/** * fn_gui_displayMessage.sqf * @Descr: N/A * @Author: Glowbal * * @Arguments: [] * @Return: * @PublicAPI: false */ #include "script_component.hpp" #define DISPLAY_LAYER 546 private["_title", "_content","_type","_display","_headerCtrl","_contentCtrl","_contentAmountOfChars","_pos"]; _title = [_this, 0, "",[""]] call BIS_fnc_Param; _content = [_this, 1, "",[""]] call BIS_fnc_Param; _type = [_this, 2, 0, [0]] call BIS_fnc_Param; if (_title != "" && _content != "") then { DISPLAY_LAYER cutRsc ['ACE_RscDisplayMessage',"PLAIN"]; disableSerialization; _display = uiNamespace getvariable 'ACE_RscDisplayMessage'; if (!isnil "_display") then { _headerCtrl = _display displayCtrl 1; _contentCtrl = _display displayCtrl 2; _headerCtrl ctrlSetText _title; _contentCtrl ctrlSetText _content; // TODO get a font that has the same width characters for all. Ask Jaynus. _contentAmountOfChars = count (toArray _content); _pos = ctrlPosition _contentCtrl; _pos set [2, _contentAmountOfChars * ((((((safezoneW / safezoneH) min 1.2) / 1.2) / 25) * 1)/ 3.3) max (safeZoneW / 11)]; _contentCtrl ctrlSetPosition _pos; _contentCtrl ctrlCommit 0; if (_type >0) then { if (_type == 1) then { _contentCtrl ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0.7,0.2,0.2,0.8]; _contentCtrl ctrlSetTextColor [1,1,1,0.9]; }; }; }; };