#include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: PabstMirror * Text statement for the scope magnification stat. * * Arguments: * 0: Not used * 1: Item config path <CONFIG> * * Return Value: * Stat Text <STRING> * * Public: No */ params ["", "_config"]; TRACE_1("statTextStatement_scopeMag",_config); private _minZoom = 999; // FOV, so smaller is more zoomed in private _maxZoom = 1.25; // Cap at 1x zoomed out private _opticsModes = "true" configClasses (_config >> "ItemInfo" >> "OpticsModes"); { // If there is a primary mode then just use that if (getNumber (_x >> "useModelOptics") == 1 || {count _opticsModes == 1}) exitWith { _minZoom = getNumber (_x >> "opticsZoomMin"); _maxZoom = getNumber (_x >> "opticsZoomMax"); }; // Otherwise go through the optic's modes _minZoom = _minZoom min (getNumber (_x >> "opticsZoomMin")); _maxZoom = _maxZoom max (getNumber (_x >> "opticsZoomMax")); } forEach _opticsModes; if (_minZoom in [0, 999]) exitWith {"?"}; private _maxMagnification = (0.25 / _minZoom) toFixed 1; private _minMagnification = (0.25 / _maxZoom); if (_minMagnification < 1) then { _minMagnification = 1; }; _minMagnification = _minMagnification toFixed 1; if (_minMagnification == _maxMagnification) exitWith { format ["%1x", _maxMagnification] }; format ["%1x-%2x", _minMagnification, _maxMagnification]