/** * fn_assignMedicalVehicle.sqf * @Descr: N/A * @Author: Glowbal * * @Arguments: [] * @Return: * @PublicAPI: false */ #include "script_component.hpp" private ["_logic","_setting", "_list", "_parsedList", "_splittedList","_nilCheckPassedList", "_objects"]; _logic = [_this,0,objNull,[objNull]] call BIS_fnc_param; [format["AssignMedicalRoles called. Arguments are: %1 %2", _this]] call EFUNC(common,debug); if (!isNull _logic) then { _list = _logic getvariable ["EnableList",""]; _setting = _logic getvariable ["enabled",0]; _splittedList = [_list, ","] call BIS_fnc_splitString; _nilCheckPassedList = ""; { _x = [_x] call EFUNC(common,string_removeWhiteSpace); if !(isnil _x) then { if (_nilCheckPassedList == "") then { _nilCheckPassedList = _x; } else { _nilCheckPassedList = _nilCheckPassedList + ","+ _x; }; }; }foreach _splittedList; _list = "[" + _nilCheckPassedList + "]"; _parsedList = [] call compile _list; _objects = synchronizedObjects _logic; { // assign the medical vehicle role for non man type objects that are local only. if !(_x isKindOf "CAManBase") then { if (local _x) then { _x setvariable [QGVAR(isMedicalVehicle), _setting, true]; }; }; }foreach _objects; { if (!isnil "_x") then { if (typeName _x == typeName objNull) then { // assign the medical vehicle role for non man type objects that are local only. if !(_x isKindOf "CAManBase") then { if (local _x) then { _x setvariable [QGVAR(isMedicalVehicle), _setting, true]; }; }; }; }; }foreach _parsedList; }; true