/* * Author: commy2 * * Returns all hitpoints and their selections of any vehicle. Might contain duplicates if the turrets contain non unique hitpoints with different selection names. * * Arguments: * 0: A vehicle, not the classname (Object) * * Return Value: * The hitpoints with selections. Format: [hitpoints, selections]. They correspond by index. (Array) */ #include "\z\ace\addons\core\script_component.hpp" private ["_vehicle", "_config", "_hitpoints", "_selections"]; _vehicle = _this select 0; _config = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _vehicle; _hitpoints = []; _selections = []; // get all classes that can contain hitpoints private "_hitpointClasses"; _hitpointClasses = [_config >> "HitPoints"]; { private "_class"; _class = ([_config, _x] call FUNC(getTurretConfigPath)) >> "HitPoints"; if (isClass _class) then { _hitpointClasses pushBack _class; }; } forEach allTurrets _vehicle; // iterate through all classes with hitpoints and their parents { private "_class"; _class = _x; while {isClass _class} do { for "_i" from 0 to (count _class - 1) do { private ["_entry", "_selection"]; _entry = configName (_class select _i); _selection = getText (_class select _i >> "name"); if (!(_selection in _selections) && {!isNil {_vehicle getHit _selection}}) then { _hitpoints pushBack _entry; _selections pushBack _selection; }; }; _class = inheritsFrom _class; }; } forEach _hitpointClasses; [_hitpoints, _selections]