layout: wiki
title: Yardage 450
description: Adds the Bushnell Yardage Pro Sport 450 Laser Rangefinder.
group: feature
category: equipment
parent: wiki
mod: ace
  major: 3
  minor: 1
  patch: 0

## 1. Overview

Adds the Bushnell Yardage Pro Sport 450 Laser Rangefinder.

## 2. Usage

### 2.1 How to use the Yardage 450
- Bring it up like any other binocular
- Tap <kbd>R</kbd> once to activate the device.
- Sight the target and Hold <kbd>R</kbd> until `TARGET AQCUIRED` appears on top of the screen.
- The range in meters should now appear at the bottom of the screen.

## 3. Dependencies

{% include dependencies_list.md component="yardage450" %}