// ACE Medical System Visual Loop

#include "script_component.hpp"

if (!hasInterface) exitwith{};
GVAR(enabledFor) = 1; // TODO remove this once we implement settings. Just here to get the vitals working.

GVAR(heartBeatSounds_Fast) = ["ACE_heartbeat_fast_1", "ACE_heartbeat_fast_2", "ACE_heartbeat_fast_3"];
GVAR(heartBeatSounds_Normal) = ["ACE_heartbeat_norm_1", "ACE_heartbeat_norm_2"];
GVAR(heartBeatSounds_Slow) = ["ACE_heartbeat_slow_1", "ACE_heartbeat_slow_2"];

["Medical_treatmentCompleted", FUNC(onTreatmentCompleted)] call ace_common_fnc_addEventHandler;
["medical_propagateWound", FUNC(onPropagateWound)] call ace_common_fnc_addEventHandler;
["medical_woundUpdateRequest", FUNC(onWoundUpdateRequest)] call ace_common_fnc_addEventHandler;

// Initialize all effects
_fnc_createEffect = {
    private ["_type", "_layer", "_default"];
    _type = _this select 0;
    _layer = _this select 1;
    _default = _this select 2;

    _effect = ppEffectCreate [_type, _layer];
    _effect ppEffectForceInNVG true;
    _effect ppEffectAdjust _default;
    _effect ppEffectCommit 0;


GVAR(effectUnconsciousCC) = [
    [1,1,0, [0,0,0,1], [0,0,0,0], [1,1,1,1], [0.4,0.4,0,0,0,0.1,0.3]]
] call _fnc_createEffect;

GVAR(effectUnconsciousRB) = [
] call _fnc_createEffect;

GVAR(effectBlindingCC) = [
    [1,1,0, [1,1,1,0], [0,0,0,1], [0,0,0,0]]
] call _fnc_createEffect;

GVAR(effectBloodVolumeCC) = [
    [1,1,0, [0,0,0,0], [1,1,1,1], [0.2,0.2,0.2,0]]
] call _fnc_createEffect;

GVAR(effectPainCA) = [
    [0, 0, false]
] call _fnc_createEffect;

GVAR(effectPainCC) = [
    [1,1,0, [1,1,1,1], [0,0,0,0], [1,1,1,1], [1.3,1.3,0,0,0,0.2,2]]
] call _fnc_createEffect;

// Initialize Other Variables
GVAR(effectBlind) = false;
GVAR(effectTimeBlood) = time;

    // Zeus interface is open or player is dead; disable everything
    if (!(isNull (findDisplay 312)) or !(alive ACE_player)) exitWith {
        GVAR(effectUnconsciousCC) ppEffectEnable false;
        GVAR(effectUnconsciousRB) ppEffectEnable false;
        GVAR(effectBlindingCC) ppEffectEnable false;
        GVAR(effectBloodVolumeCC) ppEffectEnable false;
        GVAR(effectPainCA) ppEffectEnable false;
        GVAR(effectPainCC) ppEffectEnable false;
        ["unconscious", false] call EFUNC(common,setDisableUserInputStatus);

    // Unconsciousness effect
    if (ACE_player getVariable [QGVAR(isUnconscious), false]) then {
        GVAR(effectUnconsciousCC) ppEffectEnable true;
        GVAR(effectUnconsciousRB) ppEffectEnable true;
        GVAR(effectBlind) = true;
        ["unconscious", true] call EFUNC(common,setDisableUserInputStatus);
    } else {
        GVAR(effectUnconsciousCC) ppEffectEnable false;
        GVAR(effectUnconsciousRB) ppEffectEnable false;
        ["unconscious", false] call EFUNC(common,setDisableUserInputStatus);
        if (GVAR(effectBlind)) then {
            _strength = 0.78 * (call EFUNC(common,ambientBrightness));
            GVAR(effectBlindingCC) ppEffectEnable true;
            GVAR(effectBlindingCC) ppEffectAdjust [1,1,_strength, [1,1,1,0], [0,0,0,1], [0,0,0,0]];
            GVAR(effectBlindingCC) ppEffectCommit 0;

                GVAR(effectBlindingCC) ppEffectAdjust [1,1,0, [1,1,1,0], [0,0,0,1], [0,0,0,0]];
                GVAR(effectBlindingCC) ppEffectCommit ((_this select 0) * 2);
            }, [_strength], 0.01, 0] call EFUNC(common,waitAndExecute);

                GVAR(effectBlindingCC) ppEffectEnable false;
            }, [], (_strength * 2) + 0.5, 0] call EFUNC(common,waitAndExecute);

            GVAR(effectBlind) = false;

    // Bleeding Indicator
    if (damage ACE_player > 0.1 and GVAR(effectTimeBlood) + 6 < time) then {
        GVAR(effectTimeBlood) = time;
        [500 * damage ACE_player] call BIS_fnc_bloodEffect;

    // Blood Volume Effect
    _blood = (ACE_player getVariable [QGVAR(bloodVolume), 100]) / 100;
    if (_blood > 0.99) then {
        GVAR(effectBloodVolumeCC) ppEffectEnable false;
    } else {
        GVAR(effectBloodVolumeCC) ppEffectEnable true;
        GVAR(effectBloodVolumeCC) ppEffectAdjust [1,1,0, [0,0,0,0], [1,1,1,_blood], [0.2,0.2,0.2,0]];
        GVAR(effectBloodVolumeCC) ppEffectCommit 0;
}, 0.5, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;

GVAR(lastHeartBeat) = time;
GVAR(lastHeartBeatSound) = time;

// @todo, remove once parameters are set up
if (isNil QGVAR(level)) then {
  GVAR(level) = 0;

    _heartRate = ACE_player getVariable [QGVAR(heartRate), 70];
    if (GVAR(level) == 1) then {
        _heartRate = 60 + 40 * (ACE_player getVariable [QGVAR(pain), 0]);
    if (_heartRate <= 0) exitwith {};
    _interval = 60 / (_heartRate min 50);
    if (time > GVAR(lastHeartBeat) + _interval) then {
        GVAR(lastHeartBeat) = time;

        // Pain effect
        _strength = ACE_player getVariable [QGVAR(pain), 0];
        // _strength = _strength * (ACE_player getVariable [QGVAR(coefPain), GVAR(coefPain)]); @todo
        GVAR(alternativePainEffect) = false; // @todo
        if (GVAR(alternativePainEffect)) then {
            GVAR(effectPainCC) ppEffectEnable false;
            if ((ACE_player getVariable [QGVAR(pain), 0]) > 0 && {alive ACE_player}) then {
                _strength = _strength * 0.15;
                GVAR(effectPainCA) ppEffectEnable true;
                GVAR(effectPainCA) ppEffectAdjust [_strength, _strength, false];
                GVAR(effectPainCA) ppEffectCommit 0.01;
                    GVAR(effectPainCA) ppEffectAdjust [(_this select 0), (_this select 0), false];
                    GVAR(effectPainCA) ppEffectCommit (_this select 1);
                }, [_strength * 0.1, _interval * 0.2], _interval * 0.05, 0] call EFUNC(common,waitAndExecute);
                    GVAR(effectPainCA) ppEffectAdjust [(_this select 0), (_this select 0), false];
                    GVAR(effectPainCA) ppEffectCommit 0.01;
                }, [_strength * 0.7], _interval * 0.3, 0] call EFUNC(common,waitAndExecute);
                    GVAR(effectPainCA) ppEffectAdjust [(_this select 0), (_this select 0), false];
                    GVAR(effectPainCA) ppEffectCommit (_this select 1);
                }, [_strength * 0.1, _interval * 0.55], _interval * 0.4, 0] call EFUNC(common,waitAndExecute);
            } else {
                GVAR(effectPainCA) ppEffectEnable false;
        } else {
            GVAR(effectPainCA) ppEffectEnable false;
            if ((ACE_player getVariable [QGVAR(pain), 0]) > 0 && {alive ACE_player}) then {
                _strength = _strength * 0.6;
                GVAR(effectPainCC) ppEffectEnable true;
                GVAR(effectPainCC) ppEffectAdjust [1,1,0, [1,1,1,1], [0,0,0,0], [1,1,1,1], [1 - _strength,1 - _strength,0,0,0,0.2,2]];
                GVAR(effectPainCC) ppEffectCommit 0.01;
                    GVAR(effectPainCC) ppEffectAdjust [1,1,0, [1,1,1,1], [0,0,0,0], [1,1,1,1], [1 - (_this select 0),1 - (_this select 0),0,0,0,0.2,2]];
                    GVAR(effectPainCC) ppEffectCommit (_this select 1);
                }, [_strength * 0.1, _interval * 0.2], _interval * 0.05, 0] call EFUNC(common,waitAndExecute);
                    GVAR(effectPainCC) ppEffectAdjust [1,1,0, [1,1,1,1], [0,0,0,0], [1,1,1,1], [1 - (_this select 0),1 - (_this select 0),0,0,0,0.2,2]];
                    GVAR(effectPainCC) ppEffectCommit 0.01;
                }, [_strength * 0.7], _interval * 0.3, 0] call EFUNC(common,waitAndExecute);
                    GVAR(effectPainCC) ppEffectAdjust [1,1,0, [1,1,1,1], [0,0,0,0], [1,1,1,1], [1 - (_this select 0),1 - (_this select 0),0,0,0,0.2,2]];
                    GVAR(effectPainCC) ppEffectCommit (_this select 1);
                }, [_strength * 0.1, _interval * 0.55], _interval * 0.4, 0] call EFUNC(common,waitAndExecute);
            } else {
                GVAR(effectPainCC) ppEffectEnable false;

    if (GVAR(level) >= 2 && {_heartRate > 0}) then {
        _minTime = 60 / _heartRate;
        if (time - GVAR(lastHeartBeatSound) > _minTime) then {
            GVAR(lastHeartBeatSound) = time;
            // Heart rate sound effect
            if (_heartRate < 60) then {
                _sound = GVAR(heartBeatSounds_Normal) select (random((count GVAR(heartBeatSounds_Normal)) -1));
                playSound _sound;
            } else {
                if (_heartRate > 150) then {
                    playSound "ACE_heartbeat_fast_2";

}, 0, []] call CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler;

// broadcast injuries to JIP clients in a MP session
if (isMultiplayer) then {
    [QGVAR(onPlayerConnected), "onPlayerConnected", {
        if (isNil QGVAR(InjuredCollection)) then {
            GVAR(InjuredCollection) = [];

            _unit = _x;
            _openWounds = _unit getvariable [QGVAR(openWounds), []];
                ["medical_propagateWound", [_id], [_unit, _x]] call EFUNC(common,targetEvent);
            }foreach _openWounds;
        }foreach GVAR(InjuredCollection);
    }, []] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler;

    {(((_this select 0) getvariable [QGVAR(bloodVolume), 0]) < 65)},
    {(((_this select 0) getvariable [QGVAR(pain), 0]) > 0.9)},
    {(((_this select 0) call FUNC(getBloodLoss)) > 0.25)},
    {((_this select 0) getvariable [QGVAR(inReviveState), false])},
    {((_this select 0) getvariable ["ACE_isDead", false])},
    {(((_this select 0) getvariable [QGVAR(airwayStatus), 100]) < 80)}
] call FUNC(addUnconsciousCondition);