#include "..\script_component.hpp" /* * Author: commy2, johnb43, drofseh * Start reloading a launcher, reload started by the unit who has the missile. * * Arguments: * 0: Unit executing the reload <OBJECT> * 1: Unit equipped with the launcher <OBJECT> * 2: Launcher name <STRING> * 3: Missile name <STRING> * * Return Value: * None * * Example: * [player, cursorTarget, "launch_RPG32_F", "RPG32_F"] call ace_reloadlaunchers_fnc_load * * Public: No */ params ["_unit", "_target", "_weapon", "_magazine"]; TRACE_4("params",_unit,_target,_weapon,_magazine); private _config = configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapon >> QGVAR(buddyReloadTime); private _reloadTime = if (isNumber _config) then { getNumber _config } else { getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapon >> "magazineReloadTime") min 2.5 }; // Play animation [_unit] call EFUNC(common,goKneeling); // Notify unit that is being reloaded that reload has been started [QGVAR(reloadStarted), [_unit, _target], _target] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent; // Show progress bar private _onSuccess = { (_this select 0) params ["_unit", "_target", "_weapon", "_magazine"]; // Check if the unit has any of the same magazines and calculate max ammo private _maxAmmo = 0; { _maxAmmo = _maxAmmo max (_x select 1); } forEach (magazinesAmmo _unit select {(_x select 0) == _magazine}); // Check if the launcher can still be loaded; If possible, then try to remove magazine if !(_maxAmmo > 0 && {[_unit, _target, _weapon, _magazine] call FUNC(canLoad)} && {[_unit, _magazine, _maxAmmo] call EFUNC(common,removeSpecificMagazine)}) exitWith { // Notify unit that was being reloaded that reload has been stopped [QGVAR(reloadAborted), [_unit, _target], _target] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent; // Notify reloading unit about failure if (GVAR(displayStatusText)) then { [LSTRING(LauncherNotLoaded)] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured); }; }; // Reload target's launcher [QGVAR(reloadLauncher), [_unit, _target, _weapon, _magazine, _maxAmmo], _target] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent; // Notify reloading unit about success if (GVAR(displayStatusText)) then { [LSTRING(LauncherLoaded)] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured); }; }; private _onFailure = { (_this select 0) params ["_unit", "_target"]; // Notify unit that was being reloaded that reload has been stopped [QGVAR(reloadAborted), [_unit, _target], _target] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent; // Notify reloading unit about failure if (GVAR(displayStatusText)) then { [LSTRING(LauncherNotLoaded)] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured); }; }; private _condition = { (_this select 0) params ["_unit", "_target"]; (_this select 0) call FUNC(canLoad) && {_unit distance _target < 4} }; [_reloadTime, [_unit, _target, _weapon, _magazine], _onSuccess, _onFailure, LLSTRING(LoadingLauncher), _condition, ["isNotInside", "isNotSwimming"]] call EFUNC(common,progressBar);