// by commy2 #include "script_component.hpp" // fixes laser when being captured. Needed, because the selectionPosition of the right hand is used [QEGVAR(captives,setHandcuffed), {if (_this select 1) then {(_this select 0) action ["GunLightOff", _this select 0]};}] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler; if (!hasInterface) exitWith {}; GVAR(nearUnits) = []; GVAR(index) = -1; GVAR(laserClassesCache) = [] call CBA_fnc_createNamespace; GVAR(redLaserUnits) = []; GVAR(greenLaserUnits) = []; ["ace_settingsInitialized", { // If not enabled, dont't add draw eventhandler or PFEH (for performance) if (!GVAR(enabled)) exitWith { ["CBA_attachmentSwitched", { params ["_unit", "_prevItem", "_newItem", "_currWeaponType"]; TRACE_4("CBA_attachmentSwitched eh",_unit,_prevItem,_newItem,_currWeaponType); if ((getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _newItem >> "ACE_laserpointer")) > 0) then { TRACE_1("removing ACE_laserpointer",getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _newItem >> "ACE_laserpointer")); [1, "prev"] call CBA_accessory_fnc_switchAttachment; }; }] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler; }; [{ private _oldNearUnits = GVAR(nearUnits); GVAR(nearUnits) = call FUNC(getNearUnits); // remove units that moved away { GVAR(redLaserUnits) deleteAt (GVAR(redLaserUnits) find _x); GVAR(greenLaserUnits) deleteAt (GVAR(greenLaserUnits) find _x); } forEach (_oldNearUnits - GVAR(nearUnits)); }, 5, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler; private _fnc_processUnit = { params ["_unit"]; private _weapon = currentWeapon _unit; private _laser = [(_unit weaponAccessories _weapon) select 1] param [0, ""]; if (_laser isEqualTo "") exitWith {}; private _laserID = GVAR(laserClassesCache) getVariable _laser; if (isNil "_laserID") then { _laserID = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _laser >> "ACE_laserpointer"); GVAR(laserClassesCache) setVariable [_laser, _laserID]; }; if (_unit isFlashlightOn _weapon) then { if (_laserID isEqualTo 1) exitWith { GVAR(redLaserUnits) pushBackUnique _unit; GVAR(greenLaserUnits) deleteAt (GVAR(greenLaserUnits) find _unit); }; if (_laserID isEqualTo 2) exitWith { GVAR(greenLaserUnits) pushBackUnique _unit; GVAR(redLaserUnits) deleteAt (GVAR(redLaserUnits) find _unit); }; } else { GVAR(redLaserUnits) deleteAt (GVAR(redLaserUnits) find _unit); GVAR(greenLaserUnits) deleteAt (GVAR(greenLaserUnits) find _unit); }; }; // custom scheduler [{ params ["_fnc_processUnit"]; ACE_player call _fnc_processUnit; GVAR(index) = GVAR(index) + 1; private _unit = GVAR(nearUnits) param [GVAR(index), objNull]; if (isNull _unit) exitWith { GVAR(index) = -1; }; _unit call _fnc_processUnit; }, 0.1, _fnc_processUnit] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler; addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", {call FUNC(onDraw)}]; }] call CBA_fnc_addEventHandler;