$projectRoot = Split-Path -Parent $PSScriptRoot $releasePage = "https://github.com/KoffeinFlummi/armake/releases" $downloadPage = "https://github.com/KoffeinFlummi/armake/releases/download/v{0}/armake_v{0}.zip" $armake = "$projectRoot\tools\armake.exe" [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 function Compare-VersionNewerThan { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] $version1, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] $version2 ) $version1 = $version1.Split(".") | % {[int] $_} $version2 = $version2.Split(".") | % {[int] $_} $newer = $False for ($i = 0; $i -lt $version1.Length; $i++) { if ($version1[$i] -gt $version2[$i]) { $newer = $True break } } $newer } function Get-InstalledArmakeVersion { if (Test-Path $armake) { $version = & $armake --version $version = $version.Substring(1) } else { $version = "0.0.0" } $version } function Get-LatestArmakeVersion { $client = New-Object Net.WebClient $content = $client.DownloadString($releasePage) $client.dispose() $match = $content -match "<a href="".*?/releases/download/v(.*?)/.*?.zip"".*?>" if (!$match) { Write-Error "Failed to find valid armake download link." $version = "0.0.0" } else { $version = $matches[1] } $version } function Update-Armake { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] $url ) New-Item "$PSScriptRoot\temp" -ItemType "directory" -Force | Out-Null Write-Output "Downloading armake..." $client = New-Object Net.WebClient $client.DownloadFile($url, "$PSScriptRoot\temp\armake.zip") $client.dispose() Write-Output "Download complete, unpacking..." Expand-Archive "$PSScriptRoot\temp\armake.zip" "$PSScriptRoot\temp\armake" Remove-Item "$PSScriptRoot\temp\armake.zip" if ([Environment]::Is64BitProcess) { $binary = Get-ChildItem -Path "$PSScriptRoot\temp\armake" -Include "*.exe" -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.Name -match ".*w64.exe"} } else { $binary = Get-ChildItem -Path "$PSScriptRoot\temp\armake" -Include "*.exe" -Recurse | Where-Object {$_.Name -match ".*w64.exe"} } Move-Item $binary.FullName $armake -Force Remove-Item "$PSScriptRoot\temp" -Recurse -Force } function Build-Directory { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] $directory ) $component = $directory.Name $fullPath = $directory.FullName $parent = $directory.Parent $binPath = "$projectRoot\@ace\$parent\ace_$component.pbo" Write-Output " PBO $component" & $armake build -i "$projectRoot\include" -w unquoted-string -w redefinition-wo-undef -f $fullPath $binPath if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) { Write-Error "Failed to build $component." } } function Main { $installed = Get-InstalledArmakeVersion $latest = Get-LatestArmakeVersion if (Compare-VersionNewerThan $latest $installed) { Write-Output "Found newer version of armake:" " Installed: $installed" " Latest: $latest" Update-Armake ($downloadPage -f $latest) Write-Output "Update complete, armake up-to-date." } $orgLocation = Get-Location Set-Location -Path $projectRoot foreach ($folder in "addons", "optionals") { New-Item "$projectRoot\@ace\$folder" -ItemType "directory" -Force | Out-Null foreach ($component in Get-ChildItem -Directory "$PSScriptRoot\..\$folder") { Build-Directory $component } } Set-Location $orgLocation } Main