/* * Author: GitHawk * Sets the supply count. [Global Effects] * * Arguments: * 0: Ammo Truck <OBJECT> * 1: Supply Count <NUMBER> * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [ammo_truck, 1000] call ace_rearm_fnc_setSupplyCount * * Public: Yes */ #include "script_component.hpp" if !(EGVAR(common,settingsInitFinished)) exitWith { // only run this after the settings are initialized EGVAR(common,runAtSettingsInitialized) pushBack [FUNC(setSupplyCount), _this]; }; params [["_truck", objNull, [objNull]], ["_supply", 0, [0]]]; if (GVAR(supply) != 1) exitWith {WARNING("supply setting is not set to limited");}; if (isNull _truck) exitWith {WARNING_1("Truck is null [%1]",_truck);}; _truck setVariable [QGVAR(currentSupply), (_supply max 0), true];