#include "script_component.hpp" /* * Author: Glowbal * Handles the medication given to a patient. * * Arguments: * 0: The patient * 1: Medication Treatment classname * 2: The medication treatment variablename * 3: Max dosage * 4: Incompatable medication > * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [bob, "classname", "varname", 5, 6, ["stuff"]] call ace_medical_treatment_fnc_onMedicationUsage * * Public: No */ params ["_target", "_className", "_variable", "_maxDosage", "_incompatabileMeds"]; TRACE_5("params",_target,_className,_variable,_maxDosage,_incompatabileMeds); private _foundEntry = false; private _allUsedMedication = _target getVariable [QEGVAR(medical,allUsedMedication), []]; { _x params ["_variableX", "_allMedsFromClassname"]; if (_variableX == _variable) exitWith { if !(_className in _allMedsFromClassname) then { _allMedsFromClassname pushBack _className; _x set [1, _allMedsFromClassname]; _allUsedMedication set [_forEachIndex, _x]; _target setVariable [QEGVAR(medical,allUsedMedication), _allUsedMedication]; }; _foundEntry = true; }; } forEach _allUsedMedication; if (!_foundEntry) then { _allUsedMedication pushBack [_variable, [_className]]; _target setVariable [QEGVAR(medical,allUsedMedication), _allUsedMedication]; }; private _usedMeds = _target getVariable [_variable, 0]; if (_usedMeds >= floor (_maxDosage + round(random(2))) && {_maxDosage >= 1}) then { [QEGVAR(medical,CriticalVitals), _target] call CBA_fnc_localEvent; }; private _hasOverDosed = 0; { _x params ["_med", "_limit"]; { _x params ["", "_classNamesUsed"]; if ({_x == _med} count _classNamesUsed > _limit) then { _hasOverDosed = _hasOverDosed + 1; }; } forEach _allUsedMedication; } forEach _incompatabileMeds; if (_hasOverDosed > 0) then { private _medicationConfig = (configFile >> "ace_medical_treatment" >> "Medication"); private _onOverDose = getText (_medicationConfig >> "onOverDose"); if (isClass (_medicationConfig >> _className)) then { _medicationConfig = (_medicationConfig >> _className); if (isText (_medicationConfig >> "onOverDose")) then { _onOverDose = getText (_medicationConfig >> "onOverDose"); }; }; if (isNil _onOverDose) then { _onOverDose = compile _onOverDose; } else { _onOverDose = missionNamespace getVariable _onOverDose; }; [_target, _className] call _onOverDose; };