#include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: Brett Mayson * Create the internal actions arrays when needed for the first time. * * Arguments: * None * * Return Value: * None * * Public: No */ if (!isNil QGVAR(actionList)) exitWith {}; private _actionList = [ [], // Primary 0 [], // Handgun 1 [], // Launcher 2 [], // Uniform 3 [], // Vests 4 [], // Backpacks 5 [], // Headgear 6 [], // Goggles 7 [], // NVGs 8 [], // Binoculars 9 [], // Map 10 [], // GPS 11 [], // Radio 12 [], // Compass 13 [], // Watch 14 [], // Face 15 [], // Voice 16 [], // Insignia 17 [] // Containers 18 ]; private _configGroupEntries = "true" configClasses (configFile >> QGVAR(actions)); GVAR(updateActionsOnCargoChange) = false; { private _scopeEditor = getNumber (_x >> "scopeEditor"); if (is3DEN && {_scopeEditor != 2}) then {continue}; private _configActions = "true" configClasses _x; private _rootClass = configName _x; private _rootDisplayName = getText (_x >> "displayName"); private _rootCondition = getText (_x >> "condition"); private _rootTabs = getArray (_x >> "tabs"); private _updateOnCargoChanged = getNumber (_x >> "updateOnCargoChanged"); if (_updateOnCargoChanged > 0) then { GVAR(updateActionsOnCargoChange) = true; }; if (_rootCondition != "") then { _rootCondition = compile _rootCondition; } else { _rootCondition = {true}; }; private _group = []; { private _class = configName _x; private _label = getText (_x >> "label"); private _condition = getText (_x >> "condition"); private _statement = getText (_x >> "statement"); private _text = getText (_x >> "text"); private _textStatement = getText (_x >> "textStatement"); private _type = switch (false) do { case (_text == ""): { _statement = format ["""%1""", _text]; ACTION_TYPE_TEXT }; case (_textStatement == ""): { _statement = _textStatement; ACTION_TYPE_TEXT }; case (_statement == ""): { _statement = _statement; ACTION_TYPE_BUTTON }; default { -1 }; }; if (_type == -1) then { continue; }; _statement = compile format [QUOTE([GVAR(center)] call {%1}), _statement]; if (_condition != "") then { _condition = compile _condition; } else { _condition = {true}; }; // No duplicates are possible here _group pushBack [_class, _type, _label, _statement, _condition]; } forEach _configActions; { (_actionList select _x) pushBack [_rootClass, _rootDisplayName, _rootCondition, _group]; } forEach _rootTabs; } forEach _configGroupEntries; GVAR(actionList) = _actionList;