/* * Author: esteldunedain, based on Killzone-Kid code * Removes quotation marks to avoid exploits and optionally html tags from text to avoid conflicts with structured text. * * Arguments: * 0: Source string <STRING> * 1: Remove html tags (default: false) <BOOL> * * Return Value: * Sanitized string <STRING> * * Example: * ["<CoolGroup>CoolGuy", true] call ace_common_fnc_sanitizeString; * * Public: Yes */ #include "script_component.hpp" params ["_string", ["_removeTags", false]]; private _array = []; { switch _x do { case 60 : { // less than symbol: `<` if (_removeTags) then { _array append toArray "<"; } else { _array pushBack _x; }; }; case 62 : { // greater than symbol: `>` if (_removeTags) then { _array append toArray ">"; } else { _array pushBack _x; }; }; case 34 : { }; case 39 : { }; default { _array pushBack _x; }; }; false } count toArray _string; toString _array // return