@echo off rem THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF rem ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO rem THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A rem PARTICULAR PURPOSE. rem rem Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. setlocal set error=0 if %1.==xbox. goto continuexbox if %1.==. goto continue echo usage: CompileShaders [xbox] exit /b :continuexbox if not exist "%DurangoXDK%xdk\FXC\amd64\FXC.exe" goto needxdk :continue call :CompileShader%1 AlphaTestEffect vs VSAlphaTest call :CompileShader%1 AlphaTestEffect vs VSAlphaTestNoFog call :CompileShader%1 AlphaTestEffect vs VSAlphaTestVc call :CompileShader%1 AlphaTestEffect vs VSAlphaTestVcNoFog call :CompileShader%1 AlphaTestEffect ps PSAlphaTestLtGt call :CompileShader%1 AlphaTestEffect ps PSAlphaTestLtGtNoFog call :CompileShader%1 AlphaTestEffect ps PSAlphaTestEqNe call :CompileShader%1 AlphaTestEffect ps PSAlphaTestEqNeNoFog call :CompileShader%1 BasicEffect vs VSBasic call :CompileShader%1 BasicEffect vs VSBasicNoFog call :CompileShader%1 BasicEffect vs VSBasicVc call :CompileShader%1 BasicEffect vs VSBasicVcNoFog call :CompileShader%1 BasicEffect vs VSBasicTx call :CompileShader%1 BasicEffect vs VSBasicTxNoFog call :CompileShader%1 BasicEffect vs VSBasicTxVc call :CompileShader%1 BasicEffect vs VSBasicTxVcNoFog call :CompileShader%1 BasicEffect vs VSBasicVertexLighting call :CompileShader%1 BasicEffect vs VSBasicVertexLightingVc call :CompileShader%1 BasicEffect vs VSBasicVertexLightingTx call :CompileShader%1 BasicEffect vs VSBasicVertexLightingTxVc call :CompileShader%1 BasicEffect vs VSBasicOneLight call :CompileShader%1 BasicEffect vs VSBasicOneLightVc call :CompileShader%1 BasicEffect vs VSBasicOneLightTx call :CompileShader%1 BasicEffect vs VSBasicOneLightTxVc call :CompileShader%1 BasicEffect vs VSBasicPixelLighting call :CompileShader%1 BasicEffect vs VSBasicPixelLightingVc call :CompileShader%1 BasicEffect vs VSBasicPixelLightingTx call :CompileShader%1 BasicEffect vs VSBasicPixelLightingTxVc call :CompileShader%1 BasicEffect ps PSBasic call :CompileShader%1 BasicEffect ps PSBasicNoFog call :CompileShader%1 BasicEffect ps PSBasicTx call :CompileShader%1 BasicEffect ps PSBasicTxNoFog call :CompileShader%1 BasicEffect ps PSBasicVertexLighting call :CompileShader%1 BasicEffect ps PSBasicVertexLightingNoFog call :CompileShader%1 BasicEffect ps PSBasicVertexLightingTx call :CompileShader%1 BasicEffect ps PSBasicVertexLightingTxNoFog call :CompileShader%1 BasicEffect ps PSBasicPixelLighting call :CompileShader%1 BasicEffect ps PSBasicPixelLightingTx call :CompileShader%1 DualTextureEffect vs VSDualTexture call :CompileShader%1 DualTextureEffect vs VSDualTextureNoFog call :CompileShader%1 DualTextureEffect vs VSDualTextureVc call :CompileShader%1 DualTextureEffect vs VSDualTextureVcNoFog call :CompileShader%1 DualTextureEffect ps PSDualTexture call :CompileShader%1 DualTextureEffect ps PSDualTextureNoFog call :CompileShader%1 EnvironmentMapEffect vs VSEnvMap call :CompileShader%1 EnvironmentMapEffect vs VSEnvMapFresnel call :CompileShader%1 EnvironmentMapEffect vs VSEnvMapOneLight call :CompileShader%1 EnvironmentMapEffect vs VSEnvMapOneLightFresnel call :CompileShader%1 EnvironmentMapEffect ps PSEnvMap call :CompileShader%1 EnvironmentMapEffect ps PSEnvMapNoFog call :CompileShader%1 EnvironmentMapEffect ps PSEnvMapSpecular call :CompileShader%1 EnvironmentMapEffect ps PSEnvMapSpecularNoFog call :CompileShader%1 SkinnedEffect vs VSSkinnedVertexLightingOneBone call :CompileShader%1 SkinnedEffect vs VSSkinnedVertexLightingTwoBones call :CompileShader%1 SkinnedEffect vs VSSkinnedVertexLightingFourBones call :CompileShader%1 SkinnedEffect vs VSSkinnedOneLightOneBone call :CompileShader%1 SkinnedEffect vs VSSkinnedOneLightTwoBones call :CompileShader%1 SkinnedEffect vs VSSkinnedOneLightFourBones call :CompileShader%1 SkinnedEffect vs VSSkinnedPixelLightingOneBone call :CompileShader%1 SkinnedEffect vs VSSkinnedPixelLightingTwoBones call :CompileShader%1 SkinnedEffect vs VSSkinnedPixelLightingFourBones call :CompileShader%1 SkinnedEffect ps PSSkinnedVertexLighting call :CompileShader%1 SkinnedEffect ps PSSkinnedVertexLightingNoFog call :CompileShader%1 SkinnedEffect ps PSSkinnedPixelLighting call :CompileShader%1 SpriteEffect vs SpriteVertexShader call :CompileShader%1 SpriteEffect ps SpritePixelShader call :CompileShader%1 DGSLEffect vs main call :CompileShader%1 DGSLEffect vs mainVc call :CompileShader%1 DGSLEffect vs main1Bones call :CompileShader%1 DGSLEffect vs main1BonesVc call :CompileShader%1 DGSLEffect vs main2Bones call :CompileShader%1 DGSLEffect vs main2BonesVc call :CompileShader%1 DGSLEffect vs main4Bones call :CompileShader%1 DGSLEffect vs main4BonesVc call :CompileShaderHLSL%1 DGSLUnlit ps main call :CompileShaderHLSL%1 DGSLLambert ps main call :CompileShaderHLSL%1 DGSLPhong ps main call :CompileShaderHLSL%1 DGSLUnlit ps mainTk call :CompileShaderHLSL%1 DGSLLambert ps mainTk call :CompileShaderHLSL%1 DGSLPhong ps mainTk call :CompileShaderHLSL%1 DGSLUnlit ps mainTx call :CompileShaderHLSL%1 DGSLLambert ps mainTx call :CompileShaderHLSL%1 DGSLPhong ps mainTx call :CompileShaderHLSL%1 DGSLUnlit ps mainTxTk call :CompileShaderHLSL%1 DGSLLambert ps mainTxTk call :CompileShaderHLSL%1 DGSLPhong ps mainTxTk echo. if %error% == 0 ( echo Shaders compiled ok ) else ( echo There were shader compilation errors! ) endlocal exit /b :CompileShader set fxc=fxc /nologo %1.fx /T%2_4_0_level_9_1 /Zpc /Qstrip_reflect /Qstrip_debug /E%3 /FhCompiled\%1_%3.inc /Vn%1_%3 echo. echo %fxc% %fxc% || set error=1 exit /b :CompileShaderHLSL set fxc=fxc /nologo %1.hlsl /T%2_4_0_level_9_1 /Zpc /Qstrip_reflect /Qstrip_debug /E%3 /FhCompiled\%1_%3.inc /Vn%1_%3 echo. echo %fxc% %fxc% || set error=1 exit /b :CompileShaderxbox set fxc="%DurangoXDK%\xdk\FXC\amd64\FXC.exe" /nologo %1.fx /T%2_5_0 /Zpc /Qstrip_reflect /Qstrip_debug /D__XBOX_DISABLE_SHADER_NAME_EMPLACEMENT /E%3 /FhCompiled\XboxOne%1_%3.inc /Vn%1_%3 echo. echo %fxc% %fxc% || set error=1 exit /b :CompileShaderHLSLxbox set fxc="%DurangoXDK%\xdk\FXC\amd64\FXC.exe" /nologo %1.hlsl /T%2_5_0 /Zpc /Qstrip_reflect /Qstrip_debug /D__XBOX_DISABLE_SHADER_NAME_EMPLACEMENT /E%3 /FhCompiled\XboxOne%1_%3.inc /Vn%1_%3 echo. echo %fxc% %fxc% || set error=1 exit /b :needxdk echo ERROR: CompileShaders xbox requires the Microsoft Xbox One XDK