguments: * 0: Seeker Target PosASL * 1: Guidance Arg Array * 2: Attack Profile State * * Return Value: * Missile Aim PosASL - Unused * * Example: * [[1,2,3], [], []] call ace_dragon_fnc_attackProfile_DRAGON; * * Public: No */ params ["_seekerTargetPos", "_args", "_attackProfileStateParams"]; _args params ["_firedEH", "", "", "", "_stateParams"]; _firedEH params ["_shooter","_weapon","","","","","_projectile"]; _attackProfileStateParams params ["_maxCorrectableDistance", "_wireCut", "_seekerMaxRangeSqr", "_seekerMinRangeSqr", "_wireCutSource", "_lastTime", "_serviceInterval", "_serviceChargeCount", "_serviceChargeAcceleration", "_dragonSpeed"]; private _projectilePos = getPosASL _projectile; private _distanceToProjectile = (getPosASL _shooter) vectorDistanceSqr _projectilePos; private _retPos = _projectilePos vectorAdd (AGLtoASL (_projectile vectorModelToWorld [0, 50, 0])); // _shooter returns the vehicle that shot it. If the launcher dies, the wire would probably be cut so assume it if ((_distanceToProjectile > _seekerMaxRangeSqr) || _wireCut || { !alive _shooter }) exitWith { // wire snap, random direction if (!_wireCut) then { _attackProfileStateParams set [1, true]; playSound3D ["a3\sounds_f\air\sfx\SL_rope_break.wss", objNull, false, AGLtoASL (_shooter modelToWorld _wireCutSource), 150, 1, 25]; }; if (_serviceChargeCount > 0 && {(_lastTime - CBA_missionTime) <= 0}) then { _attackProfileStateParams set [5, CBA_missionTime + 0.05 + random 0.1]; private _randomVector = [(random 2) - 1, random 1, (random 2) - 1]; _projectile setVelocityModelSpace ((velocityModelSpace _projectile) vectorAdd (_randomVector vectorMultiply _serviceChargeAcceleration)); private _charge = createVehicle [QGVAR(serviceCharge), [0, 0, 0], [], 0, "NONE"]; _charge setPosASL (_projectilePos vectorAdd ((_randomVector vectorMultiply -1) vectorMultiply 0.025)); _attackProfileStateParams set [7, _serviceChargeCount - 1]; }; _retPos }; if (_distanceToProjectile <= _seekerMinRangeSqr || { _serviceChargeCount <= 0 } || { !(_shooter getVariable [QGVAR(sightAttached), true]) }) exitWith { _retPos }; // if the time between updates is less than the pop time we want to fire the rockets OR if the missile wants to make a major correction pop it rapidly if (((_lastTime - CBA_missionTime) <= 0) || {(_lastTime - CBA_missionTime) < (_serviceInterval / 2) && (_projectilePos vectorDistance _seekerTargetPos > 1)}) then { _attackProfileStateParams set [5, CBA_missionTime + _serviceInterval]; private _vectorToCrosshair = vectorNormalized (_projectile worldToModel (ASLToAGL _seekerTargetPos)); private _vectorToPos = vectorNormalized (((_projectile vectorWorldToModelVisual (_shooter weaponDirection _weapon)) vectorMultiply (_dragonSpeed * _serviceInterval)) vectorAdd (_vectorToCrosshair vectorMultiply _maxCorrectableDistance)); if ((_vectorToPos select 2) < 0) then { _vectorToPos set [2, 0]; } else { private _a = _vectorToPos select 1; private _b = _vectorToPos select 2; // The booster has some angle to it, so we introduce that axis if the angle is too low if (abs(_a) > 0 && { abs(atan (_b / _a)) < DRAGON_BOOSTER_ANGLE }) then { _vectorToPos set [2, abs(_a)]; }; }; _projectile setVelocityModelSpace ((velocityModelSpace _projectile) vectorAdd (_vectorToPos vectorMultiply _serviceChargeAcceleration)); private _charge = createVehicle [QGVAR(serviceCharge), [0, 0, 0], [], 0, "NONE"]; _charge setPosASL (_projectilePos vectorAdd ((_vectorToCrosshair vectorMultiply -1) vectorMultiply 0.025)); _attackProfileStateParams set [7, _serviceChargeCount - 1]; }; _retPos