/* * Author: Ruthberg * * Inits the wind variables on mission start * * Argument: * None * * Return value: * None */ #include "script_component.hpp" private ["_j", "_i", "_month", "_windDirectionProbabilities"]; _month = date select 1; _windDirectionProbabilities = GVAR(WindDirectionProbabilities) select (_month - 1); ACE_wind = [0, 0, 0]; GVAR(wind_direction_reference) = random 360; for "_j" from 0 to 10 do { _random = random 1; for "_i" from 0 to 7 do { if (_random < (_windDirectionProbabilities select _i)) exitWith { GVAR(wind_direction_reference) = 45 * _i; }; }; if (_i < 7) exitWith {}; }; GVAR(wind_mean_dir) = GVAR(wind_direction_reference); GVAR(wind_direction_reference) = GVAR(wind_direction_reference) + (random 22.5) - (random 22.5); GVAR(min_wind_speed) = GVAR(WindSpeedMin) select (_month - 1); GVAR(min_wind_speed) = (GVAR(min_wind_speed) select 0) + (random (GVAR(min_wind_speed) select 1)) - (random (GVAR(min_wind_speed) select 1)); GVAR(min_wind_speed) = 0 max GVAR(min_wind_speed); GVAR(max_wind_speed) = GVAR(WindSpeedMax) select (_month - 1); GVAR(max_wind_speed) = (GVAR(max_wind_speed) select 0) + (random (GVAR(max_wind_speed) select 1)) - (random (GVAR(max_wind_speed) select 1)); GVAR(max_wind_speed) = 0 max GVAR(max_wind_speed); GVAR(c1) = 0.1 + random 0.1; GVAR(c2) = 0.2 + random 0.1; GVAR(c3) = 0.5 + random 0.2; GVAR(c4) = 0.7 + random 0.2; GVAR(wind_period_count) = 0; GVAR(wind_next_period) = -1; GVAR(wind_speed_debug_output) = [];