/* * Author: commy2 * * Revert a key code to a readible text. * * Argument: * 0: Key code (Number) * * Return value: * What input will result in the given key code? (String) */ #include "\z\ace\addons\common\script_component.hpp" private ["_keyCode", "_key", "_alt", "_ctrl", "_shft"]; _keyCode = _this select 0; _key = toString ((toArray keyName floor _keyCode) - [34]); _keyCode = round ((_keyCode % 1) * 10); switch (_keyCode) do { case 8 : {format [localize QUOTE(DOUBLES(STR,GVAR(DoubleTapKey))), _key]}; case 9 : {format [localize QUOTE(DOUBLES(STR,GVAR(HoldKey))), _key]}; default { _keyCode = toArray ([_keyCode, 3] call FUNC(toBin)); _alt = "1" == toString [_keyCode select 0]; _ctrl = "1" == toString [_keyCode select 1]; _shift = "1" == toString [_keyCode select 2]; format ["%1%2%3%4", ["", format ["%1 + ", localize QUOTE(DOUBLES(STR,GVAR(Alt)))]] select _alt, ["", format ["%1 + ", localize QUOTE(DOUBLES(STR,GVAR(Ctrl)))]] select _ctrl, ["", format ["%1 + ", localize QUOTE(DOUBLES(STR,GVAR(Shift)))]] select _shift, _key ] }; };