#pragma once #include "materials.hpp" #include "longrod.hpp" #include <algorithm> /* http://www.longrods.ch/bilder/perf_eq.jpg D = _projectileDiameter L = _length, length of penetrator mm Lw = _workingLength, working length Vt = _impactVelocity, impact velocity km/s 0/ = _impactAngle, angle of oblquity Pp = _projectileDensity, kg/m3 Pt = _targetDensity, kg/m3 d = _targetThickness, mm BHNP = _projectileHardness, hardness number penetration BHNT = _targetHardness, hardness number of targets // WOrking lengths: // http://www.longrods.ch/wlength.php // frustrum Lw = L - #L #L = Lf * (1-1/3(1+d/D+(d/D)^2)) // cylindric penetration _workingLength = Lw = L @TODO: We need to implement full frustrum case 'tu': { _materialCoefficients = [0.994, 134.5, -0.148, 0, 0]; }; case 'du': { _materialCoefficients = [0.825, 90.0, -0.0849, 0, 0]; }; case 'steel': { _materialCoefficients = [1.104, 9874, 0, 0.3598, -0.2342]; }; */ using namespace ace::vehicledamage; namespace ace { namespace vehicledamage { namespace penetration { const float longrod::material_coefficients[][5] = { // HARDNESS IS LAST! { 0.994f, 134.5f, -0.148f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.825f, 90.0f, -0.0849f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 1.104f, 9874.0f, 0.0f, 0.3598f, -0.2342f } }; float longrod::_working_length() { if(_hit->projectile.type == PROJECTILE_TYPE::CYLINDER) return _hit->projectile.length; if (_hit->projectile.type != PROJECTILE_TYPE::FRUSTUM) return -1; // Frustum math float x = 1 - ((1/3) *(1 + _hit->projectile.frustum_diameter / _hit->projectile.diameter + (std::pow(_hit->projectile.frustum_diameter / _hit->projectile.diameter, 2)))); float Ldelta = _hit->projectile.frustum_length * x; float Lw = _hit->projectile.length - Ldelta; return Lw; } bool longrod::process() { float b0 = 0.283; float b1 = 0.0656; float m = -0.224; float Lw = _working_length(); float impact_velocity = _hit->impactvelocity.magnitude(); ace::vector3<float> vel_norm = _hit->impactvelocity.normalize(); ace::vector3<float> surface_norm = _hit->surface.normalize(); float impact_angle = surface_norm.dot(vel_norm); float targetHardness = material_properties[_hit->material_type][0]; float projectileHardness = material_properties[_hit->projectile.material_type][0]; float target_density = material_properties[_hit->material_type][1]; float a = material_coefficients[_hit->projectile.material_type][0]; float c0 = material_coefficients[_hit->projectile.material_type][1]; float c1 = material_coefficients[_hit->projectile.material_type][2]; float k = material_coefficients[_hit->projectile.material_type][3]; float n = material_coefficients[_hit->projectile.material_type][4]; float s2 = 0; if (_hit->projectile.material_type < 2) { s2 = (c0 + c1 * targetHardness) * targetHardness / _hit->projectile.material_density; } else { s2 = c0 * (std::pow(projectileHardness, k)) * (std::pow(targetHardness, n)) / _hit->projectile.material_density; }; float tanX = b0 + b1 * (Lw / _hit->projectile.diameter); float w = 1 / std::tanh(tanX); float x = std::pow(std::cos(impact_angle), m); float y = sqrt(_hit->projectile.material_density / target_density); float z = std::pow(std::exp(1), (-(s2) / std::pow(impact_velocity, 2))); float P = a * w * x * y * z; float solution = P * Lw; _result.linear_depth = solution; return true; } } } };