/* * Author: CAA-Picard * Collect a entire tree of active actions * * Argument: * 0: Object <OBJECT> * 1: Original action tree <ARRAY> * * Return value: * Active children <ARRAY> * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" EXPLODE_2_PVT(_this,_object,_origAction); EXPLODE_2_PVT(_origAction,_origActionData,_origActionChildren); private ["_resultingAction","_target","_player","_activeChildren","_action","_actionData","_x"]; _target = _object; _player = ACE_player; // Return nothing if the action itself is not active if !([_target, ACE_player] call (_origActionData select 4)) exitWith { [] }; _activeChildren = []; // Collect children class actions { _action = [_object, _x] call FUNC(collectActiveActionTree); if ((count _action) > 0) then { _activeChildren pushBack _action; }; } forEach _origActionChildren; // Collect children object actions { _action = _x; _actionData = _action select 0; // Check if the action is children of the original action if ((count (_actionData select 7)) == (count (_origActionData select 7) + 1)) then { // Compare parent path to see if it's a suitable child private "_isChild"; _isChild = true; { if !(_x isEqualTo ((_actionData select 7) select _forEachIndex)) exitWith { _isChild = false; }; } forEach (_origActionData select 7); if (_isChild) then { _action = [_object, _action] call FUNC(collectActiveActionTree); if ((count _action) > 0) then { _activeChildren pushBack _action; }; }; }; } forEach GVAR(objectActions); // If the original action has no statement, and no children, don't display it if ((count _activeChildren) == 0 && ((_origActionData select 3) isEqualTo {})) exitWith { // @todo: Account for showDisabled? [] }; [_origActionData, _activeChildren]