// #define DEBUG_MODE_FULL #include "script_component.hpp" TRACE_1("enter", _this); #define FCS_UPDATE_DELAY 2.0 FUNC(magnitude) = { _this distance [0, 0, 0] }; FUNC(mat_normalize3d) = { private ["_mag"]; PARAMS_3(_vx,_vy,_vz); _mag = _this call FUNC(magnitude); if (_mag == 0) then {_mag = 1}; [(_vx/_mag), (_vy/_mag), (_vz/_mag)] }; FUNC(laserHudDesignatePFH) = { private["_args", "_laserTarget", "_shooter", "_vehicle", "_weapon", "_gunnerInfo", "_turret", "_pov", "_gunBeg", "_gunEnd", "_povPos", "_povDir", "_result", "_resultPositions", "_firstResult", "_forceUpdateTime"]; _args = _this select 0; _laserTarget = _args select 0; _shooter = _args select 1; if( (count _args) < 3) then { _args set[2, diag_tickTime + FCS_UPDATE_DELAY]; }; _forceUpdateTime = _args select 2; _vehicle = vehicle _shooter; _weapon = currentWeapon _vehicle; TRACE_1("", _args); if(!alive _shooter || isNull _vehicle || isNull _laserTarget || !GVAR(laserActive) ) exitWith { [] call FUNC(laserHudDesignateOff); }; if(!([ACE_player] call FUNC(unitTurretHasDesignator)) ) exitWith { [] call FUNC(laserHudDesignateOff); }; // Retrieve the gunner and turret memory point information _gunnerInfo = [_vehicle, _weapon] call CBA_fnc_getFirer; _turretInfo = [_vehicle, _gunnerInfo select 1] call EFUNC(common,getTurretDirection); _povPos = _turretInfo select 0; _povDir = _turretInfo select 1; _result = [_povPos, _povDir] call EFUNC(laser,shootCone); if((count _result) > 0) then { _resultPositions = _result select 2; if((count _resultPositions) > 0) then { _firstResult = _resultPositions select 0; _pos = _firstResult select 0; // If the laser has moved less than a half meter, then dont move it. // Just regular use of lasers will commonly make them move this much, // but not across multiple close frames. // This loses accuracy a little, but saves position updates per frame. TRACE_5("", diag_tickTime, _forceUpdateTime, getPosASL _laserTarget, _pos, ((getPosASL _laserTarget) distance _pos)); if(diag_tickTime > _forceUpdateTime) then { TRACE_1("FCS Update", ""); ["ace_fcs_forceUpdate", []] call ace_common_fnc_localEvent; }; if( ((getPosASL _laserTarget) vectorDistance _pos) > 2) then { TRACE_1("LaserPos Update", ""); _laserTarget setPosATL (ASLToATL _pos); }; if(diag_tickTime > _forceUpdateTime) then { _args set[3, diag_tickTime + FCS_UPDATE_DELAY]; }; #ifdef DEBUG_MODE_FULL drawIcon3D ["\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Cursors\selectover_ca.paa", [1,0,0,1], (getPosATL _laserTarget), 0.75, 0.75, 0, "", 0.5, 0.025, "TahomaB"]; { private["_position"]; _position = _x select 0; drawLine3d [ASLToATL _povPos, ASLToATL _position, [0,0,1,1] ]; } forEach _resultPositions; #endif }; }; _this set[0, _args]; }; private "_laserTarget"; private "_handle"; if(isNil QGVAR(laser)) then { _laserTarget = "LaserTargetW" createVehicle (getpos player); GVAR(laserActive) = true; _handle = [FUNC(laserHudDesignatePFH), 0, [_laserTarget, player]] call cba_fnc_addPerFrameHandler; _laserTarget setVariable ["ACE_PFH_HANDLE", _handle, false]; GVAR(laser) = _laserTarget; } else { [] call FUNC(laserHudDesignateOff); [] call FUNC(laserHudDesignateOn); };