/* * Author: F3 Project, Head, SilentSpike * Processes the change in mouse position for the spectator camera * * Arguments: * 0: Mouse x coord <NUMBER> * 1: Mouse y coord <NUMBER> * * Return Value: * None <NIL> * * Example: * [0.5, 0.5] call ace_spectator_fnc_handleMouse; * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" params ["_x","_y"]; private ["_leftButton","_rightButton","_oldX","_oldY","_deltaX","_deltaY","_zoomMod"]; _leftButton = GVAR(mouse) select 0; _rightButton = GVAR(mouse) select 1; _oldX = GVAR(mousePos) select 0; _oldY = GVAR(mousePos) select 1; // Get change in pos _deltaX = _oldX - _x; _deltaY = _oldY - _y; if (_leftButton) then { GVAR(camDolly) set [0, _deltaX * -100 * GVAR(camSpeed)]; GVAR(camDolly) set [1, _deltaY * 100 * GVAR(camSpeed)]; } else { if (_rightButton) then { // Pan/Tilt amount should be influnced by zoom level (it should really be exponential) _zoomMod = (GVAR(camZoom) * 0.8) max 1; GVAR(camPan) = GVAR(camPan) - ((_deltaX * 360) / _zoomMod); GVAR(camTilt) = ((GVAR(camTilt) + ((_deltaY * 180) / _zoomMod)) min 89) max -89; }; }; GVAR(mousePos) = [_x,_y];