/** * fn_performStitching.sqf * @Descr: N/A * @Author: Glowbal * * @Arguments: [] * @Return: * @PublicAPI: false */ #include "script_component.hpp" #define WAITING_TIME_SMALL 2.5 #define WAITING_TIME_MEDIUM 3.5 #define WAITING_TIME_LARGE 4.5 #define WAITING_TIMES_WOUNDS [WAITING_TIME_SMALL, WAITING_TIME_MEDIUM, WAITING_TIME_LARGE] private ["_injuredPerson", "_treatingPerson", "_selectionName", "_removeItem", "_prevAnim", "_bandagedWounds", "_bodyPartN", "_allWounds", "_totalWoundsCount", "_totalTime", "_startTimeOfStitching", "_indexStitch", "_woundstoStitchOf", "_afterStitchingWoundsCount", "_waitingTime", "_i", "_startTime", "_messageSend"]; _caller = _this select 0; _target = _this select 1; _selectionName = _this select 2; _removeItem = _this select 3; _prevAnim = _this select 4; [_caller,"STR_ACE_STITCHING","STR_ACE_START_STITCHING_INJURIES", 0, [[_injuredPerson] call EFUNC(common,getName),_selectionName]] call EFUNC(gui,sendDisplayMessageTo); _bandagedWounds = [_injuredPerson,QGVAR(bandagedWounds)] call EFUNC(common,getDefinedVariable); _bodyPartN = [_selectionName] call FUNC(getBodyPartNumber); _allWounds = _bandagedWounds select _bodyPartN; _totalTime = ((_allWounds select 0) * WAITING_TIME_MEDIUM) + ((_allWounds select 1) * WAITING_TIME_MEDIUM) + ((_allWounds select 2) * WAITING_TIME_MEDIUM); // Get the current position for the treatment person _caller setvariable [QGVAR(StartingPositionHandleTreatment), getPos _caller]; _caller setvariable [QGVAR(lastStichPerformed), diag_tickTime]; [{ private ["_caller","_target", "_selectionName", "_prevAnim", "_removeItem","_args"]; _args = _this select 0; _caller = _args select 0; _target = _args select 1; _selectionName = _args select 2; _removeItem = _args select 3; _prevAnim = _args select 4; if ((vehicle _caller != _caller) || ((getPos _caller) distance (_caller getvariable GVAR(ORIGINAL_POSITION_PLAYER))) >= 1) then { [(_this select 0), "STR_ACE_CANCELED", ["STR_ACE_ACTION_CANCELED","STR_ACE_YOU_MOVED_AWAY"]] call EFUNC(gui,sendDisplayInformationTo); if (_prevAnim != "") then { [_caller,_prevAnim, 0] call EFUNC(common,doAnimation); }; [QGVAR(treatmentIconID), false, QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\icons\icon_advanced_treatment.paa)), [1,1,1,1]] call EFUNC(gui,displayIcon); ["Medical_handleTreatment_Stitching", [_caller, _target, _selectionName, _removeItem, false]] call ace_common_fnc_localEvent; ["Medical_treatmentCompleted", [_caller, _target, _selectionName, _removeItem]] call ace_common_fnc_localEvent; [(_this select 1)] call cba_fnc_removePerFrameHandler; }; if (diag_tickTime - (_caller getvariable [QGVAR(lastStichPerformed), diag_tickTime - WAITING_TIME_MEDIUM]) >= WAITING_TIME_MEDIUM) then { _caller setvariable [QGVAR(lastStichPerformed), diag_tickTime]; _bandagedWounds = [_target,QGVAR(bandagedWounds)] call EFUNC(common,getDefinedVariable); _allWounds = _bandagedWounds select _bodyPartN; { if (_x > 0) exitwith { _value = _x - 1; if (_value < 0) then { _value = 0; }; _allWounds set[_foreachIndex, _value]; }; }foreach _allWounds; _bandagedWounds set [_bodyPartN, _allWounds]; [_target, QGVAR(bandagedWounds), _bandagedWounds] call EFUNC(common,setDefinedVariable); if (((_allWounds select 0) * 2.5) + ((_allWounds select 1) * 3.5) + ((_allWounds select 2) * 4.5) <= 0) then { [_target,"treatment",format["%1 has stitched up some bandages wounds",[_caller] call EFUNC(common,getName)]] call FUNC(addActivityToLog); if (_prevAnim != "") then { [_caller,_prevAnim, 0] call EFUNC(common,doAnimation); }; [QGVAR(treatmentIconID), false, QUOTE(PATHTOF(data\icons\icon_advanced_treatment.paa)), [1,1,1,1]] call EFUNC(gui,displayIcon); ["Medical_handleTreatment_Stitching", [_caller, _target, _selectionName, _removeItem, true]] call ace_common_fnc_localEvent; ["Medical_treatmentCompleted", [_caller, _target, _selectionName, _removeItem]] call ace_common_fnc_localEvent; [(_this select 1)] call cba_fnc_removePerFrameHandler; }; }; }, 0.1, [_caller, _target, _selectionName, _removeItem, _prevAnim] ] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler; // Necessary for showing the loading bar along side [_totalTime, // the time to wait {_caller = _this select 0; ((vehicle _caller != _caller) ||((getPos _caller) distance GVAR(ORIGINAL_POSITION_PLAYER)) < 1)}, // the condition, called every frame {}, // on success {}, // on failure [_caller] // arguments ] call EFUNC(gui,loadingBar); true;