#include "script_component.hpp" /* * Author: alganthe * Garrison function used to garrison AI inside buildings. * * Arguments: * 0: The building(s) nearest this position are used * 1: Limit the building search to those type of building * 2: Units that will be garrisoned * 3: Radius to fill building(s) (default: 50) * 4: 0: even filling, 1: building by building, 2: random filling (default: 0) * 5: True to fill building(s) from top to bottom (default: false) (note: only works with filling mode 0 and 1) * 6: Teleport units (default: false) * Return Value: * Units not garrisoned * * Example: * [position, nil, [unit1, unit2, unit3, unitN], 200, 1, false, false] call ace_ai_fnc_garrison * * Public: Yes */ params [["_startingPos",[0,0,0], [[]], 3], ["_buildingTypes", ["Building"], [[]]], ["_unitsArray", [], [[]]], ["_fillingRadius", 50, [0]], ["_fillingType", 0, [0]], ["_topDownFilling", false, [true]], ["_teleport", false, [true]]]; TRACE_6("fnc_garrison: Start",_startingPos,_buldingTypes,count _unitsArray,_fillingRadius,_fillingTYpe,_topDownFilling); _unitsArray = _unitsArray select {alive _x && {!isPlayer _x}}; if (_startingPos isEqualTo [0,0,0]) exitWith { TRACE_1("fnc_garrison: StartingPos error",_startingPos); [LSTRING(GarrisonInvalidPosition)] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured); }; if (count _unitsArray == 0 || {isNull (_unitsArray select 0)}) exitWith { TRACE_1("fnc_garrison: Units error",_unitsArray); [LSTRING(GarrisonNoUnits)] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured); }; private _buildings = nearestObjects [_startingPos, _buildingTypes, ([_fillingRadius, 50] select (_fillingRadius < 50))]; if (_fillingRadius >= 50) then { _buildings = [_buildings] call CBA_fnc_shuffle; }; if (count _buildings == 0) exitWith { TRACE_1("fnc_garrison: Building error",_buildings); [LSTRING(GarrisonNoBuilding)] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured); }; private _buildingsIndex = []; if (_topDownFilling) then { { private _buildingPos = _x buildingPos -1; // Those reverse are necessary, as dumb as it is there's no better way to sort those subarrays in sqf { reverse _x; } foreach _buildingPos; _buildingPos sort false; { reverse _x; } foreach _buildingPos; _buildingsIndex pushBack _buildingPos; } foreach _buildings; } else { { _buildingsIndex pushBack (_x buildingPos -1); } foreach _buildings; }; // Remove buildings without positions { _buildingsIndex deleteAt (_buildingsIndex find _x); } foreach (_buildingsIndex select {count _x == 0}); //Remove positions units are already pathing to _buildingsIndex = _buildingsIndex apply { _x select { private _testedPos = _x; ({(_x select 1) isEqualTo _testedPos} count (missionNameSpace getVariable [QGVAR(garrison_unitMoveList), []])) == 0 } }; // Warn the user that there's not enough positions to place all units private _count = 0; {_count = _count + count _x} foreach _buildingsIndex; if ( (count _unitsArray) - _count > 0) then { TRACE_4("fnc_garrison: Not enough spots to place all units",_unitsArray,count _unitsArray,_count,((count _unitsArray) - _count > 0)); [LSTRING(GarrisonNotEnoughPos)] call EFUNC(common,displayTextStructured); }; private _placedUnits = []; private _unitMoveList = []; // Force all units to un-garrison [QGVAR(unGarrison), [_unitsArray], _unitsArray] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent; private _fnc_comparePos = { params ["_nearestUnits", "_pos"]; ({ if (surfaceIsWater getPos _x) then { floor ((getPosASL _x) select 2) == floor ((AGLtoASL _pos) select 2) } else { floor ((getPosATL _x) select 2) == floor (_pos select 2) }; } count _nearestUnits) > 0 }; // Do the placement switch (_fillingType) do { // Even filling case 0: { while {count _unitsArray > 0} do { if (count _buildingsIndex == 0) exitWith {}; private _building = _buildingsIndex select 0; if (_building isEqualTo []) then { LOG(format [ARR_2("fnc_garrison: Empty building array | removing building from buildingsIndex | %1 buildings remaining",count _buildingsIndex)]); _buildingsIndex deleteAt 0; } else { private _pos = _building select 0; private _nearestUnits = (_pos nearEntities ["CAManBase", 2]); LOG(format [ARR_3("fnc_garrison: Unit detection | %1 units nearby | %2 units within height",count _nearestUnits, {floor ((getPos _x) select 2) == floor (_pos select 2)} count _nearestUnits)]); if (count _nearestUnits > 0 && {[_nearestUnits, _pos] call _fnc_comparePos}) then { LOG(format [ARR_2("fnc_garrison: Unit present | removing position | %1 positions remaining for this building",count (_buildingsIndex select (_buildingsIndex find _building)) - 1)]); _buildingsIndex set [0, _building - [_pos]]; } else { private _unit = _unitsArray select 0; private _posSurface = surfaceIsWater _pos; if (_teleport) then { doStop _unit; if (_posSurface) then { _unit setPosASL (AGLtoASL _pos); } else { _unit setPosATL _pos; }; } else { _unitMoveList pushBack [_unit,[_pos, AGLToASL _pos] select (_posSurface)]; }; _placedUnits pushBack _unit; _unitsArray deleteAt (_unitsArray find _unit); _building deleteAt 0; _buildingsIndex deleteAt 0; _buildingsIndex pushBackUnique _building; _unit setVariable [QGVAR(garrisonned), true, true]; }; }; }; }; // Building by building case 1: { while {count _unitsArray > 0} do { if (count _buildingsIndex == 0) exitWith {}; private _building = _buildingsIndex select 0; if (_building isEqualTo []) then { LOG(format [ARR_2("fnc_garrison: empty building array | removing building from buildingsIndex | %1 buildings remaining",count _buildingsIndex)]); _buildingsIndex deleteAt 0; } else { private _pos = _building select 0; private _nearestUnits = (_pos nearEntities ["CAManBase", 2]); LOG(format [ARR_3("fnc_garrison: Unit detection | %1 units nearby | %2 units within height",count _nearestUnits, {floor ((getPos _x) select 2) == floor (_pos select 2)} count _nearestUnits)]); if (count _nearestUnits > 0 && {[_nearestUnits, _pos] call _fnc_comparePos}) then { LOG(format [ARR_2("fnc_garrison: Unit present | removing position | %1 positions remaining for this building",count (_buildingsIndex select (_buildingsIndex find _building)) - 1)]); _buildingsIndex set [0, _building - [_pos]]; } else { private _unit = _unitsArray select 0; private _posSurface = surfaceIsWater _pos; if (_teleport) then { doStop _unit; if (_posSurface) then { _unit setPosASL (AGLtoASL _pos); } else { _unit setPosATL _pos; }; } else { _unitMoveList pushBack [_unit,[_pos, AGLToASL _pos] select (_posSurface)]; }; _placedUnits pushBack _unit; _unitsArray deleteAt (_unitsArray find _unit); _buildingsIndex set [0, _building - [_pos]]; _unit setVariable [QGVAR(garrisonned), true, true]; }; }; }; }; // Random case 2: { while {count _unitsArray > 0} do { if (count _buildingsIndex == 0) exitWith {}; private _building = selectRandom _buildingsIndex; if (_building isEqualTo []) then { LOG(format [ARR_2("fnc_garrison: empty building array | removing building from buildingsIndex | %1 buildings remaining",count _buildingsIndex)]); _buildingsIndex deleteAt (_buildingsIndex find _building); } else { private _pos = selectRandom _building; private _nearestUnits = (_pos nearEntities ["CAManBase", 2]); LOG(format [ARR_3("fnc_garrison: Unit detection | %1 units nearby | %2 units within height",count _nearestUnits, {floor ((getPos _x) select 2) == floor (_pos select 2)} count _nearestUnits)]); if (count _nearestUnits > 0 && {[_nearestUnits, _pos] call _fnc_comparePos}) then { LOG(format [ARR_2("fnc_garrison: Unit present | removing position | %1 positions remaining for this building",count (_buildingsIndex select (_buildingsIndex find _building)) - 1)]); _buildingsIndex set [(_buildingsIndex find _building), _building - [_pos]]; } else { private _unit = _unitsArray select 0; private _posSurface = surfaceIsWater _pos; if (_teleport) then { doStop _unit; if (_posSurface) then { _unit setPosASL (AGLtoASL _pos); } else { _unit setPosATL _pos; }; } else { _unitMoveList pushBack [_unit,[_pos, AGLToASL _pos] select (_posSurface)]; }; _placedUnits pushBack _unit; _unitsArray deleteAt (_unitsArray find _unit); _buildingsIndex set [(_buildingsIndex find _building), _building - [_pos]]; _unit setVariable [QGVAR(garrisonned), true, true]; }; }; }; }; }; TRACE_1(format [ARR_2("fnc_garrison: while loop ended | %1 units ready to be treated by PFH",count _unitMoveList)], _teleport); // Update the unit list and remove duplicate positions and units private _garrison_unitMoveList = missionNameSpace getVariable [QGVAR(garrison_unitMoveList), []]; _garrison_unitMoveList = _garrison_unitMoveList select { _x params ["_testedUnit", "_testedPos"]; ({(_x select 0) isEqualTo _testedUnit} count _unitMoveList == 0) }; _garrison_unitMoveList append _unitMoveList; missionNameSpace setVariable [QGVAR(garrison_unitMoveList), _garrison_unitMoveList, true]; if (_teleport) then { [QGVAR(AISection), [_placedUnits, ["PATH"], false], _placedUnits] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent; } else { [_unitMoveList] call FUNC(garrisonMove); }; TRACE_1(format [ARR_3("fnc_garrison: End | %1 units left | %2 buildings left", count _unitsArray, count _buildingsIndex)], _unitsArray); _unitsArray