/* * Author: voiper * Draw nearby lighting and sexy flashlight beams on main map. * * Arguments: * 0: Map control * 1: Map zoom level * 2: Current map centre * 3: Light level from ace_map_fnc_determineMapLight * * Return Value: * None * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" private ["_hmd", "_flashlight", "_screenSize", "_realViewPortY", "_realViewPortX", "_fillTex", "_colourAlpha", "_shadeAlpha", "_colourList", "_maxColour"]; params ["_mapCtrl", "_mapScale", "_mapCentre", "_lightLevel"]; _hmd = hmd ACE_player; _flashlight = GVAR(flashlightInUse); //map width (on screen) in pixels _screenSize = 640 * safeZoneWAbs; //resolution params (every frame in case resolution change) getResolution params ["_resX", "_resY", "_viewPortX", "_viewPortY", "", "_uiScale"]; //engine rounds the viewport ratios, when they should be fractions; this can cause problems _realViewPortY = _resY * _uiScale; _realViewPortX = _realViewPortY * 4/3; //textures _fillTex = "#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,1)"; //colour/alpha _lightLevel params ["_r", "_g", "_b", "_a"]; _colourAlpha = (_r + _g + _b) min _a; _shadeAlpha = _a; _colourList = [_r, _g, _b]; _colourList sort false; _maxColour = _colourList select 0; //ambient colour fill _mapCtrl drawIcon [format["#(rgb,8,8,3)color(%1,%2,%3,1)", _r / _maxColour, _g / _maxColour, _b / _maxColour], [1,1,1,_colourAlpha], _mapCentre, _screenSize, _screenSize, 0, "", 0]; if (_flashlight == "") then { //ambient shade fill _mapCtrl drawIcon [_fillTex, [1,1,1,_shadeAlpha], _mapCentre, _screenSize, _screenSize, 0, "", 0]; } else { private ["_mousePos", "_cfg", "_size", "_flashTex", "_beamSize", "_viewPortRatioFixY", "_offsetX", "_offsetYDown", "_offsetYUp"]; //mouse pos _mousePos = GVAR(mousePos); //flashlight settings _cfg = (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _flashlight >> "ItemInfo" >> "FlashLight"); _size = getNumber (_cfg >> "ACE_Flashlight_Size"); _flashTex = getText (_cfg >> "ACE_Flashlight_Beam"); _beamSize = (safeZoneW/safeZoneWAbs) * _screenSize / _size; //after 5x zoom, it's simulated to be fixed (it actually gets bigger relative to zoom) if (_mapScale < 0.2) then {_beamSize = _beamSize / (_mapScale * (1 / 0.2))}; //assign corrective ratio to fix sub-pixel gaps/overlaps (symptom of viewport * X/Y resolution rounding) _viewPortRatioFixY = if (_realViewPortY != _viewPortY) then { _realViewPortX / (_realViewPortY / _viewPortY * _viewPortX) } else { if (_realViewPortX != _viewPortX) then { _realViewPortX / _viewPortX } else { 1 }; }; //offset the elements _offsetX = _mapScale * GVAR(worldSize) * (_screenSize * 2 + _beamSize); _offsetYDown = _mapScale * GVAR(worldSize) * (_screenSize + _beamSize) * _viewPortRatioFixY; //up is bigger because of a potential exploit _offsetYUp = _mapScale * GVAR(worldSize) * (_screenSize * 4 + _beamSize) * _viewPortRatioFixY; //draw the matrix /whoa _mapCtrl drawIcon [_flashTex, [1,1,1,_shadeAlpha], _mousePos, _beamSize, _beamSize, 0, "", 0]; //centre beam _mapCtrl drawIcon [_fillTex, [1,1,1,_shadeAlpha], [(_mousePos select 0) - _offsetX, (_mousePos select 1)], _screenSize * 2, _beamSize, 0, "", 0]; //left _mapCtrl drawIcon [_fillTex, [1,1,1,_shadeAlpha], [(_mousePos select 0) + _offsetX, (_mousePos select 1)], _screenSize * 2, _beamSize, 0, "", 0]; //right _mapCtrl drawIcon [_fillTex, [1,1,1,_shadeAlpha], [(_mousePos select 0), (_mousePos select 1) - _offsetYDown], _screenSize * 4, _screenSize, 0, "", 0]; //down _mapCtrl drawIcon [_fillTex, [1,1,1,_shadeAlpha], [(_mousePos select 0), (_mousePos select 1) + _offsetYUp], _screenSize * 4, _screenSize * 4, 0, "", 0]; //up };