/* * Author: Ruthberg * Selects a new gun profile and updates the gun column and the result input/output fields * * Arguments: * gunID * update solution * * Return Value: * Nothing * * Example: * call ace_atragmx_change_gun * * Public: No */ #include "script_component.hpp" private ["_gunID", "_updateSolution"]; _gunID = _this select 0; _updateSolution = _this select 1; if (_gunID < 0 || _gunID > (count GVAR(gunList)) - 1) exitWith {}; GVAR(workingMemory) = +(GVAR(gunList) select _gunID); GVAR(currentGun) = _gunID; lbSetCurSel [6000, GVAR(currentGun)]; if ((GVAR(scopeUnits) select GVAR(currentScopeUnit)) != "Clicks") then { GVAR(currentScopeUnit) = GVAR(workingMemory) select 6; }; [] call FUNC(update_gun); [] call FUNC(update_gun_ammo_data); GVAR(elevationOutput) set [GVAR(currentTarget), 0]; GVAR(windageOutput) set [GVAR(currentTarget), 0]; GVAR(leadOutput) set [GVAR(currentTarget), 0]; GVAR(tofOutput) set [GVAR(currentTarget), 0]; GVAR(velocityOutput) set [GVAR(currentTarget), 0]; if (_updateSolution) then { [] call FUNC(calculate_target_solution); };