#include "..\script_component.hpp" #include "..\defines.hpp" /* * Author: Alganthe, johnb43 * Add or remove item(s) when the + or - button is pressed in the right panel. * * Arguments: * 0: Arsenal display <DISPLAY> * 1: Add (1) or remove (-1) item <NUMBER> * * Return Value: * None * * Public: No */ params ["_display", "_addOrRemove"]; private _add = _addOrRemove > 0; private _ctrlList = _display displayCtrl IDC_rightTabContentListnBox; private _lnbCurSel = lnbCurSelRow _ctrlList; private _isUnique = (_ctrlList lnbValue [_lnbCurSel, 2]) == 1; // If item is unique, don't allow adding more if (_add && {_isUnique}) exitWith {}; private _containerItems = []; private _item = _ctrlList lnbData [_lnbCurSel, 0]; // Update item count and currentItems array & get relevant container private _container = switch (GVAR(currentLeftPanel)) do { // Uniform case IDC_buttonUniform: { if (_add) then { for "_i" from 1 to ([1, 5] select GVAR(shiftState)) do { GVAR(center) addItemToUniform _item; }; } else { // Backpacks need special command to be removed if (_isUnique && {_item in ((uiNamespace getVariable QGVAR(configItems)) get IDX_VIRT_BACKPACK)}) then { [uniformContainer GVAR(center), _item, [1, 5] select GVAR(shiftState)] call CBA_fnc_removeBackpackCargo; } else { for "_i" from 1 to ([1, 5] select GVAR(shiftState)) do { GVAR(center) removeItemFromUniform _item; }; }; }; // Get all items from container _containerItems = uniformItems GVAR(center); // Update currentItems GVAR(currentItems) set [IDX_CURR_UNIFORM_ITEMS, ((getUnitLoadout GVAR(center)) select IDX_LOADOUT_UNIFORM) param [1, []]]; // Update load bar (_display displayCtrl IDC_loadIndicatorBar) progressSetPosition (loadUniform GVAR(center)); uniformContainer GVAR(center) }; // Vest case IDC_buttonVest: { if (_add) then { for "_i" from 1 to ([1, 5] select GVAR(shiftState)) do { GVAR(center) addItemToVest _item; }; } else { // Backpacks need special command to be removed if (_isUnique && {_item in ((uiNamespace getVariable QGVAR(configItems)) get IDX_VIRT_BACKPACK)}) then { [vestContainer GVAR(center), _item, [1, 5] select GVAR(shiftState)] call CBA_fnc_removeBackpackCargo; } else { for "_i" from 1 to ([1, 5] select GVAR(shiftState)) do { GVAR(center) removeItemFromVest _item; }; }; }; // Get all items from container _containerItems = vestItems GVAR(center); // Update currentItems GVAR(currentItems) set [IDX_CURR_VEST_ITEMS, ((getUnitLoadout GVAR(center)) select IDX_LOADOUT_VEST) param [1, []]]; // Update load bar (_display displayCtrl IDC_loadIndicatorBar) progressSetPosition (loadVest GVAR(center)); vestContainer GVAR(center) }; // Backpack case IDC_buttonBackpack: { if (_add) then { for "_i" from 1 to ([1, 5] select GVAR(shiftState)) do { GVAR(center) addItemToBackpack _item; }; } else { // Backpacks need special command to be removed if (_isUnique && {_item in ((uiNamespace getVariable QGVAR(configItems)) get IDX_VIRT_BACKPACK)}) then { [backpackContainer GVAR(center), _item, [1, 5] select GVAR(shiftState)] call CBA_fnc_removeBackpackCargo; } else { for "_i" from 1 to ([1, 5] select GVAR(shiftState)) do { GVAR(center) removeItemFromBackpack _item; }; }; }; // Get all items from container _containerItems = backpackItems GVAR(center); // Update currentItems GVAR(currentItems) set [IDX_CURR_BACKPACK_ITEMS, ((getUnitLoadout GVAR(center)) select IDX_LOADOUT_BACKPACK) param [1, []]]; // Update load bar (_display displayCtrl IDC_loadIndicatorBar) progressSetPosition (loadBackpack GVAR(center)); backpackContainer GVAR(center) }; }; // Find out how many items of that type there are and update the number displayed _ctrlList lnbSetText [[_lnbCurSel, 2], str ({_item == _x} count _containerItems)]; [QGVAR(cargoChanged), [_display, _item, _addOrRemove, GVAR(shiftState)]] call CBA_fnc_localEvent; // Refresh availibility of items based on space remaining in container [_ctrlList, _container, _containerItems isNotEqualTo []] call FUNC(updateRightPanel);