// #define DEBUG_MODE_FULL // #define DISABLE_COMPILE_CACHE // #define ENABLE_PERFORMANCE_COUNTERS #define ALL_BODY_PARTS ["head", "body", "leftarm", "rightarm", "leftleg", "rightleg"] #define ALL_SELECTIONS ["head", "body", "hand_l", "hand_r", "leg_l", "leg_r"] #define ALL_HITPOINTS ["HitHead", "HitBody", "HitLeftArm", "HitRightArm", "HitLeftLeg", "HitRightLeg"] // Damage threshold above which fatal organ damage can occur #define HEAD_DAMAGE_THRESHOLD 1 #define ORGAN_DAMAGE_THRESHOLD 0.6 // Chance to hit heart based on ratio of 70kg (approx. 70L) body to 70mL stroke volume of heart // Assuming torso is 50% of the body volume (35L) #define HEART_HIT_CHANCE 0.05 #define MEDICAL_ACTION_DISTANCE 1.75 // scale received pain to 0-2 level to select type of scream // below 0.25: 0, from 0.25 to 0.5: 1, more than 0.5: 2 #define PAIN_TO_SCREAM(pain) (floor (4 * pain) min 2) // scale received pain to 0-2 level to select type of scream // below 0.33: 0, from 0.34 to 0.66: 1, more than 0.67: 2 #define PAIN_TO_MOAN(pain) (floor (3 * pain) min 2) #define GET_NUMBER(config,default) (if (isNumber (config)) then {getNumber (config)} else {default}) #define GET_STRING(config,default) (if (isText (config)) then {getText (config)} else {default}) #define GET_ARRAY(config,default) (if (isArray (config)) then {getArray (config)} else {default}) #define DEFAULT_HEART_RATE 80 #define DEFAULT_PERIPH_RES 100 // --- blood // 0.077 l/kg * 80kg = 6.16l #define DEFAULT_BLOOD_VOLUME 6.0 // in liters #define BLOOD_VOLUME_CLASS_1_HEMORRHAGE 6.000 // lost less than 15% blood, Class I Hemorrhage #define BLOOD_VOLUME_CLASS_2_HEMORRHAGE 5.100 // lost more than 15% blood, Class II Hemorrhage #define BLOOD_VOLUME_CLASS_3_HEMORRHAGE 4.200 // lost more than 30% blood, Class III Hemorrhage #define BLOOD_VOLUME_CLASS_4_HEMORRHAGE 3.600 // lost more than 40% blood, Class IV Hemorrhage #define BLOOD_VOLUME_FATAL 3.0 // Lost more than 50% blood, Unrecoverable // IV Change per second calculation: // 250 ml should take 60 seconds to fill. 250 ml / 60 s ~ 4.1667 ml/s. #define IV_CHANGE_PER_SECOND 4.1667 // in milliliters per second // Minimum amount of damage required for penetrating wounds (also minDamage for velocity wounds) #define PENETRATION_THRESHOLD 0.35 // To be replaced by a proper blood pressure calculation #define BLOOD_LOSS_KNOCK_OUT_THRESHOLD 0.5 // 50% of cardiac output // Used to color interaction icons and body image selections #define BLOOD_LOSS_RED_THRESHOLD 0.5 #define BLOOD_LOSS_TOTAL_COLORS 10 #define DAMAGE_BLUE_THRESHOLD 0.8 #define DAMAGE_TOTAL_COLORS 10 // --- pain #define PAIN_UNCONSCIOUS 0.5 // Pain fade out time (time it takes until pain is guaranteed to be completly gone) #define PAIN_FADE_TIME 900 // Only relevant when advanced medication is disabled // Morphine pain suppression fade out time (time it takes until pain suppression is guaranteed to be completly gone) #define PAIN_SUPPRESSION_FADE_TIME 1800 // Chance to wake up when vitals are stable (checked once every SPONTANEOUS_WAKE_UP_INTERVAL seconds) #define SPONTANEOUS_WAKE_UP_INTERVAL 15 // Minimum leg damage required for limping #define LIMPING_DAMAGE_THRESHOLD 0.30 // Minimum limb damage required for fracture #define FRACTURE_DAMAGE_THRESHOLD 0.50 // Minimum body part damage required for blood effect on uniform #define VISUAL_BODY_DAMAGE_THRESHOLD 0.35 // Empty wound data, used for some default return values // [classID, bodypartIndex, amountOf, bloodloss, damage] #define EMPTY_WOUND [-1, -1, 0, 0, 0] // Base time to bandage each wound category #define BANDAGE_TIME_S 4 #define BANDAGE_TIME_M 6 #define BANDAGE_TIME_L 8 #define BANDAGE_TIME_MOD_MEDIC -2 #define BANDAGE_TIME_MOD_SELF 4 #define DEFAULT_BANDAGE_REOPENING_CHANCE 0.1 #define DEFAULT_BANDAGE_REOPENING_MIN_DELAY 120 #define DEFAULT_BANDAGE_REOPENING_MAX_DELAY 200 // Time it takes to stitch one wound #define WOUND_STITCH_TIME 5 #define DEFAULT_TOURNIQUET_VALUES [0,0,0,0,0,0] #define DEFAULT_FRACTURE_VALUES [0,0,0,0,0,0] // Triage colors, for consistency across UIs and functions #define TRIAGE_COLOR_NONE 0, 0, 0, 0.9 #define TRIAGE_COLOR_MINIMAL 0, 0.5, 0, 0.9 #define TRIAGE_COLOR_DELAYED 1, 0.84, 0, 0.9 #define TRIAGE_COLOR_IMMEDIATE 1, 0, 0, 0.9 #define TRIAGE_COLOR_DECEASED 0, 0, 0, 0.9 #define TRIAGE_TEXT_COLOR_NONE 1, 1, 1, 1 #define TRIAGE_TEXT_COLOR_MINIMAL 1, 1, 1, 1 #define TRIAGE_TEXT_COLOR_DELAYED 0, 0, 0, 1 #define TRIAGE_TEXT_COLOR_IMMEDIATE 1, 1, 1, 1 #define TRIAGE_TEXT_COLOR_DECEASED 1, 1, 1, 1 // Medical activity logs #define MED_LOG_MAX_ENTRIES 8 #define MED_LOG_VARNAME(type) (format [QEGVAR(medical,log_%1), type]) // - Unit Variables ---------------------------------------------------- // These variables get stored in object space and used across components // Defined here for easy consistency with GETVAR/SETVAR (also a list for reference) #define VAR_BLOOD_PRESS QEGVAR(medical,bloodPressure) #define VAR_BLOOD_VOL QEGVAR(medical,bloodVolume) #define VAR_WOUND_BLEEDING QEGVAR(medical,woundBleeding) #define VAR_CRDC_ARRST QEGVAR(medical,inCardiacArrest) #define VAR_HEART_RATE QEGVAR(medical,heartRate) #define VAR_PAIN QEGVAR(medical,pain) #define VAR_PAIN_SUPP QEGVAR(medical,painSuppress) #define VAR_PERIPH_RES QEGVAR(medical,peripheralResistance) #define VAR_UNCON "ACE_isUnconscious" #define VAR_OPEN_WOUNDS QEGVAR(medical,openWounds) #define VAR_BANDAGED_WOUNDS QEGVAR(medical,bandagedWounds) #define VAR_STITCHED_WOUNDS QEGVAR(medical,stitchedWounds) // These variables track gradual adjustments (from medication, etc.) #define VAR_MEDICATIONS QEGVAR(medical,medications) // These variables track the current state of status values above #define VAR_HEMORRHAGE QEGVAR(medical,hemorrhage) #define VAR_IN_PAIN QEGVAR(medical,inPain) #define VAR_TOURNIQUET QEGVAR(medical,tourniquets) #define VAR_FRACTURES QEGVAR(medical,fractures) // - Unit Functions --------------------------------------------------- // Retrieval macros for common unit values // Defined for easy consistency and speed #define GET_SM_STATE(_unit) ([_unit, EGVAR(medical,STATE_MACHINE)] call CBA_statemachine_fnc_getCurrentState) #define GET_BLOOD_VOLUME(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_BLOOD_VOL, DEFAULT_BLOOD_VOLUME]) #define GET_WOUND_BLEEDING(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_WOUND_BLEEDING, 0]) #define GET_HEART_RATE(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_HEART_RATE, DEFAULT_HEART_RATE]) #define GET_HEMORRHAGE(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_HEMORRHAGE, 0]) #define GET_PAIN(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_PAIN, 0]) #define GET_PAIN_SUPPRESS(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_PAIN_SUPP, 0]) #define GET_TOURNIQUETS(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_TOURNIQUET, DEFAULT_TOURNIQUET_VALUES]) #define GET_FRACTURES(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_FRACTURES, DEFAULT_FRACTURE_VALUES]) #define IN_CRDC_ARRST(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_CRDC_ARRST, false]) #define IS_BLEEDING(unit) (GET_WOUND_BLEEDING(unit) > 0) #define IS_IN_PAIN(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_IN_PAIN, false]) #define IS_UNCONSCIOUS(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_UNCON, false]) #define GET_OPEN_WOUNDS(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_OPEN_WOUNDS, []]) #define GET_BANDAGED_WOUNDS(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_BANDAGED_WOUNDS, []]) #define GET_STITCHED_WOUNDS(unit) (unit getVariable [VAR_STITCHED_WOUNDS, []]) // The following function calls are defined here just for consistency #define GET_BLOOD_LOSS(unit) ([unit] call EFUNC(medical_status,getBloodLoss)) #define GET_BLOOD_PRESSURE(unit) ([unit] call EFUNC(medical_status,getBloodPressure)) // Derivative unit values commonly used #define GET_PAIN_PERCEIVED(unit) (0 max (GET_PAIN(unit) - GET_PAIN_SUPPRESS(unit)) min 1) #define HAS_TOURNIQUET_APPLIED_ON(unit,index) ((GET_TOURNIQUETS(unit) select index) > 0) // Cache expiry values, in seconds #define IN_MEDICAL_FACILITY_CACHE_EXPIRY 1 #define CAN_TREAT_CONDITION_CACHE_EXPIRY 2 // Ignore UAV/Drone AI Base Classes #define IGNORE_BASE_UAVPILOTS "B_UAV_AI", "O_UAV_AI", "UAV_AI_base_F"