#include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: QuantX * Gets the capacity of a fuel source's tank. * * Arguments: * 0: Fuel Source <OBJECT> * * Return Value: * Fuel capacity <NUMBER> (-10 means infinte fuel, -1 means not a fuel source, >0 is a capacity in liters) * * Example: * [fuelTruck] call ace_refuel_fnc_getCapacity * * Public: Yes */ params [["_source", objNull, [objNull]]]; if (isNull _source) exitWith {REFUEL_DISABLED_FUEL}; private _capacity = _source getVariable QGVAR(capacity); // Initialize fuel truck if needed if (isNil "_capacity") then { // Check if this object has a fuelCargo config entry private _fuelCargo = configOf _source >> QGVAR(fuelCargo); _capacity = if (isNumber _fuelCargo) then {getNumber _fuelCargo} else {REFUEL_DISABLED_FUEL}; // Set capacity even if this isn't a fuel source to save on config lookup time in the event this function is used in a loop _source setVariable [QGVAR(capacity), _capacity, true]; // handle weird edge case when trying to run on "camera"/CfgNonAIVehicles which won't support setVariable and will inf-loop if (isNil {_source getVariable QGVAR(capacity)}) exitWith { WARNING_1("trying to getCapacity from non-CfgVehicle %1",_this); }; [_source, _capacity] call FUNC(setFuel); }; _capacity;