#include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: PabstMirror * Prevents the cursor from entering the roamer when drawing lines and records the positions * * Arguments: * 0: Map control * 1: Roamer Width * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [CONTROL, 300] call ace_maptools_fnc_drawLinesOnRoamer * * Public: No */ if (!GVAR(drawStraightLines)) exitWith {}; params ["_mapCtrl", "_roamerWidth"]; GVAR(mapTool_pos) params ["_roamerPosX", "_roamerPosY"]; private _posCenter = [_roamerPosX, _roamerPosY, 0]; private _posTopRight = [ _roamerPosX + (cos GVAR(mapTool_angle)) * DIST_LEFT_TO_CENTER_PERC * _roamerWidth + (sin GVAR(mapTool_angle)) * DIST_TOP_TO_CENTER_PERC * _roamerWidth, _roamerPosY + (-sin GVAR(mapTool_angle)) * DIST_LEFT_TO_CENTER_PERC * _roamerWidth + (cos GVAR(mapTool_angle)) * DIST_TOP_TO_CENTER_PERC * _roamerWidth, 0 ]; private _posTopLeft = [ _roamerPosX + (-cos GVAR(mapTool_angle)) * DIST_LEFT_TO_CENTER_PERC * _roamerWidth + (sin GVAR(mapTool_angle)) * DIST_TOP_TO_CENTER_PERC * _roamerWidth, _roamerPosY + (sin GVAR(mapTool_angle)) * DIST_LEFT_TO_CENTER_PERC * _roamerWidth + (cos GVAR(mapTool_angle)) * DIST_TOP_TO_CENTER_PERC * _roamerWidth, 0 ]; private _posBottomLeft = [ _roamerPosX + (-cos GVAR(mapTool_angle)) * DIST_LEFT_TO_CENTER_PERC * _roamerWidth + (sin GVAR(mapTool_angle)) * DIST_BOTTOM_TO_CENTER_PERC * _roamerWidth, _roamerPosY + (sin GVAR(mapTool_angle)) * DIST_LEFT_TO_CENTER_PERC * _roamerWidth + (cos GVAR(mapTool_angle)) * DIST_BOTTOM_TO_CENTER_PERC * _roamerWidth, 0 ]; private _posBottomRight = [ _roamerPosX + (cos GVAR(mapTool_angle)) * DIST_LEFT_TO_CENTER_PERC * _roamerWidth + (sin GVAR(mapTool_angle)) * DIST_BOTTOM_TO_CENTER_PERC * _roamerWidth, _roamerPosY + (-sin GVAR(mapTool_angle)) * DIST_LEFT_TO_CENTER_PERC * _roamerWidth + (cos GVAR(mapTool_angle)) * DIST_BOTTOM_TO_CENTER_PERC * _roamerWidth, 0 ]; private _fnc_distance = { // Get distance point _p is from a line made from _a to _b (uses 3d array commands, but z should be 0) // Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distance_from_a_point_to_a_line#Vector_formulation params ["_a", "_b", "_p"]; private _n = _b vectorDiff _a; private _pa = _a vectorDiff _p; private _c = _n vectorMultiply ((_pa vectorDotProduct _n) / (_n vectorDotProduct _n)); private _d = _pa vectorDiff _c; sqrt (_d vectorDotProduct _d) }; private _currentMousePos = _mapCtrl ctrlMapScreenToWorld getMousePosition; _currentMousePos set [2, 0]; // Break the roamer rectangle into 4 triangle, one for each side switch (true) do { case (_currentMousePos inPolygon [_posCenter, _posTopLeft, _posBottomLeft]): { // Left private _distanceToRoamerLine = [_posTopLeft, _posBottomLeft, _currentMousePos] call _fnc_distance; _currentMousePos = _currentMousePos vectorAdd ([_distanceToRoamerLine, GVAR(mapTool_angle) - 90, 0] call CBA_fnc_polar2vect); if (GVAR(freeDrawingData) isEqualTo []) then { // We start drawing on the line GVAR(freeDrawingData) = ["left", _currentMousePos, _currentMousePos]; } else { if ((GVAR(freeDrawingData) select 0) == "left") then { // We are already drawing on this line, find best spot if ((_currentMousePos distance2d _posTopLeft) < ((GVAR(freeDrawingData) select 1) distance2d _posTopLeft)) then { GVAR(freeDrawingData) set [1, _currentMousePos]; }; if ((_currentMousePos distance2d _posBottomLeft) < ((GVAR(freeDrawingData) select 2) distance2d _posBottomLeft)) then { GVAR(freeDrawingData) set [2, _currentMousePos]; }; }; }; private _screenPosOfCorrectedPos = _mapCtrl ctrlMapWorldToScreen _currentMousePos; setMousePosition _screenPosOfCorrectedPos; }; case (_currentMousePos inPolygon [_posCenter, _posTopLeft, _posTopRight]): { // Top private _distanceToRoamerLine = [_posTopLeft, _posTopRight, _currentMousePos] call _fnc_distance; _currentMousePos = _currentMousePos vectorAdd ([_distanceToRoamerLine, GVAR(mapTool_angle), 0] call CBA_fnc_polar2vect); if (GVAR(freeDrawingData) isEqualTo []) then { // We start drawing on the line GVAR(freeDrawingData) = ["top", _currentMousePos, _currentMousePos]; } else { if ((GVAR(freeDrawingData) select 0) == "top") then { // We are already drawing on this line, find best spot if ((_currentMousePos distance2d _posTopLeft) < ((GVAR(freeDrawingData) select 1) distance2d _posTopLeft)) then { GVAR(freeDrawingData) set [1, _currentMousePos]; }; if ((_currentMousePos distance2d _posTopRight) < ((GVAR(freeDrawingData) select 2) distance2d _posTopRight)) then { GVAR(freeDrawingData) set [2, _currentMousePos]; }; }; }; private _screenPosOfCorrectedPos = _mapCtrl ctrlMapWorldToScreen _currentMousePos; setMousePosition _screenPosOfCorrectedPos; }; case (_currentMousePos inPolygon [_posCenter, _posTopRight, _posBottomRight]): { // Right private _distanceToRoamerLine = [_posTopRight, _posBottomRight, _currentMousePos] call _fnc_distance; _currentMousePos = _currentMousePos vectorAdd ([_distanceToRoamerLine, GVAR(mapTool_angle) + 90, 0] call CBA_fnc_polar2vect); if (GVAR(freeDrawingData) isEqualTo []) then { // We start drawing on the line GVAR(freeDrawingData) = ["right", _currentMousePos, _currentMousePos]; } else { if ((GVAR(freeDrawingData) select 0) == "right") then { // We are already drawing on this line, find best spot if ((_currentMousePos distance2d _posTopRight) < ((GVAR(freeDrawingData) select 1) distance2d _posTopRight)) then { GVAR(freeDrawingData) set [1, _currentMousePos]; }; if ((_currentMousePos distance2d _posBottomRight) < ((GVAR(freeDrawingData) select 2) distance2d _posBottomRight)) then { GVAR(freeDrawingData) set [2, _currentMousePos]; }; }; }; private _screenPosOfCorrectedPos = _mapCtrl ctrlMapWorldToScreen _currentMousePos; setMousePosition _screenPosOfCorrectedPos; }; case (_currentMousePos inPolygon [_posCenter, _posBottomLeft, _posBottomRight]): { // Bottom private _distanceToRoamerLine = [_posBottomLeft, _posBottomRight, _currentMousePos] call _fnc_distance; _currentMousePos = _currentMousePos vectorAdd ([_distanceToRoamerLine, GVAR(mapTool_angle) + 180, 0] call CBA_fnc_polar2vect); if (GVAR(freeDrawingData) isEqualTo []) then { // We start drawing on the line GVAR(freeDrawingData) = ["bottom", _currentMousePos, _currentMousePos]; } else { if ((GVAR(freeDrawingData) select 0) == "bottom") then { // We are already drawing on this line, find best spot if ((_currentMousePos distance2d _posBottomLeft) < ((GVAR(freeDrawingData) select 1) distance2d _posBottomLeft)) then { GVAR(freeDrawingData) set [1, _currentMousePos]; }; if ((_currentMousePos distance2d _posBottomRight) < ((GVAR(freeDrawingData) select 2) distance2d _posBottomRight)) then { GVAR(freeDrawingData) set [2, _currentMousePos]; }; }; }; private _screenPosOfCorrectedPos = _mapCtrl ctrlMapWorldToScreen _currentMousePos; setMousePosition _screenPosOfCorrectedPos; }; }; #ifdef DEBUG_MODE_FULL _mapCtrl drawIcon ['iconStaticMG',[1,0,0,1],_posTopRight,24,24,getDir player,'1,1',1,0.03,'TahomaB','right']; _mapCtrl drawIcon ['iconStaticMG',[1,0,0,1],_posTopLeft,24,24,getDir player,'-1,1',1,0.03,'TahomaB','right']; _mapCtrl drawIcon ['iconStaticMG',[1,0,0,1],_posBottomLeft,24,24,getDir player,'-1,-1',1,0.03,'TahomaB','right']; _mapCtrl drawIcon ['iconStaticMG',[1,0,0,1],_posBottomRight,24,24,getDir player,'1,-1',1,0.03,'TahomaB','right']; if (GVAR(freeDrawingData) isNotEqualTo []) then { _mapCtrl drawIcon ['iconStaticMG',[0,0,1,1],GVAR(freeDrawingData) select 1,24,24,getDir player,'1,-1',1,0.03,'TahomaB','right']; _mapCtrl drawIcon ['iconStaticMG',[0,0,1,1],GVAR(freeDrawingData) select 2,24,24,getDir player,'1,-1',1,0.03,'TahomaB','right']; }; #endif