/* * Author: CAA-Picard * * Handle mouse buttons. * * Argument: * 0: 1 if mouse down down, 0 if mouse button up (Number) * 1: Parameters of the mouse button event * * Return value: * Boolean, true if event was handled */ private ["_dir", "_params", "_control", "_button", "_screenPos", "_shiftKey", "_ctrlKey", "_handled", "_pos"]; _dir = _this select 0; _params = _this select 1; _control = _params select 0; _button = _params select 1; _screenPos = [_params select 2, _params select 3]; _shiftKey = _params select 4; _ctrlKey = _params select 5; _altKey = _params select 6; _handled = false; // If it's not a left button event, exit if (_button != 0) exitWith {}; // If releasing if (_dir != 1 && (AGM_Map_dragging or AGM_Map_rotating)) exitWith { AGM_Map_dragging = false; AGM_Map_rotating = false; _handled = true; _handled }; // If clicking if (_dir == 1) exitWith { if !(call AGM_Map_fnc_canDraw) exitWith {_handled = false;}; // Transform mouse screen position to coordinates _pos = _control ctrlMapScreenToWorld _screenPos; _pos set [count _pos, 0]; if (AGM_Map_drawing) exitWith { // Already drawing -> Add tempLineMarker to permanent list if (AGM_Map_syncMarkers) then { deleteMarkerLocal (AGM_Map_tempLineMarker select 0); [AGM_Map_tempLineMarker, "AGM_Map_fnc_addLineMarker", 2] call AGM_Core_fnc_execRemoteFnc; // Log who drew on the briefing screen (text format ["[AGM] Server: Player %1 drew on the briefing screen", name player]) call AGM_Core_fnc_serverLog; } else { AGM_Map_tempLineMarker call AGM_Map_fnc_updateLineMarker; AGM_Map_lineMarkers pushBack (+AGM_Map_tempLineMarker); }; AGM_Map_tempLineMarker = []; AGM_Map_drawing = false; _handled = true; }; if (_altKey) exitWith { // Start drawing AGM_Map_drawing = true; // Create tempLineMarker _gui = format ["%1%2%3%4", random (100), random (100), random (100), random (100)]; AGM_Map_tempLineMarker = [_gui, + _pos, + _pos, AGM_Map_drawColor]; _marker = createMarkerLocal [_gui, [0,0]]; AGM_Map_tempLineMarker call AGM_Map_fnc_updateLineMarker; _handled = true; }; AGM_Map_dragging = false; AGM_Map_rotating = false; // If no map tool marker then exit if (isNil "AGM_Map_mapToolFixed") exitWith {_handled = false;}; // Check if clicking the maptool if (_pos call AGM_Map_fnc_isInsideMapTool) exitWith { // Store data for dragging AGM_Map_startPos = + AGM_Map_pos; AGM_Map_startDragPos = + _pos; if (_ctrlKey) then { // Store data for rotating AGM_Map_startAngle = + AGM_Map_angle; AGM_Map_startDragAngle = (180 + ((AGM_Map_startDragPos select 0) - (AGM_Map_startPos select 0)) atan2 ((AGM_Map_startDragPos select 1) - (AGM_Map_startPos select 1)) mod 360); // Start rotating AGM_Map_rotating = true; } else { // Start dragging AGM_Map_dragging = true; }; _handled = true; }; }; _handled