/* * Author: Jonpas * Transfers AI groups to Headess Client(s). * * Arguments: * 0: Force * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [false] call ace_headless_fnc_transferGroups; * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" params ["_force"]; GVAR(headlessClients) params [ ["_HC1", objNull, [objNull] ], ["_HC2", objNull, [objNull] ], ["_HC3", objNull, [objNull] ] ]; if (GVAR(Log)) then { ACE_LOGINFO_2("Present HCs: %1 - Full Rebalance: %2",GVAR(headlessClients),_force); }; // Enable round-robin load balancing if more than one HC is present private _loadBalance = [false, true] select (count GVAR(headlessClients) > 1); // Get IDs and determine first HC to start with private _idHC1 = -1; private _idHC2 = -1; private _idHC3 = -1; private _currentHC = 0; if (!local _HC1) then { _idHC1 = owner _HC1; _currentHC = 1; }; if (!local _HC2) then { _idHC2 = owner _HC2; if (_currentHC == 0) then { _currentHC = 2; }; }; if (!local _HC3) then { _idHC3 = owner _HC3; if (_currentHC == 0) then { _currentHC = 3; }; }; // Prepare statistics private _numTransferredHC1 = 0; private _numTransferredHC2 = 0; private _numTransferredHC3 = 0; // Transfer AI groups { // No transfer if empty group private _transfer = !(_x isEqualTo []); if (_transfer) then { { // No transfer if already transferred if (!_force && {(owner _x) in [_idHC1, _idHC2, _idHC3]}) exitWith { _transfer = false; }; // No transfer if player in this group if (isPlayer _x) exitWith { _transfer = false; }; // No transfer if any unit in group is blacklisted if (_x getVariable [QGVAR(blacklist), false]) exitWith { _transfer = false; }; // No transfer if vehicle unit is in or crew in that vehicle is blacklisted if (vehicle _x != _x && {(vehicle _x) getVariable [QGVAR(blacklist), false]}) exitWith { _transfer = false; }; } forEach (units _x); }; // Round robin between HCs if load balance enabled, else pass all to one HC if (_transfer) then { switch (_currentHC) do { case 1: { private _transferred = _x setGroupOwner _idHC1; if (_loadBalance) then { _currentHC = [3, 2] select (!local _HC2); }; if (_transferred) then { _numTransferredHC1 = _numTransferredHC1 + 1; }; }; case 2: { private _transferred = _x setGroupOwner _idHC2; if (_loadBalance) then { _currentHC = [1, 3] select (!local _HC3); }; if (_transferred) then { _numTransferredHC2 = _numTransferredHC2 + 1; }; }; case 3: { private _transferred = _x setGroupOwner _idHC3; if (_loadBalance) then { _currentHC = [2, 1] select (!local _HC1); }; if (_transferred) then { _numTransferredHC3 = _numTransferredHC3 + 1; }; }; default { TRACE_1("No Valid HC to transfer to",_currentHC); }; }; }; } forEach allGroups; if (GVAR(Log)) then { private _numTransferredTotal = _numTransferredHC1 + _numTransferredHC2 + _numTransferredHC3; ACE_LOGINFO_4("Groups Transferred: Total: %1 - HC1: %2 - HC2: %3 - HC3: %4",_numTransferredTotal,_numTransferredHC1,_numTransferredHC2,_numTransferredHC3); }; // Allow rebalance flag GVAR(inRebalance) = false;