/* * Author: KoffeinFlummi, commy2 * Handles all incoming damage for tanks (including wheeled APCs). * * Arguments: * HandleDamage EH * * Return Value: * Damage to be inflicted. * * Example: * _this call ace_cookoff_fnc_handleDamage * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" params ["_simulationType", "_thisHandleDamage"]; _thisHandleDamage params ["_vehicle", "", "_damage", "", "_ammo", "_hitIndex"]; // it's already dead, who cares? if (damage _vehicle >= 1) exitWith {}; // get hitpoint name private _hitpoint = "#structural"; if (_hitIndex != -1) then { _hitpoint = toLower ((getAllHitPointsDamage _vehicle param [0, []]) select _hitIndex); }; // get change in damage private "_oldDamage"; if (_hitpoint isEqualTo "#structural") then { _oldDamage = damage _vehicle; } else { _oldDamage = _vehicle getHitIndex _hitIndex; }; private _newDamage = _damage - _oldDamage; // handle different types of vehicles // note: exitWith only works here, because this is not the main scope of handleDamage // you cannot use the return value together with exitWith in the main scope, it's a bug // also, we add this event handler with the addEventHandler SQF command, // because the config version ignores the return value completely if (_simulationType == "car") exitWith { // prevent destruction, let cook-off handle it if necessary if (_hitpoint in ["hithull", "hitfuel", "#structural"] && {!IS_EXPLOSIVE_AMMO(_ammo)}) then { _damage min 0.89 } else { if (_hitpoint isEqualTo "hitengine" && {_damage > 0.9}) then { _vehicle call FUNC(engineFire); }; _damage }; }; if (_simulationType == "tank") exitWith { // determine ammo storage location private _ammoLocationHitpoint = getText (_vehicle call CBA_fnc_getObjectConfig >> QGVAR(ammoLocation)); // ammo was hit, high chance for cook-off if (_hitpoint == _ammoLocationHitpoint) then { if (_damage > 0.5 && {random 1 < 0.7}) then { _vehicle call FUNC(cookOff); }; } else { if (_hitpoint in ["hitbody", "hitturret", "#structural"] && {_newDamage > 0.6 + random 0.3}) then { _vehicle call FUNC(cookOff); }; }; // prevent destruction, let cook-off handle it if necessary if (_hitpoint in ["hithull", "hitfuel", "#structural"]) then { _damage min 0.89 } else { _damage }; };