/* * Author: Nelson Duarte, AACO, SilentSpike * Function used update the things to 3D draw * * Arguments: * None * * Return Value: * None * * Examples: * [] call ace_spectator_fnc_ui_updateIconsToDraw * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" private _iconsToDraw = []; private _entitiesToDraw = []; // camToWorld is used instead of camera object to account for FPP private _camPos = AGLToASL positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0]; { private _vehicle = vehicle _x; private _inVehicle = (_vehicle != _x); private _distanceToCameraSqr = _camPos distanceSqr _x; if (_distanceToCameraSqr <= DISTANCE_ICONS_SQR && { !_inVehicle || { _x == effectiveCommander _vehicle } }) then { private _group = group _x; private _isLeader = _x == leader _group; private _groupColor = [side _group] call BIS_fnc_sideColor; // Calculate distance fade (_distanceToCameraSqr call { if (_this <= 250000) exitWith { // 500^2 [1, 4, -2.5, 0.04] }; if (_this <= 1000000) exitWith { // 1000^2 [0.75, 3.5, -2.2, 0.035] }; if (_this <= 2250000) exitWith { // 1500^2 [0.5, 3, -1.9, 0.03] }; if (_this <= 4000000) exitWith { // 2000^2 [0.3, 2.5, -1.6, 0.025] }; if (_this <= 6250000) exitWith { // 2500^2 [0.2, 2, -1.3, 0.02] }; [0.15, 1.5, -1, 0.015] }) params ["_fadeByDistance", "_sizeByDistance", "_heightByDistance", "_fontSizeByDistance"]; // Apply color fade _groupColor set [3, _fadeByDistance]; // Show unit name only if camera is near enough if (_distanceToCameraSqr < DISTANCE_NAMES_SQR) then { private _name = ([_x] call EFUNC(common,getName)) select [0, NAME_MAX_CHARACTERS]; if !(isPlayer _x) then { _name = format ["%1: %2", localize "str_player_ai", _name]; }; if (_inVehicle) then { private _crewCount = (({alive _x} count (crew _vehicle)) - 1); if (_crewCount > 0) then { _name = format ["%1 (+%2)", _name, _crewCount]; }; }; // Draw unit name for effective commander or all units on foot _iconsToDraw pushBack [_x, 2, [ "", [1,1,1,1], [0,0,0], 0, _heightByDistance, 0, _name, 2, _fontSizeByDistance, "PuristaMedium", "center" ]]; } else { // Draw group name for effective commander or leader on foot if (_inVehicle || _isLeader) then { _iconsToDraw pushBack [_x, 0, [ "", [1,1,1,_fadeByDistance], [0,0,0], 0, _heightByDistance, 0, groupID _group, 2, _fontSizeByDistance, "PuristaMedium", "center" ]]; }; }; // Draw group icon for effective commander or leader on foot if (_inVehicle || _isLeader) then { _iconsToDraw pushBack [_x, 0, [ [_group, true] call FUNC(getGroupIcon), _groupColor, [0,0,0], _sizeByDistance, _sizeByDistance, 0, "", 0, 0.035, "PuristaMedium", "center" ]]; }; // Draw unit icon for effective commander or all units on foot _iconsToDraw pushBack [_x, 1, [ [ICON_UNIT, ICON_REVIVE] select (NEEDS_REVIVE(_x)), _groupColor, [0,0,0], _sizeByDistance, _sizeByDistance, 0, "", 0, 0.035, "PuristaMedium", "center" ]]; // Track entities themselves for use with fired EH _entitiesToDraw pushBack _vehicle; // Add fired EH for drawing and icon highlighting if (GETVAR(_vehicle,GVAR(firedEH),-1) == -1) then { SETVAR(_vehicle,GVAR(firedEH),_vehicle addEventHandler [ARR_2("Fired",{_this call FUNC(handleFired)})]); }; }; nil // Speed loop } count ([] call FUNC(getTargetEntities)); GVAR(iconsToDraw) = _iconsToDraw; GVAR(entitiesToDraw) = _entitiesToDraw;