/* * Author: Ruthberg * * Calculates the ammo temperature induced muzzle velocity shift * * Arguments: * 0: muzzle velocity shift lookup table - m/s * 1: temperature - degrees celcius * * Return Value: * 0: muzzle velocity shift - m/s * * Return value: * None * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" private ["_muzzleVelocityShiftTableUpperLimit", "_temperatureIndexFunction", "_temperatureIndexA", "_temperatureIndexB", "_interpolationRatio"]; params["_muzzleVelocityShiftTable", "_temperature"]; // Check if muzzleVelocityShiftTable is Larger Than 11 Entrys _muzzleVelocityShiftTableUpperLimit = _muzzleVelocityShiftTable select 10; if (isNil "_muzzleVelocityShiftTableUpperLimit") exitWith { 0 }; // Find exact data index required for given temperature _temperatureIndexFunction = (_temperature + 15) / 5; // lower and upper data index used for interpolation _temperatureIndexA = (0 max (floor(_temperatureIndexFunction)) min 10; _temperatureIndexB = (0 max (ceil(_temperatureIndexFunction))) min 10; // Interpolation ratio _interpolationRatio = _temperatureIndexFunction - floor(_temperatureIndexFunction); // Interpolation (_muzzleVelocityShiftTable select _temperatureIndexA) * (1 - _interpolationRatio) + (_muzzleVelocityShiftTable select _temperatureIndexB) * _interpolationRatio // Return