--- layout: wiki title: Slideshow Framework description: Explains how to set-up slideshows. group: framework order: 5 parent: wiki mod: ace version: major: 3 minor: 2 patch: 0 --- ## 1. Overview Slideshow is a very powerful tool for mission makers and platoon leaders giving them the power to project images on some objects. Slideshow is setup through a module or [function](#create-slideshow). Important notes: - Only objects with `hiddenSelection` `0` can be used as "screens". - If you set a duration the remotes will be disabled (if the remotes are disabled `ace_interaction` is not needed). - You can have multiple sets of images on different screens by using multiple modules/function calls. - It is advisable images resolution sizes are powers of 2 (eg. 512x512) to avoid graphical glitches in them. ## 2. Scripting ### 2.1 Create Slideshow `ace_slideshow_fnc_createSlideshow` | | Arguments | Type | Optional (default value) | |----| --------- | ---- | ------------------------ | | 0 | Screen Objects | Array | Required | | 1 | Controller Objects | Array | Required (screen objects are used if empty `[]`, none are available with automatic transitions) | | 2 | Image Paths | Array | Required (paths must use backslash `\`) | | 3 | Action Names | Array | Required | | 4 | Slide Duration | Number | Optional (default: `0`, `0` disables automatic transitions) | | 5 | Set Name | String | Optional (default: localized `"Slides"`) | | 6 | Texture Selection | Number | Optional (default: `0`) | | **R** | None | None | Return value | _Note: Set Name argument added in 3.9.1._ #### 2.1.1 Example `[[object1, object2], [controller1], ["images\image1.paa", "images\image2.paa"], ["Action1", "Action2"], 5, "My Slides", 1] call ace_slideshow_fnc_createSlideshow;` | | Arguments | Explanation | |----| --------- | ----------- | | 0 | `[object1, object2]` | Objects on which images will be projected on | | 1 | `[controller1]` | Objects with which slideshow can be controlled | | 2 | `["images\image1.paa", "images\image2.paa"]` | Paths to images projected on screen objects | | 3 | `["Action1", "Action2"]` | Action names for interaction menu if automatic transitions are not enabled | | 4 | `5` | 5s slide duration before change to next image | | 5 | `"My Slides"` | Main interaction point name, for easier distinguishing of multiple slideshow sets | | 6 | `1` | Uses texture selection 1 for objects with multiple options | ### 2.2 Create Map Images `ace_slideshow_fnc_mapImage` ```sqf * Returns a procedural texture that will display a custom map. * Needs to be run on all machines. * * Arguments: * 0: Position (default: center of map) * 1: Scale (1.0 fits entire map in x-dimension) (default: 1.25) * 2: Markers (default: []) * - 0: Position 2D/3D (default: [0, 0, 0]) * - 1: Text (default: "") * - 2: Marker Type or Icon Name (default: "mil_dot") * - 3: Color (default: [1, 0, 0, 1]) * 3: Map Type (0: Normal, 1: Topographic, 2: Satelite) or any custom class (even mission config) (default: 0) * 4: Code to run on init (will be passed [_map, _display, _displayID]) (default: {}) * 5: Resolution (default: 4096) ``` ### 2.2.1 Map Slideshow Example ```sqf tex1 = [] call ace_slideshow_fnc_mapImage; tex2 = [(getPos aWhiteboard), 0.5, [[getpos aWhiteboard, "you", "mil_start"]], 0] call ace_slideshow_fnc_mapImage; tex3 = [[4000, 4000], 0.5, [[[5000, 5000], "target", "mil_objective"]], 2] call ace_slideshow_fnc_mapImage; [[aWhiteboard], [], [tex1, tex2, tex3], ["Full", "Sat Start", "Sat Objective"]] call ace_slideshow_fnc_createSlideshow; ``` ### 2.2.2 Map Slideshow Advanced Example ```sqf private _initCode = { params ["_map", "", "_displayID"]; // Add custom draw event handler (will only be called when display is actually updated) _map ctrlAddEventHandler ["draw", { params ["_map"]; _map drawIcon ["\A3\Drones_F\Air_F_Gamma\UAV_02\Data\UI\Map_UAV_02_CA.paa", [0, 0, 1, 1], getPos theUAV, 24, 24, getDir theUAV]; }]; // Live update the map [{ params ["_displayID","_idPFH"]; private _display = findDisplay _displayID; if (isNull _display) exitWith { systemChat format ["%1 - removing pfeh", _this]; [_idPFH] call CBA_fnc_removePerFrameHandler; }; displayUpdate _display; private _map = _display displayCtrl 1; _map ctrlMapAnimAdd [0, 0.3, getpos theUAV]; ctrlMapAnimCommit _map; }, 0, _displayID ] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler; }; tex4 = [nil, 0.3, [[getpos aComputer, "you", "mil_start"]], 2, _initCode] call ace_slideshow_fnc_mapImage; [[aComputer, aComputer2], [], [tex4], ["Sat Follow UAV"]] call ace_slideshow_fnc_createSlideshow; ```