/* * Author: Glowbal * Translate selection names into medical usable hit selection names. * Aims to deal with the new hitpoint system introduced in Arma3 v1.50 and later. * * Arguments: * 0: Unit <OBJECT> * 1: selection name <STRING> * 2: HitPoint Index/True to get hitpoint <SCALAR><BOOL> * * Return Value: * translated selection/hitpoint name <STRING> * * Example: * [bob, "pelvis", 4] call ace_medical_fnc_translateSelections * Returns "body" * * [bob, "body", true] call ace_medical_fnc_translateSelections * Returns "HitBody" * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" #define HEAD_SELECTIONS ["face_hub", "neck", "head"] #define HEAD_HITPOINTS ["hitface", "hitneck", "hithead"] #define TORSO_SELECTIONS ["pelvis", "spine1", "spine2", "spine3", "body"] #define TORSO_HITPOINTS ["hitpelvis", "hitabdomen", "hitdiaphragm", "hitchest", "hitbody"] #define L_ARM_SELECTIONS ["hand_l"] #define L_ARM_HITPOINTS ["hitleftarm", "hand_l"] #define R_ARM_SELECTIONS ["hand_r"] #define R_ARM_HITPOINTS ["hitrightarm", "hand_r"] #define L_LEG_SELECTIONS ["leg_l"] #define L_LEG_HITPOINTS ["hitleftleg", "leg_l"] #define R_LEG_SELECTIONS ["leg_r"] #define R_LEG_HITPOINTS ["hitrightleg", "leg_r"] params ["_unit", "_selection", "_hitPointIndex"]; if (_selection == "") exitWith {""}; //Get Selection from standard selection ["head","body","hand_l","hand_r","leg_l","leg_r"] if (_hitPointIndex isEqualTo true) exitWith { private _returnHitPoint = GVAR(HITPOINTS) select (GVAR(SELECTIONS) find _selection); //If the selection is a valid hitpoint just return it: if (!isNil {_unit getHitPointDamage _returnHitPoint}) exitWith { _returnHitPoint; }; //Those VR fuckers have weird limb hitpoints private _hitPoints = switch (_selection) do { case ("hand_l"): {L_ARM_HITPOINTS}; case ("hand_r"): {R_ARM_HITPOINTS}; case ("leg_l"): {L_LEG_HITPOINTS}; case ("leg_r"): {R_LEG_HITPOINTS}; case ("head"): {HEAD_HITPOINTS}; case ("body"): {TORSO_HITPOINTS}; default {[]}; }; { if (!isNil {_unit getHitPointDamage _x}) exitWith { _returnHitPoint = _x; }; } forEach _hitPoints; _returnHitPoint }; //Get Selection from Selection/HitIndex: if (_selection in HEAD_SELECTIONS) exitWith {"head"}; if (_selection in TORSO_SELECTIONS) exitWith {"body"}; // Not necessary unless we get more hitpoints variants in an next arma update /*if (_selection in L_ARM_SELECTIONS) exitWith {"hand_l"}; if (_selection in R_ARM_SELECTIONS) exitWith {"hand_r"}; if (_selection in L_LEG_SELECTIONS) exitWith {"leg_l"}; if (_selection in R_LEG_SELECTIONS) exitWith {"leg_r"};*/ //Backup method to detect weird selections/hitpoints if ((_selection == "?") || {!(_selection in GVAR(SELECTIONS))}) exitWith { if (_hitPointIndex < 0) exitWith {_selection}; private _hitPoint = toLower configName ((configProperties [(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _unit) >> "HitPoints")]) select _hitPointIndex); TRACE_4("Weird sel/hit", _unit, _selection, _hitPointIndex, _hitPoint); if (_hitPoint in HEAD_HITPOINTS) exitWith {"head"}; if (_hitPoint in TORSO_HITPOINTS) exitWith {"body"}; if (_hitPoint in L_ARM_HITPOINTS) exitWith {"hand_l"}; if (_hitPoint in R_ARM_HITPOINTS) exitWith {"hand_r"}; if (_hitPoint in L_LEG_HITPOINTS) exitWith {"leg_l"}; if (_hitPoint in R_LEG_HITPOINTS) exitWith {"leg_r"}; _selection }; _selection;