#include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: Nelson Duarte, AACO * Function used to handle map mouse click events * * Arguments: * 0: Map control <CONTROL> * 1: Mouse button pressed <NUMBER> * 2: x screen coordinate clicked <BOOL> * 3: y screen coordinate clicked <BOOL> * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * _this call ace_spectator_fnc_ui_handleMapClick * * Public: No */ params ["", "", "_x", "_y"]; if (isNull GVAR(uiMapHighlighted)) then { // Give user feedback that camera is no longer focused if !(isNull GVAR(camFocus)) then { playSound "ReadoutHideClick1"; }; // Preserve camera height on teleport private _pos = CTRL_MAP ctrlMapScreenToWorld [_x, _y]; _pos set [2, (getPosASLVisual GVAR(camera)) select 2]; GVAR(camera) setPosASL _pos; } else { // Give user feedback that camera is focused on highlighted unit playSound "ReadoutClick"; }; [GVAR(uiMapHighlighted)] call FUNC(setFocus);