#include "compressed.hpp" #include <limits.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <limits.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <string.h> #include <malloc.h> #define COMPRESS_ASSERT(val) if (!(val)) return LZO_E_ERROR #define M2_MAX_OFFSET 0x0800 #define NEED_OP(x) if ((unsigned)(op_end - op) < (unsigned)(x)) return LZO_E_OUTPUT_OVERRUN; #define TEST_LB() if (m_pos < out || m_pos >= op) return LZO_E_LOOKBEHIND_OVERRUN; #define COPY4(dst,src) * (unsigned *)(dst) = * (const unsigned *)(src) #define LZO_E_OK 0 #define LZO_E_ERROR (-1) #define LZO_E_OUTPUT_OVERRUN (-5) #define LZO_E_LOOKBEHIND_OVERRUN (-6) #define LZO_E_OUTPUT_UNDERRUN (-4) namespace ace { namespace p3d { /*lzo1x_decompress_safe ( const lzo_bytep src, lzo_uint src_len, lzo_bytep dst, lzo_uintp dst_len, lzo_voidp wrkmem ) */ int _compressed_base::_decompress_safe(std::istream & in, uint32_t expected_size) { // We read 512 bytes at a time, until we have hit the end of the compressed stream uint8_t *buffer; uint32_t input_size = 0; int32_t result; std::streampos save_pos; save_pos = in.tellg(); buffer = new uint8_t[expected_size + 1024]; in.read((char *)buffer, expected_size + 1024); input_size = in.gcount(); if (in.eof()) { in.clear(); } _data = std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]>(new uint8_t[expected_size + (expected_size % 8)]); result = _mikero_lzo1x_decompress_safe(buffer, _data.get(), expected_size); if (result < 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Decompression failed"; assert(false); } in.seekg(save_pos); in.seekg(result, in.cur); delete[] buffer; return result; } int _compressed_base::_mikero_lzo1x_decompress_safe(const uint8_t* in, uint8_t* out, uint32_t OutLen) { register uint8_t* op; register const uint8_t* ip; register size_t t; register const uint8_t* m_pos; uint8_t* const op_end = out + OutLen; OutLen = 0; op = out; ip = in; if (*ip > 17) { t = *ip++ - 17; if (t < 4) goto match_next; COMPRESS_ASSERT(t > 0);// return LZO_E_ERROR; NEED_OP(t); do *op++ = *ip++; while (--t > 0); goto first_literal_run; } while (1) { t = *ip++; if (t >= 16) goto match; if (t == 0) { while (*ip == 0) { t += 255; ip++; } t += 15 + *ip++; } COMPRESS_ASSERT(t > 0); NEED_OP(t + 3); COPY4(op, ip); op += 4; ip += 4; if (--t > 0) { if (t >= 4) { do { COPY4(op, ip); op += 4; ip += 4; t -= 4; } while (t >= 4); if (t > 0) do *op++ = *ip++; while (--t > 0); } else do *op++ = *ip++; while (--t > 0); } first_literal_run: t = *ip++; if (t >= 16) goto match; m_pos = op - (1 + M2_MAX_OFFSET); m_pos -= t >> 2; m_pos -= *ip++ << 2; TEST_LB(); NEED_OP(3); *op++ = *m_pos++; *op++ = *m_pos++; *op++ = *m_pos; goto match_done; do { match: if (t >= 64) { m_pos = op - 1; m_pos -= (t >> 2) & 7; m_pos -= *ip++ << 3; t = (t >> 5) - 1; TEST_LB(); COMPRESS_ASSERT(t > 0); NEED_OP(t + 3 - 1); goto copy_match; } else if (t >= 32) { t &= 31; if (t == 0) { while (*ip == 0) { t += 255; ip++; } t += 31 + *ip++; } m_pos = op - 1; m_pos -= (ip[0] >> 2) + (ip[1] << 6); ip += 2; } else if (t >= 16) { m_pos = op; m_pos -= (t & 8) << 11; t &= 7; if (t == 0) { while (*ip == 0) { t += 255; ip++; } t += 7 + *ip++; } m_pos -= (ip[0] >> 2) + (ip[1] << 6); ip += 2; ////// done if (m_pos == op) { COMPRESS_ASSERT(t == 1); if (m_pos != op_end) return LZO_E_LOOKBEHIND_OVERRUN; return ip - in; } m_pos -= 0x4000; } else { m_pos = op - 1; m_pos -= t >> 2; m_pos -= *ip++ << 2; TEST_LB(); NEED_OP(2); *op++ = *m_pos++; *op++ = *m_pos; goto match_done; } TEST_LB(); COMPRESS_ASSERT(t > 0); NEED_OP(t + 3 - 1); if (t >= 2 * 4 - (3 - 1) && (op - m_pos) >= 4) { COPY4(op, m_pos); op += 4; m_pos += 4; t -= 4 - (3 - 1); do { COPY4(op, m_pos); op += 4; m_pos += 4; t -= 4; } while (t >= 4); if (t > 0) do *op++ = *m_pos++; while (--t > 0); } else { copy_match: *op++ = *m_pos++; *op++ = *m_pos++; do *op++ = *m_pos++; while (--t > 0); } match_done: t = ip[-2] & 3; if (t == 0) break; match_next: COMPRESS_ASSERT(t > 0); COMPRESS_ASSERT(t < 4); NEED_OP(t); *op++ = *ip++; if (t > 1) { *op++ = *ip++; if (t > 2) { *op++ = *ip++; } } t = *ip++; } while (1); } // return LZO_E_EOF_NOT_FOUND;/never gets here } } }